"Frankenstein-Sandy" Hurricane: will Obama end as he began: as "Mr. Catastrophes" ?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Cluster, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Cluster

    Cluster New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    2012 "Dr Frankenstein, Sandy Hurricane: will Obama end as he began : as "Mr. Catastrophes" ?


    The Autumn 2012 "Sandy" hurricane, (alias"Dr. Frankenstein Storm" as it was named because of the sudden Mutation of an ordinary storm into a Giant one), which curiously emerged just before the forthcoming November 6 US Presidential Election (that many already denounced as risking to be flawed by that unprecedented Hurricane disruption of the pre-electoral campaign and Debates, right at the moment that Polls had started to give Romney-Ryan as winners), inevitably raises an obvious Question :

    - Will Obama's expiring term at the White House end as it begun : I.e. as a kind of "Mr. Catastrophes", (particularly after so many "U-turns" abandoning or failing to deliver in most, if not all, of his pre-electoral 2008 Promisses) ?

    This question is legitimate (and even becomes necessary) if one just sees the Facts :

    - Obama's term started with a 2009 Deadly VIRUS' Scare, which emerged somewhere between a California Labo and Mexico's borders, (pushing People to get controversial Vaccines, seriously affecting the Health of Thousands of persons and Killing many innocent Victims throughout the World, etc).

    Moreover, this occured right in the middle of a Growing Economic Crisis, (that Obama's team had declared from the outset, already back on December 2008 in Chicago, that it was determined to overcome with a supposedly comprehensive "Plan", etc), later followed even by a never-ending Financial (Debt) Crisis, still heavy until Today, (with USA's Credit Rating Downgraded, and its sky-rocketing Public Debt scheduled to be checked by Rating Agencies on 2013), while Global Recession still keeps Growth down, and long-term Unemployment remains too Hard, threatening a Social Catastrophe, (even rather Worse than before, according to the latest Data, which show a slightly increased number of Unemployed People's demands from 2008 up to 2012, in addition to those who abandoned any hope to find an adequate job, after a too long period of vainly searching at the jobs' market), revealing Obama's obvious Incapacity to find a Solution, despite more than 4 Years at the US Presidency.

    At his "Left" side, Obama had initially promissed to really close the controversial Guantanamo Jail, after growing criticism on Human Rights' minimal standards, but, finally, he did even ..Worse than his predecessor, former US President GWBush, who, at least, had an "excuse" for being pushed to act in a hurry, back on 2002, amidst the exceptional pressure of 9/11 Mass Terrorism, Afghanistan War, etc, and who was, nevertheless, the 1st to accept to close the Guantanamo Jail, on the condition that those Foreign Countries which didn't like it would agree to host at least some among its often dangerous prisoners.. (something that most didn't accept, revealing a dose of hypocrisy..) On the contrary, Obama even took a controversial Jan. 2011 decision to "place restrictions on the transfer of Guantanamo prisoners to the mainland or to other foreign countries, thus impeding the closure of the detention facility", which still keeps more than 167 detainees in Guantanamo today, despite several UNO, Council of Europe, International Human Rights Organisations', etc. appeals to definitively close it. This Obama Administration total U-turn seems also to be one among the main causes which reportedly provoked the April 2011 release by "Wikileaks" of thousands of secret US Federal documents, with all the various other risks to which such a cascading, catastrophic waste exposes.

    Even Hopes of the so-called "Truth" Movement about 9/11 were dashed, after a leading figure of Victims' Families was tragically killed in a strange Airplane crash just a few days after she met Obama, who didn't take any measure at all to renew Investigations, f.ex. on WTC, Pentagon, Airlpanes, etc., contrary to former US President GWBush who let a US Congress Public Hearing and ordered 2 Enquiries on WTC to the American Architects' organization and to NIST, while Obama only angered 9/11 Victims' Families by supporting a controversial Islamic Mosque's installation provocativelly close to WTC's "Ground Zero" at NY, stiring Popular Protests, and just rubber-stamped the old, official Theory on 9/11 which had exclusively attributed all 9/11 collective mass terrorism to "Bin Laden" alone, by claiming that he send a Military group to attack and kill someone at Pakistan, who might have been Bin Laden, and threw his body to the Sea, so that .. noone was ever questioned and Judged by the competent US Authorities for the 9/11 Deadly Attacks, even the supposed MasterMind keeping all his secrets hidden for ever, (wondering if Historians will believe finally, or not, Obama's claims, deprived of any independent witnesses, and full of controversial opacity and secrecy)...

