OK we have established that you are not qualified to decide who is mentally stable. Tell me would you rather fly on an airliner piloted by someone declared mentally stable by someone qualified to decide or by a random bloke on the internet or the pilots father?
thank you for trying to be smug but it isn't working. Again I ask, do you need an expert to tell you that it is raining outside? It's pretty basic stuff when a person claims to be female but was born male, that they need mental help
I am qualified to tell if it raining, I am not qualified to tell if someone is mentally stable and nor are you we have established that. For instance I think someone who thinks I should give up all things Democrat when I live in the UK and do not follow american politics might be a bit mentally fixated with his own politics in his own country to the exclusion of the rest of the world. But I am not qualified to decide that!
How do you plan on addressing the neurological activity and functional structure variations that trans people often have seeing that all of your opinions are formed through simple observation. I love the comparisons between visible rain and the most complex part of the most advanced species on the planet like they are similar.
in layman's term, you are saying that they are "wired differently" Well, so are psychopaths, mass murderers etc, but we target their mental disorders, don't we?
There has been some studies that have shown very aggressive individuals have less gray matter and lower activity in their orbital cortex — the difference between those individuals and trans people are that one group is literally trying to kill others. Trans people are “wired” like the sex they are wanting to transition to meaning there is more going on than what is visible. Medication and therapy rarely works and these individuals eventually end up in prison or dead. So you are proposing we double down on failed practices instead of preforming a procedure that has shown to reduce the anguish these people feel? If we could preform a surgery on mass murderers to make them not kill others would you be opposed to it or would you be saying we need to try everything else before we do what has actually been shown to work?
Contempt of court for not complying with what was written in the Daily Wire Article ... I think you understand this, so why beat around the bush instead of discussing the real issue here?
In effect his is censoring criticism of government. It is wrong. If this was the USA, I would argue it is a direct violation of 1st amendment rights. There should be a very limited censor of information that pertains only to the daughter that does not relate to criticism of the court itself but even then I would argue that had the court not been involved, the father would have been able to discuss it publicly and the court is making a decision that has no supporting law to grant the court that kind of power.
You’d argue wrong. I am part of one of those agreements right now. Since it’s child welfare the kinds of speech a parent is allowed to say is more limited. I think that’s the theory anyways. The basic idea is that going public means the child is forced to have what is a private issue become a public issue and that’s detrimental to their welfare.
Mentally unstable can be defined as being UNWILLING and/or UNABLE to grasp the CONCEPT that NOT everything is black or white. DNA screws up all the time! Someone can be born with BOTH male and female genitals. Someone who plays god and DICTATES that infant is DEFINITELY a girl or a boy is DEFINITELY mentally unstable. Since the GENDER of the BRAIN is INVISIBLE to the naked eye ONLY the mentally unstable would make JUDGEMENTS based upon a LACK of knowledge and ERRONEOUSLY believe themselves to be INFALLIBLE.
If YOU ever attempted to use "common sense" regarding GENDER you would understand that this is NOT a BINARY issue. It DOES take an EXPERT to understand how to DIAGNOSE gender. But you can take COMFORT in knowing that YOU are not alone when it comes to a FAILURE to use common sense when it applies to GENDER issues.
Not sure why you're suggesting this father treats his wife as his property, but children are effectively the property of their parents until those children become legal adults and no parent should have to defer to medical professionals on how their children are raised. Do remember that there are medical professionals out there who believe [insert crazy pseudoscience you disagree with here] that you don't want telling you what's best for your kids either.
Actually kids are not the property of their parents and most countries including Canada have signed up to a UN agreement to that effect. What makes the UNCRC so special? The Convention has 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights. Every child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status. The Convention must be seen as a whole: all the rights are linked and no right is more important that another. The right to relax and play (Article 31) and the right to freedom of expression (Article 13) have equal importance as the right to be safe from violence (Article 19) and the right to education (Article 2. We are the only organisation working for children recognised by the Convention. The UNCRC is also the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world – it’s even been accepted by non-state entities, such as the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), a rebel movement in South Sudan. All UN member states except for the United States have ratified the Convention. The Convention came into force in the UK in 1992. https://www.unicef.org.uk/what-we-do/un-convention-child-rights/ I believe that a parent should have to defer when the decisions the parent makes are detrimental to the child, only of course in extreme cases and it is not deferring just to medical professions but the legal system of the country the child is in. In this case the father was directed not to name his child and discuss it with the media, I believe the child has a right to anonymity about what is a very personal matter. The father had the right to discuss it, with the media but not whilst identifying the child. The father was encouraged to discuss it with the medical team, he declined to do so. I understand that the US does not agree with this and has not signed the agreement, that is their right, but in Canada the law is different and that is their right to choose it.
what do the chromosomes show? Uh oh, didn't see that coming did you? It's a mental health issue and needs to be treated as such
Good question...and one that YOU have OBVIOUSLY never bothered to look into yourself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7415463/ The SRY gene is linked to Gender Identity and has been been found in Transgenders to correlate with the opposite sex to their assigned sex at birth. So once again your ASSUMPTIONS are WRONG because, UNLIKE you, I have already done the RESEARCH into this issue. But thanks for DIGGING your own hole on this topic. What is it like down there?
You just keep proving you are not qualified. The X and Y chromosomes are called “sex chromosomes” because they contribute to how a person’s sex develops. Most males have XY chromosomes and most women have XX chromosomes. But there are girls and women who have XY chromosomes. This can happen, for example, when a girl has androgen insensitivity syndrome. And there are boys and men who have XX chromosomes. This can happen, for example, when a gene on the Y chromosome ends up on an X chromosome, causing that X chromosome to function more like a Y. There are genes on chromosomes other than the X or Y that also contribute to sex development. Because of all this, the term “sex chromosomes” is really something of a misnomer. Just looking at whether a person has XX or XY (or some other variation) won’t tell you conclusively about that person’s sex development, and it certainly won’t tell you about that person’s gender identity. https://www.accordalliance.org/faqs...-you-a-man-does-lacking-one-make-you-a-woman/
That is an ASININE statement that you CANNOT substantiate. DNA testing has ESTABLISHED that it is possible to have chromosomes of BOTH sexes simultaneously as in having XXY chromosomes instead of only XX or XY. It affects 1 out of every 650 births designated as "male". There are also "females" who have XY chromosomes although the exact incidence is not yet determined. FACTS matter.
If that was the case, then it would have happened during the initial hearings, and not afterwards when he put out videos. Without lending credibility to the story, I will say that such civil disobedience is a good thing in and of itself. The story also goes against most of the community's position that only hormone blockers are legitimate until majority. The bias of the source makes this a most unbelievable incident, and makes one wonder what is it that the source didn't tell in order to achieve their twist.