Flat Earth 100% proofs

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Ally7, Feb 4, 2021.

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  1. Ally7

    Ally7 Newly Registered

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Hello guys, i would like to share with you my videos, that are prooving we live on a Flat Earth. If you like it you can find more on my youtube channel:

    1) the camera was uplifted to 30 km high - no curvature

    2)Thousands of miles of miles on Flat Earth

    3) How movies about space are made

    4) Ships dont go beyond the curvature

    7) The stars rotation prooves Flat Earth, because North star is always on the Dome in its centre and the North Star doesnt move. and all other stars rotates around it in PERFECT CIRCLES that only God Almighty could have made.

    Nathan-D likes this.
  2. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Videos alone won't prove anything, especially ones with few or no words. A couple of them look quite cool though (credit to your sources).

    Assuming that is showing what you say; How much curvature are you saying that video should show if the Earth is as commonly defined?

    I'm not sure what that is meant to demonstrate. It appears to be either low-level flight (filmed through small, curved windows) or from ground level.

    Irrelevant to claims about the shape of the Earth. Claims about space travel being fake would be a separate topic.

    That depends on the exact distance to the ship and the height of the observation. Without those measurements, the video can't prove anything. Given I've witnessed that phenomena with my own eyes, you'll have a lot of work to convince me it doesn't happen. :cool:

    Not in the Southern hemisphere it isn't. Your video is irrelevant to that claim by the way. Pretty but irrelevant.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
    yangforward and DaveBN like this.
  3. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Videos are bullshitand prove nothing.

    Find yourself a friend in hong kong or ausgtralia or new zealand. Skype with that person and have them point their computer camaera out the window.

    You will see it is day time there while night time here or vise versa. Which cannot happen on a flat earth.
  4. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    If you go high enough, you can see that the Earth is a sphere.

    I doubt that any of those people who say the Earth is flat really believe it. I think this is the latest plan to discredit conspiracy theorists by associating the conspiracy theory with flat-earthers. People support a popular conspiracy theory and then say the Earth is flat. It was probably thought up at some public-relations agency.
  5. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    There has never been a plan to discredit conspiracy theorists.

    They discredit themselves. Asd you have done a milllion times with the proven fiction you claim about the lunar landings which were real and proven real
  6. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Really? No proof?

    You can literally bounce a laser off the moon using the reflectors left by Apollo missions, it's been done in hundreds
    of experiments around the world. And dude, random internet videos are not "proof" of anything.
  7. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Videos are worthless except to the weak minded.

    You have never seen any proof that the landings were faked. Your claim to the contrary is an outright lie.

    You have been shown irrefutable evidence that they were real and yourt claim to the contrary is an out right lie.

    Everyone who has read your threads knows your theories have been crushed and your so called evidence debunked and disproven.
  8. Capt Nice

    Capt Nice Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    If only it were April 1st. I would like to think the OP is playing April fool's on us.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
    MJ Davies and joesnagg like this.
  9. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    It doesn't take humans to put reflectors on the moon. It can be done with robotic craft. If the
    Surveyor program was real, they had that technology back then.

    If you want to talk about the Apollo missions, why don't you come over to the Moon Landing section?
  10. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The endless spam continues, here there and everywhere.

    There is not one single fragment of evidence for a space program to put 3 unmanned crafts on the Apollo sites. This is a staggering amount of work that requires the following:-

    • A massive paper trail to pay all involved, including designers, developers, testers.
    • Funding, which also needs to be from accountable sources.
    • A design team to create the craft, these usually comprise of many engineers.
    • A development team liasing with a test team to ensure the device works as expected.
    • A team to launch this, track it and land it.
    • Because these are landing on designated areas, launch windows to land at these specific sites are few and far between!
    • Hardware suppliers to provide all the items for the launch vehicle.
    Major problems involve getting these invisibly into orbit from launch sites that are capable of reaching the Moon.

    Don't bother. This serial forum spammer has had the living crap kicked out of his ludicrous repeat spam, he either evades, diverts, runs away, lies or ignores any evidence that contradicts his hogwash.

  11. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    1. For images or video: "Nothing that's fakable can be used as proof as it might be fake."

    He will never apply this moronic circular logic to his own images and videos. He will never actually prove it is faked or offer the number of people involved in such.

    2. For websites: "It's possible that your sites are genuine and it's possible that some public-relations agency created them to help fool the public. Something that may or may not be bogus can't be used as proof." Source.
    "That's a disinfo site."

    He will never apply this moronic circular logic to his own appallingly inept websites. He will never address any website that solidly refutes his claims. He never offers any proof that any website is "disinfo" or "public-relations".