    At the same time, the Number of Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan reached a Top High level, breaking all-time Records, and Talibans' aggressions multiplied, while French and other Allies started to ask for earlier Withdrawal of their troops, in the middle of what seems to be a confusing and unsafe mig-mare, particularly since Obama followed Turkey-inspired policies towards accomodating some so-called "moderate Islamists" in an attempt to face the "Hardliners", resulting in many Terrorists infiltrating the Allies and killing too many defenseless, even unarmed persons in an unprecedented, treacherous way, which obviously lays Heavy Responsibilities to the Victims' Families by the Obama Administration's errors.

    Meanwhile, Islamists threaten to turn the "Arab Spring" hopes for Democracy into a dangerous Brutal Nightmare accross the sensitive Mediterranean Sea area, from Egypt to Libya up to Syria, etc., which risks to end up in a GeoPolitical catastrophe of unprecedenred proportions against both the immediately concerned People and all the Western World, unless something is done to rectify.

    In addition, Christians are denouncing Obama Administration's reported attempts to curb the Historically predominant Religion particularly among Western People, both in North America and in Europe and other Countries of the World. For the 1st time in America's History, while Israelis are notoriously not really satisfied with Obama, Christians even started to launch desperate calls to protect their Religious Freedoms that they feel threatened by Various controversial Measures imposed by the Obama Administration, (even on Schools, Medical and/or Social Charities, etc).

    + On Health issues, Obama neglected Preventive Medicine (which had been advocated by Mike Huckabee and others, as less expensive and more efficient), and wasted Time, Energy and Money in a rather mediocre Reform which deceived most of his original supporters, (since it doesn't really guarantee that any Human person badly needing Health Care will be sure to find sufficient Help to cope), while it also angered Republicans and many Independents, even some Dems, for not providing any real remedy against Medical Industries' lobby Bureaucrats' Sky-rocketing Costs, which place a growing, Heavy burden on Budgets, without, however, being equally efficient at all into fighting against Illnesses, which continued to hit too many victims without any socially visible progress.

    On the contrary, Romney's deputy, Ryan, has notoriously presented some apparently interesting Ideas into how to cut Bureaucratic and big Lobbies' excessively growing Medical Costs, (f.ex. by creating a healthy Competition among providers, by giving a choice to the People instead of some Bureaucratic "Death Committees", etc.), which deserve to be taken seriously, in one way or another.

    Many Families are outraged also by Obama's recently too noisy propaganda in favor of Gay "Marriage" and even of the subsequent, revolting and dangerous Kidnaping of Children by Homosexuals, through so-called "Adoptions", (f.ex. by usurpating them from from Poor People hindered to take care of their own Family, or from Political Refugees, Killed Parents, etc), or by boosting paid, immoral and unhealthy "Subrogate Mothers" (f.ex. by exploiting Poor, isolated Women), added to Artificial Inseminations, "in Vitro fertilisations", and other atrocities against Human Dignity, inevitably pushing towards a Dangerous Control over Human Births by Technocrats, (instead of Nature), with many big Risks for all Humankind.

    Finally (?), in the middle of a stagnant, endless UnEmployment Crisis, Obama faces even an Unprecedented "Dr. Frankenstein" or "Sandy" Hurricane's mutation which kills and destroys with an exceptionally big Number of People left ..powerless, without even enough Electricity to connect to the Internet and participate freely in alternative Forum Discussions, not controlled by mainstream Oligo-Monopolistic Mass Media, as f.ex. this one. ..

    In fact, Obama delivered only on 1 among his many Pre-Electoral Promisses :

    ../.. (CONTINUES BELOW) ../...
    waltky and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Cluster

    Cluster New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    .../... (CONTINUES FROM ABOVE) ../...

