for anybody that believes trump actually has a chance..explain this

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by gringo, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    $26 million raised in a single event for biden ..

    trump did not raise this much money in the entire month of February

    why is george W not out there stumping for the GOP candidate??

    and how many other GOP heavyweights refuse to endorse trump?

    to name a few Pence , Christy, Haley ..and then too many to name are the former cabinet member of trump that refuse tp support him

    face it guys...spending money on trump is a waste...

    the reason Biden will be the next president is because the GOP decided to go with a known loser..

    it is almost like the GOP wants to lose
  2. independentthinker

    independentthinker Banned

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, even California's governor Gavin Newsome is preparing for a Trump presidency. He sees the polls and Biden's unpopularity.
  3. Independent4ever

    Independent4ever Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Haley raised a lot of money too - how did that work out?
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  4. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    why do you think trump was elected in the first place? it's because people had grown tired of the business as usual cronies that had been elected time after time, the same sort of political animals that betrayed him during his presidency and abandon him now. what failed him in the last election, besides rampant corruption, and what will probably fail him this time is the tendency for the electorate to be swayed by innuendo, gossip and political dirty tricks. for every buffoon or shill that calls him a fascist or a criminal, there are a handful of people who will jump on their bandwagon to belong to something or simply because they are no longer able or willing to resist the irresistible pull of widespread propaganda.

    will he win? probably not. as long as biden is kept out of the limelight we can bask in the glow of falsified "gains". as long as no one looks to hard at the "facts", we can fool ourselves into believing that the democratic party has done something right for once in its existence.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  5. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    He still stands a chance, even a strong one. Keep in mind, he doesn't need the popular vote, and he's probably already reached his floor while Biden hasn't. I don't see Trump's approval going any lower than it already is. Sure, he stands to lose moderates and independents, but I think a lot of those are already the ones in the polls saying that they are undecided. He's already tried to overthrow democracy and install himself as an unelected dictator. I don't see what he could possibly do to lose more votes. All it would take would be a fall or a major gaff from Biden shortly before the election to make a difference. Anything that leans into the "he's too old" meme. Keep in mind, the election is going to come down to tens of thousands of votes (and even on the low end of that) in a couple of key states. That's it. None of the other votes really matter. I don't think, however, that there will be as much complacency as there was in the last two elections, and Biden will likely find success in his new tactics of getting under Trump's skin, hammering him on his faltering wealth, his healthcare "position" (which doesn't even exist apart from tearing down Obamacare without coming up with a replacement), and women's reproductive rights. These help appeal to moderates/independents not just by showing Trump's faults, but also by getting under his skin. The best tactic to use against someone as unhinged as Trump is to keep needling him into increasingly rabid outbursts and continually exposing him for the psychopath that he is.
    DennisTate and Bowerbird like this.
  6. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Fox news free support alone is worth a billion or so. And it's a build up on their prior investments to make conservatives totally delusional. Trump could win... because there's just that much crazy out there.
  7. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    A conviction that seems legit to average voters would move the needle. Of course many could never be convinced, but there are certainly persuadable people currently leaning towards Trump but whose minds may change if an event like that convinced them the charges aren't BS after all.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  8. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    It could, but the only conviction I think we might get before the election would be for the Stormy Daniels case, which I personally think is the one least likely to move the needle. And if he isn't convicted for that one, which is a possibility, it could have the opposite effect. If it results in a prison sentence, though, I could see it helping. I don't buy the Trumpist argument that it would help him by turning him into a martyr.

    The fraud case, while it isn't criminal, might move the needle even more, especially since it will make Trump even more unhinged.
  9. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    the reason trump was elected the first time can be given in ONE word


    people voted against Hillary more than they voted for trump..trump goes to Washington

    the same happened for Biden and will happen again in 2024

    people will vote against trump more than vote for Biden ..Biden stays in Washington

    any other GOP candidate would wipe the floor with Biden

    but the GOP gets behind the ONE guy that cannot win

    Trump will be the reason Biden stays president
    Lucifer and Bowerbird like this.
  10. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    sorry to break it to you, but even hillary's lackadaisical and occasionally toxic campaigning should have been able to beat trump the first time around. hillary was and is, to a certain extent, the perfect representative of the democratic party and, to a lesser extent, what is wrong with the republicans as well. she was the ultimate example of the political insider and, for one brief moment, the american public went to the polls with the fully intact memory of their outrage over what these people have done. 2016 gave us the first president in recent history that was a real person. he hadn't been absorbed by the political machine, properly vetted by the powers that be and had every individual thought sucked out of his mind. for once the american electorate was brave enough to stand up to the political elitism that has turned washington into a swamp and suckered the citizens into debt that no one really believes will ever be repaid, but they have also seen the results of such bravery. the political machine chewed up and spit out their champion. within his first year as president he could have passed for a porcupine, with all of those knives sticking out of his back. activist judicial shills stalled his every move and the lapdog media portrayed him as little short of jack the ripper. after four years of constant uphill battles he was dealt a final blow - covid. much like 9/11 was used against baby bush, the vultures were more than willing to blame an entire pandemic on trump and kill him off for good. where bush had sufficient time to turn the attacks to his favor, trump was too near the end of his tenure to see the results of his efforts bear any fruit.

