It can if you come up with all sorts of modifications to electromagnetism and God knows what else to make the theory fit the predictions. You can make almost any conjecture internally consistent with enough effort and BS. I'm actually impressed with some of the run around flat Earthers use.
The moon and the Sun both occupy about the same angle from Earth as each other. That is evident during a solar eclipse when the moon exactly covers the Sun. If both are holes in the dome letting in light from the outside then both would be equally bright. We would get moonburn at night just like sunburn during the day.
I watched a video on YT a while back about flat Earth theories, some were just too much. One was that a survey ship was paralleling a large continuous wall of ice. Now if Antarctica covers the bottom tip of the planet it would be just as if you put a pen on a basketball just off-centre a couple of inches and rotate the ball. If the pen is stationary and the ball is rotating the pen should mark the ball and end up where it started. That being said, that pen line now represents the 'continuous wall of ice'. The wall of continuous ice is that the ship is the pen line. The other funny observation in the video was that the flat Earther's were interviewing pilots, asking do they fly into the Earth, making the argument that the Earth is flat, that's why they don't crash because there's no curvature of the Earth. The thing is, aircraft have an instrument called the Altimeter. This is why planes don't have to be adjusted because the Earth is flat, it's because of the altimeter.
IMO, flat-earthers are funny but harmless. There is no threat of their fantasy theories ever becoming widely believed.
I also forgot to mention, if the Earth is flat, how come there are two times of day, night & day? If it were flat, it would be perpetual daylight, right? As the Sun shines its light all over the surface.
If the Earth is a globe and it turns giving day and night, then the shadow on a sundial in the Northern hemisphere would go around clockwise but one in the Southern hemisphere would go counter-clockwise.
This is how the sun and moon work on the flat earth. The solar eclipse is largely a myth. Lunar eclipse is simply a reduction in light being emitted from the moon. The one that's the hardest fit flat earth people to explain is phases of the moon. That model in the link doesn't account for it. I've even seen models that predict of center rotations for seasons. I don't think anybody really believes this.
See post 58 there is a link with a really rather sophisticated model though it's absurd. I'm just totally fascinated by this particular idea.
Isn't it funny, so bad that it's mental? So the sun is a flashlight with only a focused beam of light, interestingly disturbing idea. There was an article that stated that scientists claim the universe and the contents within are not real. Then what hit the planet or those millions of years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs, a vivid imagination?
The most interesting thing is that there are conspiracy theorists who have a line in the sand that they are able to recognize, not quite getting the fact that their particular line is equally absurd in the same way. If you show a flat earther any number of totally obvious things, they will not change their view and still rigidly stick to their point of view.
John Cook at Skeptical Science has done a lot on denialism and conspiracy theory thinking
The sophistication at which these models are created is incredible to me. I wonder if people are creating these things just to screw with people. I've thought about it. Just to see if something I come up with could get very far the only problem is I really want to believe some of these things were created by astrophysicists that are just messing with these people.
Um, I missed the explanation of why the moon is so dim compared with the sun when both are holes in the dome over the Earth. Given they both occupy the same solid angle, both should be equally bright
It's amazing what people with no life come up with. Just to get some form of attention, be it positive or negative. Creative insanity perhaps.
I've seen some irony on this forum that is beyond belief, but every now and again we get something so perfect it encapsulates the whole "truth" movement.
So why don't they want us to know the earth is flat? What are they gaining by making us think the earth is a sphere?
can you make a single post without attacking somebody you just because people don't believe what you choose to believe doesn't mean they're conspiracy theorists that's kind of a weak alternative to an argument to accuse someone of being a conspiracy theorist and you can't make a valid point. Truth movement? You people can't even keep up with all these conspiracy theories to invent the hell you even talking about.
If you knew the Earth was flat then you'd question everything else. Mike is pizza really square or spherical. Is there really an Antarctica or a moon does gravity really work. The truth is out there man. Lol
Quit bitching about it. This is the dregs of the forum, the conspiracy section and it really is absurd that other conspiracy theorists are putting down flat earthers when their own crazy claims are being put down by those further up the intelligence and less gullibility chain. Sheesh, you want to change your own labels now? That is actual gibberish and not being able to keep up with every mad claim is not something to crow about.