Feinstein's crusade against internet gambling

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sam Bellamy, May 3, 2016.

  1. Sam Bellamy

    Sam Bellamy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Dianne Feinstein is doing her best to block a new bill that just received committee approval for online poker in California. The deal is the tribes will host online poker, in exchange, the state will receive a portion of the profits. The problem, according to Feinstein, is this will disparately impact the children. She feels that no 18 year old will be able to resist the call of online poker.

    In stark contrast, Sandy Pappas, a Democrat from Minnesota, has legislated a bill to legalize daily sports. It's good to know some politicians aren't out to save us from everything that can go wrong in the world when we don't exercise self control. Dianne could take a nod from a fellow Democrat, and lighten the hell up. Just because you don't like to gamble doesn't mean no one else should have the opportunity.
    Tommy Palven likes this.

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