    and, of course, we're still watching the backlash for our bravado. first tried in the court of public opinion, trump is now facing a hundred different kangaroo courts. the verdicts don't matter. the point is to destroy him. to destroy him for daring to believe he could enter the realm of the gods.
  11. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    It appears that voting for Trump isn't dependent on flooding politics with cash ...and voting for Joe Biden is. The bulk of large donations (like, from the corporate sector, the 'Citizens United' kind of donations) are going to Biden. Trump's money is primarily coming from small donations. You know, 'the little guy.'
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  12. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    I think the Trump is a real long shot. The only reason why he has a chance is because Biden is so bad.

    The low information voters only known that Trump has 90+ indictments against him. They don't know that all of them are BS.
  13. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    sorry to break it to you

    it is not rocket science why hillary lost...hillary beat herself ..and trump will do the same

    trump is a loser that only took office because of the lackluster campaign of Hillary

    dont forget in 2016 trump lost the popular vote by 3 million...and almost 8 million in 2020

    many people just sat home in 2016, myself included, because nobody believed trump had a chance

    and it cost hillary the election

    obviously, there are millions of people like you that "love them some trump"
    and have grand theories why trump was elected in the first place..

    trump loses again because for every one person that 'loves them some trump", there are 2 persons that "hate them some trump"
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  14. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    a low information voter believes that a person can have 90+ indictments and not be guilty of a single one

    it is a conspracy I tell you...people from Florida to Georgia to New York to Michigan all had dinner one night and said

    "let's get trump"...

    the reasons trump has these indictments is because of his actions..he did thing against the law..and of any other person did these things and then bragged about it, that person would also be charged

    trump is NOT a victim...and if he is, why would you want a victim to be a leader??
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  15. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    So wait a second.... We have been being told for months here by progressives that Trump raising cash is just like fleecing the flock and now here you are bragging about Biden doing the same thing?
    roorooroo likes this.
  16. 19Crib

    19Crib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 4, 2021
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    If Biden wins it will be because of the dark money and election rigging they are so fond off. There is no other winning strategy.
    But I don't think Biden will win. In my years I have seen a lot and I have never seen a bigger cluster bleep than we have now.

    Too many people are living on credit cards and are worried about being tossed out on the street, where their pleas will be ignored as they fall prey to the criminals.
    The are living up front and personal with governments failure to create a safe, live able environment. Instead, they are plotting to gut the economy in the unpopular, unaffordable quest for the Green Weenie, that will eternally be just beyond reach.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  17. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    the above may be true. But IMHO only losers blame the government for their failures

    And believing that a guy that has championed bankruptcy and debt being the president will change any of this??

    Trump made going bankrupt a being indicted a badge of honor ..until trump came along, going bankrupt or being indicted was an embarrassment ..
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  18. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Only losers blame the government for their failures......

    That could be considered racist in many progressive circles where the government is blamed for poverty systemic racism and of course holding back minorities who constantly blame the government for their losses
  19. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    I'm glad to hear you will no longer tolerate Trump's excuses for his legal troubles as being somehow part of a government conspiracy, then.
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  20. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Nobody I know knew Biden would be such a disaster in every way possible.

    Wars and more wars.
    Dollar losing value.
    34 trillion plus national debt and no COVID causing it
    Country has a huge amount of illegal immigrants we don't need
    BRICS, an alternative to our trading bloc, is growing fast.
    US is losing in Ukraine and hoping to start another war at
    the same time with China, and is supplying bombs for use
    against Gaza.

    Are there any more things to ruin?

    We have to vote for Trump as it is the way to avoid Biden and
    the Neocons.
    roorooroo likes this.
  21. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    only when government takes an active role in our failure is it proper to lay the blame at their feet and this is precisely what we have all watched happen. industries interfered with through over-regulation, poverty perpetuated through the implementation of modern day feudalism, workers undermined by the importation of cheap labor and the rights of the population curtailed in the name of protecting us from ourselves. these are just a few of the crimes committed by a ruling elite that have added to the failures of those they were sworn to serve.

    bankruptcy is certainly no badge of honor, but neither should it be stigmatized. bankruptcy, like any other form of failure, is a necessary element of the process of risk and without risk there is no real success. indictment is not conviction and the act of indicting someone for political gain is certainly criminal. trump is not championing failure, but risk. while risk is being demonized by bleeding hearts and political animals, he understands that risk is the cornerstone upon which america's greatness was built. the only badge of honor he may be due is for enduring the persecution of his political foes. never before have we seen the agencies of government and the media so weaponized against one man. what are they so afraid of? what are you so afraid of?

