Fast Food Workers Go On Strike For Higher Pay From The Business Men

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by liberalminority, May 10, 2013.

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  1. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    But doing so will then dig into the pockets of every consumer who buys food at McDonalds - effectively reducing the value of their income to pay these workers more. Additionally, even a small increase in the price of food at places like this drives away customers and reduces sales - either requiring additionally increases to cover costs, or driving the company to cut workers - reducing the number of jobs. In that situation, the workers effectively get their increased wages by taking away some of the wages of their co-workers.
  2. Rexxon

    Rexxon Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    So, are we boned then?

    We can't raise wages because doing so causes business will just pass the price onto the consumer, resulting in no change.

    We can't leave wages the way they are because as the cost of living continually goes up and the wages do not, the things you can buy with your wages goes down.

    We can't lower wages because big businesses will NOT lower prices enough to match, they will simply pocket the extra money as more profit. And I don't see the average American citizen agreeing to work for table scraps.

    So, from what I have seen, we are pretty much screwed. And personally, if I am going down, I will do everything in my power to take as many people I disagree with me as I can.

    So, why aren't we trying to find a solution that works for all of us, or at least as many of us as we can?
  3. potter

    potter New Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Because we are no longer "in this together"

    It's every man for himself and kill or be killed.

    I thought about this last weekend when there were folks out in the street hawking for money to cure. We have all these diseases common to mankind. Instead of using our governmental resources to cure these diseases, we make people scrape and scrap and beg for money for research. Instead of the government working to better mankind, all it can seem to do is enrich the MIC and build weapons of mass destruction.

    Curing is for charity...until a cure is developed. At which time it's instantly claimed and patented by mego-corporation so no one can use it without paying dearly.

    All I'm saying dear reader is that the priorities of the USA are f&%cked
  4. SerenityJH77

    SerenityJH77 New Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    What a strange twisted viewpoint. But you are entitled to it. I personally don't think of my education as a sacrifice at all. More of an investment that is now paying off. And I certainly am NOT looking for any sympathy. I made a choice to invest my time in higher learning so I could ultimately be a productive useful part of society, and my return on that investment is a good paying job where I get the chance to help other people and do good for this world..Not merely just exist and expect others to provide for my needs because I refuse to put forth any effort to better myself. And as for your amusing analysis of my personal talent...I was taught it wasn't polite to brag about yourself. But your silly little personal attack doesn't really cause me any grief at all because my 100k academic scholarship and stack of recruitment letters gives me a pretty good idea that I am pretty damn good at what I do. And if you think there is no self respect that comes from having EARNED the education and knowledge that allows me to be able to help my fellow man, and even in some cases to be the difference between life and must never have done anything to help anyone besides yourself. Which would explain why you would try to demand respect and benefits you never earned.
  5. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    I noticed how those on the right seem to have nothing but their "canned" propaganda and rhetoric to contribute to our discussions.

    Would we be worse off if our elected representatives did not distinguish between full time and part time for benefits purposes?
  6. SerenityJH77

    SerenityJH77 New Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    And the precisely same argument applies to the left. The only real reason comes from those in the middle who are not beholden to partisan ideas and instead think through issues and base their beliefs on fact and not political rhetoric. Extremism in any form is generally detrimental.
  7. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Has the Left ever considered that there are some jobs not meant to pay a living wage? That they were meant for kids getting out of high school, or a part time job for college kids, or a second job to help the family's income. If fast food restaurants paid a living wage, plus health care and benefits, do you realize what a hamburger, coke and fries would cost? There are a lot of poor out there that depend on these fast food restaurants to make their food dollar stretch.

    Many of you complaining of the pay of these jobs, are also all for allowing millions of illegals, citizenship so that they can now take many of those jobs away from you. Don't you think ahead?
  8. Rexxon

    Rexxon Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    And just whom do you think determines what those jobs are 'meant' to pay? And is it not possible that what those jobs are 'meant' to pay change over time, as the thoughts of the people change?

    And I am very anti illegal-immigration. I want all of those illegals gone. I also, however, want a living wage paid to ANYONE that is working ANY job 40 hours a week. I want that wage to be at least enough to cover the BARE MINIMUM that we, as a people, decide should cover, which I hope would at the very least, be food/shelter/clothing/healthcare/and gas/electricity.
  9. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Actually, that's just inflation.
  10. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Then when you start up a business, you can pay everyone $50k a year.

    Also, who gets to decide what a "living" wage is? It's up the person living the life, not anyone else. If they don't feel they can live on wages someone is offering for a job, then they shouldn't accept that job. If they don't have skills that earn them the living they feel "entitled" too, then they're rightly (*)(*)(*)(*)ed and you should post your address so they can go work for you.