    3. For Expert Testimony: "Only a person with a high background in photography would be able to deal with it "

    For "photography" insert anything. He is a layman on everything associated with space travel so uses this evasion tactic frequently. Basically if he doesn't understand it, it is ignored and of course the person providing the information must automatically be in on the moronic hoax.

    4. For Rebuttal: "...so we already know what you posted is sophistry. "
    "I can't say I'm one hundred percent sure he's a paid disinfo agent but his behavior fits the profile perfectly."

    This enables him to completely ignore any response, which he routinely does anyway, but throws this in for effect. Needless to say, he will never offer anything to backup his ad hominem statement.

    5. Miscellaneous: ".anyone who sees it will see that he's just a paid sophist."

    This is probably the worst one of all. For this enormous diversionary statement, he gets to ignore every single thing written by an expert in almost every aspect of the Apollo Missions. He gets to ignore a concise website detailing debunks for almost all his total crap. He gets to ignore every post made where he always get his ass handed to him. The basis for this is his "credibility test".

    6. Credibility Test: "This calls for a credibility test. XXXXXXX maintains that the Chinese spacewalk was real and not faked in a water tank. Do you agree with him?

    This is where the spammer uses one of his pre-determined idiotic conspiracies or erroneous claims as the yardstick for a credibility test. He is the arbitrator of its provenance therefore anyone who disagrees with it can now be referred to as "discredited" and all their rebuttal can be ignored.

    7. When all else fails: "I think the rest are moot now that you`ve been discredited and there are a lot of clear anomalies that prove the footage ...."

    So when he routinely gets his claim debunked, it is "moot" because of "all the others". It never occurs to him that all the other evidence has been debunked and was also "moot" when it was addressed. When pushed to provide a list of items to address, at all costs he will not do this because it can be seen where they have all been debunked.

    8. Just deny everything: "I've never seen it debunked. I've seen people try to obfuscate it and then consider it to have been debunked."

    He's never seen ANYTHING debunked? An utterly ludicrous statement that he uses based on his own inept layman understanding. His ignorance apart, he seeks to pigeon hole every single debunk into responses that he says are diversion, because he says so.

    9. Idiotic Closes: "You'd get laughed out of the debating hall ..."


    "you're about as impressive as the Black Knight in this video"

    The sheer irony of this is always lost on him. If ever there was somebody who behaved like the Black Knight - as his arm gets chopped off it's a "moot point" it would be this serial forum spammer. There is not a debating environment on this planet where this person would show up to. He knows more than anyone that he would get the floor wiped with his drivel.

    10. Divert/Obfuscate/Re-spam: This is where he avoids the item completely and gish-gallops away with repeated spam. Almost certainly he will keep avoiding the original claim.

    This person has been doing all of the above across 100's of forums for (best guess) coming up to 17 years. He cuts and pastes duplicate posts, responses, key phrases and dismissal videos. He determines any one or more of the above and posts them out, then slams a huge post with repeated and debunked bullshit. There is simply no level of response that can get through to somebody who has terminal Dunning and Kruger syndrome.
  12. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    If they were going to put reflectors on the moon, it would be classified info. The public isn't going to have access to the evidence. This is pretty basic.

    One of the Surveyor crafts might have had them attached to its sides. There might have been one Surveyor mission with a different especially designed craft with adjustable reflectors attached to its sides.

    Anyway, there's a ton of proof that the missions were faked and zero proof that they were real.

    There being reflectors on the moon isn't proof that there were people on the moon as people weren't necessary to put them there.
  13. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Irrelevant. Classified info has a paper trail, usually colossal in size. There is not a chance in a billion that the hundreds, possibly thousands of people would not have let this information slip, made some sort of death bed confession or made a few pounds on a newspaper story! Oh, and the bullshit follow up about them being threatened? Some of them would have been single, released it secretly or on their death. The even more bullshit idea that this invisible hand of numerous people could stop it getting out into the public domain - ridiculous.

    Once again showing your layman profound ignorance. I alluded to this in my list that you cowardly ignored. To land on specific sites requires the Moon to be in certain positions to allow the correct trajectory. This bullshit theory also now requires a completely invisible design of the Surveyor crafts and every person who helped design, test and build it to be stupid or in on your bullshit secret.

    Here's more things for you to ignore! In addition to the laser reflectors, spread out were a whole series of other scientific experiments sending data back for many years, gigabytes of it!! Example Apollo 15:-

    Apollo 15 Science Experiments (usra.edu)

    Other experiments were deployed by the crew and then monitored from Earth by radio telemetry after the crew departed. This group of experiments was termed the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP). Each experiment was connected by a cable to the ALSEP central station, which provide radio communication to Earth and electrical power from a radioisotope thermal generator. Some of these experiments continued to return data until September 1977, when the entire ALSEP network was turned off due to lack of funding for the ground support team.