    finally, i'm certainly no trump fan-boy. i find him crass and often childish. but then, we live in a society that is crass at best and usually childish. i don't think he should be anyone's first choice for "leader of the free world", but our alternatives are so insulated from the real world that they seem more like kings and queens than elected officials and servants of the public. trump has had one foot in their world and one foot in ours for years, catering to the vices and egos of the political animals and keeping wheels spinning in the economy that we depend on. i don't have to like him, i don't even have to completely trust him. i am, however, smart enough to recognize that he may just have talents we can utilize now that our country is more vulnerable than it has been in over a century. perhaps you and the plantation crowd would like someone to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and hand out crumbs while the ship founders, but i prefer a captain to a cruise director.
    roorooroo likes this.
  22. 19Crib

    19Crib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Actually, he had little choice but to be as destructive as he turned out to be. Being senile he did not the backbone to fight off Obama's progressives wanting to run his administration. They also know he is a crook and they would not be shy about leaning on him.
    Biden is staffed with a bunch of former Obama progressives who like to keep the country in turmoil so they can push their big city solutions on everyone else.
    Biden before senility would not have come up with all this electric commercial vehicle mandate in two years with plans to forge ahead with EV for everyone, regardless of whether they can afford them.
    Look how student loans turned out. Are forgiveness of EV's in the future when people get their voices back?
    Obviously, the future of US transportation going to be Chinese EV's made in Mexico, and "screw the UAW and their complicated cars. China does it just as good and cheaper." Biden is not in charge. The progressives are.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
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  23. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I'm glad to hear liberals will no longer blame the government for the shortcomings of minorities.
  24. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Hamas attacked Israel and re-kindled the war ...whoever was president of the USA did not matter to Hamas
    they hate the west regardless who is president of the USA..they hate trump just as they hate Biden

    and Putin would have invaded Ukraine regardless who was president of the USA,,,

    the difference is,

    if trump were president, he would have supported Putin and Ukraine once again be "the" Ukraine

    the war would have went as expected by would have lasted 30 days ..Ukraine would once again be a corrupt state controlled by Putin and the other Russian oligarchs ..with biden at least Ukraine can put up a fight

    Trump has said he would allow Putin to do whatever they want to a country that could/would not pay Nato

    inflation is down...the reason he dollar lost so much value started with trump...he is the one that started sending out checks
    to every taxpayer...and he made sure before the money went out he sent a letter and then signed the check...Biden started the direct deposits..both were a mistake..but hindsight is 20 -20...we all can play the poker hand perfect once we know what the other guy has

    trump ran up the debt more than any president in history...if elected he will bankrupt the government in a year to wipe out the debt
    that is what he did 7 times with his own businesses. like I said,,,Trump made declaring bankruptcy a bad of honor rather tha being a embarrassment

    the border has been in crisis the last 50 years...trump did not fix it despite his first 2 years in office the GOP had control of the whitehouse , congress and senate

    the only thing that got done was tax cuts ,, the top 1 % cuts were permanant ..for everyone else, they expire

    BRICS has a 100% communist membership...not a single european country is a member..of the 190+ countries of the world , it consists of 10 countries ..these countries have always supported each other...the creation of BRICS just made it public

    to quote a retired republican .."this country can withstand 4 more years of bad policy"

    "but it cannot withstand 4 more years of trump with NO policy"
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
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  25. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    being a small business owner for over 30 years, I survived both good and bad presidents and political parties
    when bad policies that hurt my business were made laws. I adjusted and despite not agreeing, I obeyed the law
    I did not bitch and whine and claim to be a victim..the difference between a successful business and a business that last only a few years is this.."a successful business can take a hit and survive" sometimes the hit is government oversight ..if the government demands I increase my payroll and buy safe equipment ..then increase payroll and maintain safe equipment.

    IMHO, business needs some type of government regulations...I have seen what greed can do to business..if a business believes it is being over regulated, then lobby to change the laws..this is what big oil did...and we still have HUGE disasters like the deepwater horizon

    cheap labor is in China and India and other asian countries, this is why trump makes his products in asia and not the labor is not the problem in the USA..if labor was so cheap here why are so many people wanting to come here to work??

    ask any of the immigrants what they want in the USA,,90% will say "a job"

    and just because bankrupcy is allowed does not make it acceptable..

    when a company declares bankruptcy, many people are hurt that were not taking a risk..

    bankruptcy should not be a safety net for high risk endeavors..

    and again some believe trump to be a victim and a target of the liberal courts and media
    if trump would stop saying and doing crazy and illegal would not be reported trump is crazy and a criminal...
    trump does this to himself
    I say he is NO victim..his actions were not within the laws of the country ...
    had any other person resorted to the disgusting actions of trump that person would be in jail...
    because trump is wealthy and now a political giant...he has been able to postpone every charge
    and dont forget trump appointed almost 200 judges, his cases may be in this those judges courts
    the stolen documents case for example, is in the court of a trump appointed judge

    to repeat myself in the earlier post..the country can withstand 4 years of bad policies. But it cannot withstand 4 years of trumps insanity and disgusting criminal behaviors.

    I too, want a captain and not a cruise director.
    but I want a captain that is capable of being civil and has experience steering a ship
    Biden has experience and is civil and a decent man

    trump is none of the above
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
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