    It's all wonderful wanting everyone to work in the Emerald City, where all the walls are covered in money, but it's never once happened in history, and its not going to happen in the lifetime of anyone you know, either.

    Illegal ALIENS ("immigrants" are invited in, don't use words incorrectly) take jobs and depress wages of lawful residents. Enough of the leftist fascist crap that there are "jobs Americans won't do". Kick the alien invaders out, and see how much employers will pay to get those jobs done then. Turn off the welfare tit, see how many people "won't do that" then.

    Restore sanity to the political sphere, tar and feather the RAT fascists and the RINOs, then see how quickly things start to improve.
  11. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Heck no. Nothing as sensible as that could ever penetrate the impenetrable skull of the tyrannosaurus liberalis.

    The RATS were all supportive of the fully grown adults on strike from Ralph's and Albertson's in California a few years back, never wondering why it is that their kids can't find jobs when in high-school when the answer was right in front of them.....grown adults making $25 bucks an hour doing jobs high-school students would gladly do for minimum wage.
  12. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Would we be worse off if our elected representatives did not distinguish between full time and part time for benefits purposes?
  13. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    I thought it had more to do with a natural rate of unemployment, and that form of inefficiency, under Capitalism.
  14. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Everytime someone who refuses to earn an honest living and becomes a politician decides to regulate something, we're worse off.
  15. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    I noticed you didn't answer my statement as to what a person would have to pay for a hamburger, fries and coke if the fast food restaurants paid what you guys are asking them to pay? Why would I go to McDonalds and pay them $10.00 -$12.00 for that when I could go to a regular restaurant and get a regular meal for that?

    Many people think of what they want to do in life and work to that end. Others throw away the chance of having a decent job and screw around and then thinks the world owes them a living. Well they don't. You can't expect to get good wages when you quit school, get on drugs and alcohol, have a bad work record, get in trouble with the law or are just plain lazy. You can't expect to work for a company that sells fast food at a cheap price to pay you $15.00 and hour and provide you with health care and Holidays. He doesn't make that kind of money and he can only raise his prices so much for the kind of market he's in. That really shouldn't be that hard to understand.
  16. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    a minimum wage employee ALREADY makes the bare minimum... . problem is, when they choose to spend money on cigerrettes, fancy $500 cell phones, $150 shoes.

    Then they complain "oh, I don't make enough to pay rent"

    yes you do, you just choose to divert bill money to luxury items. The problem is, the poor are envious of the well to do. They see others with iphones, and they think they are entitled to iphones.

    But since foodstamps and section 8 housing doesn't pay for iphones, people choose to divert money from groceries and rent for those frivolous items, then expect the taxpayer to pick up the balance on their rent and food they should have been buying with their NIKE money.

    I had a facebook conversation with a former student today who's 19 and in college. Her status said
    "uuuggg, 3 summer courses, and 2 jobs... AM I CRAZY #burned out"

    I tried to encourage her and told her, stay the course. I told her bust her hump between 18-24 so you can enjoy your 30's and 40's when she can afford it, because there are plenty of kids her age who are mortgaging their 30's and 40's so they can have fun now.

    This girl refuses to be the 40 y.o. demanding she get a higher wage for flipping burgers. But there are many of her classmates that will be demanding just that because they are more worried about the here and now.

    But what's the point.... if some bleeding heart is just going to make her pay for others who chose to (*)(*)(*)(*) away their opportunities unlike her.
  17. Rexxon

    Rexxon Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    I don't know how much more the cost of those items would be. I am pretty sure it wouldn't be too drastically different than what it is now.

    And unless we are willing to let those poor people die in the street or take their vote away (and hint, based on what I have seen, a vast majority ARE NOT), then it is only a matter of time before things get bad enough for them to become more 'proactive'. And there is no guarantee they will be proactive in the way YOU want.

    I don't believe a vast majority of people that get help from the government are leeches and parasites. If you feel they are, then you should try to gather as many people that think like you together and start TREATING THEM LIKE WHAT YOU THINK THEY ARE, before it's too late and they 'kill' you.

    For crying out loud, we are human beings, not wild animals.
  18. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    You can't expect to get paid more than you and what the job is worth. It's that simple. If I own a Dollar Store, do you think I can afford to pay my help $15.00 an hour and give them health care? Sure I can raise my prices to three to four dollars, but now I'm selling my product higher than the big grocery stores. Who is going to buy my products then? Some jobs are not meant to pay a living wage. If you want that kind of job, stay in school, go to college, learn a skill trade, etc. Don't screw up your life and then think everyone owes you a living.
  19. Rexxon

    Rexxon Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    I don't suppose you could cite a article or something from an unbiased source SHOWING that it is possible to buy the basic things needed in life, including health insurance, and survive on minimum wage?

