Bumping for people unaware of how far the roots of Holocaust Denial go in the so called "9/11 truther movement."
I suspect you understand it just fine. Like in that comment of yours where you pretended not to know what anti-Semitism is, then referenced it later. However, if you really are unclear, reread this thread and you'll learn something.
I've debated about 9/11 having been an inside job on a lot of sites and from what I've seen there's no connection. The Holocaust issue is hardly ever mentioned on 9/11 threads except for posts by people who try to associate truthers with flat-earthers, etc. From what I've seen, most 9/11 truthers still haven't gotten around to looking at the revisionist Holocaust info and still believe it happened the way the government says it did. I believed that terrorists had hijacked planes and flew them into the towers until the truthers' research started appearing on the internet. I saw "Loose Change" when if first came out. I also saw "In Plane Site", "Painful Deceptions", and "9/11 Mysteries. The documentary with the latest research is "New Pearl Harbor". It can be seen here. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=456423&p=1066183060#post1066183060 I'm one of those people who can modifiy his opinion when he sees new info without going into denial. http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-...od-people-become-silentor-worseabout-911.html I used to believe the official version of the WWll and the Holocaust until I started checking out the revisionist info. http://www.flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=12196&start=0 It's pretty clear that we've been lied to about that too so I simply modified my position. I can modify it again if new info appears. People's being able to look at alternative info and be objective about it doesn't mean they're kooks or white supremasists. I think that white supremasists are morons. You're just here to muddy the waters and cause confusion.
OK, I've read through most posts in this thread, and I know several dozen people in what some call "the truth movement", and not one of them has ever said anything about the holocaust, denying or affirming it. WTF is your point? Are you able to state it, or would you rather not. My experience with those called 'truthers' does not comport with your view.
You know this is yet another propaganda attempt at conflating those who question/contradict the 9/11 OCT with Holocaust deniers. It's just another attempt at silencing those who disagree with the 9/11 OCT (guilt by association).
I agreed with everything in your post, with the exception of the last sentence. I haven't seen evidence that his purpose here is to "muddy the waters and cause confusion". That being said, I definitely think it's a good thing that those of us who disagree with the official story here clarify our position, as you just did.
do you know how many times that video has been edited since it first came out? ... you wouldn't happen to have a link to the original version would you? ...
So he can put a number to how many times it was edited. Keeping the numbers straight is important. My introduction to confirming my suspicions was "9/11 Mysteries" circa 2004, the original version. I immediately followed it up with a piece called "The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News that you Never Saw", the original version. I didn't see "Loose Change" until a couple of years later. Maybe we need a count of how many times each of those were edited. Ya gotta keep track ya know. - - - Updated - - - Do you know how many times the US government lied about 9/11? You think 6 digits might be enough?