For someone who claims to have been part of the truth movement since day one and spends an inordinate about of energy researching(I assume you research them) fringe conspiracies to prove the 911 attacks were a fraud, you seem oddly blase about the very real likelihood the entire truth movement is a type of scam. Also claiming to be ignorant of Bollyn undercuts your story. Actually, no. There are no facts to discuss that support an "Inside Job" conspiracy. Therefore one is forced to look at the people and associations pushing this unsupported conspiracy in the first place. And why they would do that. It is also very pecular that, a group prone to scream shill at te slightest provatione isn't denoucing Mr. Bollyn's claim of "founding" the movement. The only conclusion I can make is whatever goals the current truther leaders have, they are the same as a Holocaust denying lunatic. Expect you aren't. You're not interested in truth aka facts.
so you totally dismiss the manner in witch WTC7 "collapse" you refuse to look at the cartoon physics involved in "FLT175" penetration of the South Tower. You accept the mainstream media's fraud about how there was an airliner crashed into the Pentagon..... ( etc ..... ad nausum ) Have you actually looked at the events of 9/11/2001 or are you simply running with the herd that assumes that since the TV told them about the 19 radical fanatic hijackers.....
Have you actually looked at the events of 9/11/2001 or are you simply running with the herd that assumes that since YouTube told them about there were no 19 radical fanatic hijackers...
I have KNOWN from the very day, that there was something wrong with this picture. Two skyscrapers simply pulverize themselves and are completely destroyed, and this is alleged to be the result of airliner crashes that are also VERY problematic. The whole scene is fraud! + proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that psychological warfare is in progress .... the fact that people attempt to white wash the WTC7 "collapse" .... ya, right "COLLAPSE" it was blown up! and people who still support the idea that a commercial airliner hit the PENTAGON and penetrated completely into the building not leaving a wing or tail or any large bit of evidence on the Pentagon lawn.....
what, like the evidence that explosives were looked for but never found at ground zero, and upon requests for documentation of this allegation, you insist that I ask the perpetrators for the documentation. the FACTS are that WTC1, 2 & 7 fell in a manner most suggestive of controlled demolition and that the alleged crash of 4 airliners could not possibly be, in that the wreckage from the crash sites was never actually verified as to having been from any of the alleged hijacked airliners, the crash sites ( ALL 4 of them ) have the common characteristic of total destruction of the alleged airliner, so much so as to virtually cause the aircraft to disappear. There are HUGE problems with the official story, 9/11/2001=False Flag attack.
and I suppose YOU have it all figured out 19 fanatics take control of 4 airliners and make all 4 virtually disappear. while causing the total destruction of 3 skyscrapers + hitting the PENTAGON.
They didn't disappear, bob. They crashed. Why do you make such wild, unsubstantiated, unsupported claims?
"Cartoon" physics, etc are not the subject of this thread. This thread is about how a "rockstar" anti-semite brazenly claims to have started the 911 truth movement, and not one truth "leader" is challenging or correcting that assertion. If you want to discuss "cartoon physics", etc, you are perfectly capable of starting a thread on that subject.
To address the stated topic, there is NO "leader of the movement"! The movement is composed of a LOT of people who have realized that the official story is just that, only a story and that the TRUTH of the matter is WTC towers & 7 were blown up and there were NO airliners hijacked on that day. now the problems get to be when people debate who did it, & why, but the core of the whole thing is the fact that the mainstream media version of events = a total crock!
You ARE the one who thinks that the planes were holograms . . . I told another poster that I thought you were.
and exactly how is that relevant to anything? And BTW: I do not support the idea that the planes were "holograms" I withhold judgement on that subject until such time as sufficient evidence can be presented to prove one way or an other.
Well there ya go . . .show me sufficient evidence that is real proof, not some hocus pocus stuff you seem to perpetuate.
So its "hocus pocus" stuff to point out that in the videos that alleged to show "FLT175" penetrating the south wall of the South Tower, the aircraft as much as melts in to the side of the building without slowing down? do you actually buy the crap that the mainstream media is shoveling?
I believe my eyes and what I saw. . . along with every other person in the world except a few of you discombobulates.
I have knowledge of the laws of physics and I say that the pictures and the description by the mainstream propaganda machine do not match up. What did they do, suspend the laws of physics for 9/11/2001?