    And, just for sake of argument, let's go and say you are correct. Those people still have the SAME ability to vote that you do. So, assuming that they will not 'bootstrap' up and improve their lot in life in the manner that YOU want, what would you propose to do about them? And why do you think people keep putting it off, which is only making the situation worse for everyone?

    I am so tired of people like you, that berate people that work hard, but still barely pull through. If we are really parasites, then start treating us like it. Don't go around just complaining and doing nothing, because that only makes the situation worse for you.

    I guarantee you, although I am very happy to work 40 hours a week to live, if I ever get to the point to where I lose my job and cannot get a new one, not only will I milk that unemployment as long as I need to until I can get a new job, but I will also start voting for ANY politician that can make my life easier, and I won't care if they have to do it by taking from people that have it so much better that they will barely even feel the extra taxes.

    I just want to work my 40 hours a week and live my middle class lifestyle. But if someone is going to try to take it away from me, by outsourcing my jobs, by hiring illegal immigrants, by removing the laws that allow me to be paid a decent wage and to protect the environment I live in, well, I won't let them get away with that. I would rather die and take the whole world with me then live in a third world country like situation devoid of any chance or hope for a better future.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And as long as I, as the employee, have an equal say as to what the job is worth, I don't have a problem with that.

    But when the market and the employer collude to cut away my negotiation power and try to pay me with table scraps, I won't allow that to happen.
  20. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    If that's the case, then why aren't those jobs restricted only to kids getting out of high school/part time job for college kids or second job to help the family's income provided they can submit proof that they already have a full time job?

    How much do you think the cost of a hamburger would actually go up? or a cup of soda or fries? .50 cents more? if that? While I don't eat junk food, if I did, I'd be willing to pay more.
  21. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    No I don't think everyone getting help from the government are leeches and parasites. Many lost their job because of our sick economy and they need a helping hand. But there are plenty that are lazy and don't want to work. We have 20 million Americans that can't find a job or a full time job.But you guys that want me to feel sorry for all these people not working or making a decent wage, have no qualms of allowing our government to allow 12 million illegals to become citizens and go up against those same people you feel so sorry for.Don't you think that many of them will take the jobs that 20 million Americans are wanting? If we don't have enough jobs now, why would we want to reward those that came here illegally and have them go up against Americans that are wanting jobs? How much sense does that make?
  22. Rexxon

    Rexxon Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    Again, I want excessively harsh punishments to illegal immigrants and employers that hire them. I want our borders sealed tight as a drum. I don't want any illegals in our country to receive ANY help unless it is medically needed, and then I want that illegal deported post haste. Their children can either leave with them and return upon reaching 18, or they can stay in the USA and be adopted or put into foster care while their illegal parents are deported, imo.

    Would USA citizens take the jobs illegals do? Probably, if it was all they could get. A better question is would that employer be willing to pay the minimum wage and other taxes that legal citizens are required to be paid? Or would they try to circumvent the system again?
  23. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    No, when you go after a job, you know what it pays. You don't tell the employer what it should pay or what you want. At least not unless you have a skill that that employer really neds and he is willing to meet your demands. That isn't going to happen flipping hamburgers.

    When your flipping hambergers and there are 20 million Americans looking for a job, you have no negotiation power. He can get a million of you off the street.
  24. Rexxon

    Rexxon Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    Very true, I completely agree with your point there.

    However, regardless of what the market and employer decide, I still have to live. And I will be just as greedy as the market and employer are. I want to work my 40 hours a week and STILL get my solid American middle-class lifestyle, and one way or another, I will have it.

    So, considering the number of people that think like me are already a majority, and growing in number every day, why don't people seem to address us? Would they rather wait until we just start outright TAKING everything away?

    Compromise now and lose much less while still leaving the chance of more reconciliation later, or let the chips fall where they may and accept total defeat for one side or the other. Which would you prefer?
  25. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    You can have it, but you have to set your sights higher than working at Burger King or the Dollar Store. If your under 25, there is a government program called the Job Corps. They will teach you a trade and pay you a little bit of money each month to help you out. They will feed you, give you transportation money to and from the school. Give you the tools and cloths you need and give you about $1,100.00 after you graduate and help find you a job. They will even help you get a diploma or GED if you quit school. If your older than that, get inot a training school and learn a trade. The government will help you with that too. But if you want to make a decent living, you need a skill that people need and are willing to pay a living wage to get it. No one is just going to hand you a decent paying job, unless you know someone with an in.
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