    The Passive Seismic Experiment detected lunar "moonquakes" and provided information about the internal structure of the Moon.

    The Heat Flow Experiment measured the amount of heat coming out of the Moon.

    The Lunar Surface Magnetometer measured the strength of the Moon's magnetic field.

    The Laser Ranging Retroreflector measured very precisely the distance between the Earth and Moon.

    The Cold Cathode Gauge measured the abundance of gases in the lunar atmosphere.

    The Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment studied the lunar ionosphere.

    The Solar Wind Spectrometer measured the composition of the solar wind.

    The Lunar Dust Detector studied the effects of lunar dust on the operation of the experiment package.

    The old cut and paste spam.

    "11. Never mind that - look over here: When this hopeless individual has exhausted his inept repertoire of responses comes his most used spam. He resorts to spamming his wall of crap and ignoring the main issue!

    "Anyway, there's a ton of proof that the missions were faked and zero proof that they were real."

    What a sad, sad liar this person is. They have been humiliated completely on dozens of subjects, thousands of times on Apollo, yet they spew this cut and paste hogwash almost every time."

    There being numerous spread out science experiments does. The absence of one single scrap of evidence to support your pathetic claim does, You're done and dusted once again - nowhere to go - what now, something more off of the spam list?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  14. dharbert

    dharbert Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2020
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    Travel to the edge of the Earth and take a video of it. Dont worry, I'll wait...
    Bezukhov and roorooroo like this.
  15. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    That's what we read is happening but is it really happening? Tell why you're so sure this info isn't bogus.

    I hope we don't get into trouble for talking about Apollo on this thread. Maybe we should continue this in the Moon Landing section.
  16. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    From your inept observation, once again we get the conclusion that another massive branch of people are now either stupid or in on this impossible bullshit hoax. Here's the data from the seismic experiment. I suggest you open it and look at the 10,000 entries for events!

    Microsoft Word - TechRept118.rtf (nasa.gov)

    Or maybe you can look at the thousands of science papers written from the data streams collected.

    Yet another absolutely massive stream of proof and your only option is to claim that is faked too! I am working through a direct response to your idiotic rocks website point by point, you aren't smart enough to understand it or honest enough to read it.

    You've got about a thousand things still unanswered!

    Are you seriously complaining about censorship again on your stupid and pathetic basketball forum? You deliberately derail an idiotic thread with another idiotic claim that has had the crap kicked out of it!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  17. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The issue is closed, we went. Only the very ignorant say otherwise. It isn't ok to derail this thread as indeed a moderator informed you.

    A quite moronic claim. How many 100's of people to do this? And you think the people analysing the data would be dumb ignorant laymen?

    Spam. Reported.

    Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax (debunking-a-moron.blogspot.com)

    When a person as clueless as you is the judge of my credibility it can be dismissed.

    Only the very stupid think it was in a swimming pool!

    6. Credibility Test: "This calls for a credibility test. XXXXXXX maintains that the Chinese spacewalk was real and not faked in a water tank. Do you agree with him?

    This is where the spammer uses one of his pre-determined idiotic conspiracies or erroneous claims as the yardstick for a credibility test. He is the arbitrator of its provenance therefore anyone who disagrees with it can now be referred to as "discredited" and all their rebuttal can be ignored.

    FTFY. Kindly shut up and get some education. You always claim that "people" or "viewers" support you. They never do.
  18. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    " We all know the earth is flat. What's new about that.. ? "
    MJ Davies likes this.
  19. Skruddgemire

    Skruddgemire Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2017
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    The Earth simply can not be flat for one very important reason.

    If it were, all the cats would knocked everything off of it by now.
  20. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    There would be no reason or need to classify them and yes it absolutely had to be put there by the apollo mission which was real.

    The retro refectors did not come into use ONLY after the surveyor missions they have in factyyy been in use SINCE apollo.

    You are posting an outright lie about proof. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that the missions were fake and absolute proof they were real and you know it,
    Skruddgemire likes this.
  21. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Wasn't sure if there is a better forum for this, but here's a debate I thought I'd never see

  22. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Right. Videos which flat-earthers have never managed to refute.

    I'm not going to waste any more time on this poster.
  23. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Where are the edges? And what do they look like?

    You should be able to sail out to an edge and take a vid there, given your claims. We'll wait here :)
    James California likes this.
  24. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    :oops: ~ Sailing to the edge of earth can take time ... then it's a long way down .

    crank likes this.
  25. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    oh for christ sakes.

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