*)(*)(*)(*)ed-country*)(*)(*)(*)ed-country nicole sandler, who i have never heard of, was filling in for randi rhodes, who apparently still has a show somewhere. oh come on. it's a link and it s what the host said. ".... And although I do all these odd jobs and thank God for Randi and the fill-in work I get here, it's tough to make ends meet. And I told you that I pay through the, yeah, for health insurance, about $1,200 a month with a two hundred, a two thousand dollar deductible before the insurance company even kicks in a dime. So that stretches me to my limits, if you know what I mean. And I had something I needed to go to the doctor, but honestly I put it off because I still had to meet the deductible. And in a bit of a crying fit, I screamed out I hate this G**-(*)(*)(*)(*)ed country! How can I live in a place that let's people go broke because they get sick?! How is health care not a basic human right? Well, you know what? Last week we took a step towards making this country a better place. Burt we still got a long way to go, a long way to go". Read more:*)(*)(*)(*)ed-country#ixzz1zo70yNCj