    ... Finally (?), in the middle of a stagnant, endless UnEmployment Crisis, Obama faces even an Unprecedented "Dr. Frankenstein" or "Sandy" Hurricane's mutation which kills and destroys with an exceptionally big Number of People left ..powerless, without even enough Electricity to connect to the Internet and participate freely in alternative Forum Discussions, not controlled by mainstream Oligo-Monopolistic Mass Media, as f.ex. this one. ..

    In fact, Obama delivered only on 1 among his many Pre-Electoral Promisses :

    => He immediately (already since Mars 2009 !) cancelled his predecessors' Interdiction to spend Federal Funds for controversial and dangerous Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, (mainly former US President GWBush's August 2001 decision since August 2001, confirmed twive with Vetos after his brillant 2004 re-Election, precisely also on this Moral issue, but also Bill Clinton's 1993 initial move, that he was later obliged to cancel when weakened by the Monica scandal, the White House being exceptionally run mainly by Technocrats for a while). Obviously, some interested big Corporations' Lobbies (as those who funded Obama's 2008 and 2012 pre-electoral campains, f.ex. from California, N.Jersey, etc), were too glad with that move, which, nevertheless, has obvious Setbacks and Dangers against Morals (f.ex. by Killing viable and healthy Human Embryos, etc), Human Dignity (f.ex. by grossly Manipulating, Altering or even Mutating Unborn Childrens' Genome, etc), and even provokes inevitable big Risks against all Humankind, (f.ex. by allowing a few Technocrats to arbitrarily control and Manipulate Human Life in the Secrecy of some Labos without any Guarantee that this will not end up into some kind of "Dr. Frankenstein" Monsters, and "The Island of Dr. Moreau"'s Man-Animal chimeras' Horrors, or, even more dangerously, in some insidious but total "Appartheid" by artificial fabrication of Distinct "Races", reproductible by Mutations in the Germ line, resulting into a Dictatorship against which warned Aldus Huxley's famous book "Brave New World" since the rise of notorious NAZI "Dr. Mengele" and his various cronies)..

    But, curiously, despite many Millions of Dollars vainly wasted in so-called Human Embryo "Stem Cells"' controversial and dangerous Genetic Manipulations' research for many Years (see above), nevertheless, .. NOTHING known was ever discovered, and Not even the slightest Medical Breakthrough wasn't ever obtained in the fight against many Illnesses' affecting Human Health, to the point that, even one of the most important Gene-Research related Business, initially specialized on Human Embryos for a Decade, recently anounced its decision to .. Drop research on Human Embryos' Stem Cells, followed by the latest NOBEL Prize award, on the contrary, to Researches who Refused to manipulate the Genome of Human Embryos but had focused only on consenting Adult persons' Stem Cells reprogramming : A largely Differend, much less ethically controversial or dangerous, Alternative notoriously supported by many People oposed to unethical and dangerous genetic manipulations of Human Embryos (which, thus, have just been proved to be even .. Useless, at least from the point of view of Human Health).
    So that Obama's .. "Billionaire" status, as the only Candidate in the entire History of US Presidential Elections who ever got so much Money from Private Donors (most of whom remain unknown, both back on 2008 and now, on 2012), becoming Richer even than Rockfeller in pre-electoral campaign Dollars, can't really be considered, no more, as "People's choice", but rather "big rich Lobbies"' favorite....

    What a long list of Deceptions for most of those who had believed in 2008 Obama's pre-electoral Promisses for a so-called positive "Change (that) you can believe in" !..

    Finally, the only "New" thing they've really got is a controversial, unethical and dangerous waste of rare Federal Money for Genetic Manipulation of Human Embyros, which proved to be both Sterile (at least as far as Human Health was concerned) and Useless (see Facts cited above)..

    => In consequence, on 2012, the obvious conclusion could be :

    - "O - B - A - M - A" = "0 (Zero) - Belief - At - this Man's - Anouncements" ?...

  3. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says it's still a catastrophe, electricity comin' back on but now gasoline availability is a problem...
    Power Returning After Sandy but Gas Problems Rise
    Nov. 03, 2012 — More New Yorkers got power Saturday for the first time since Superstorm Sandy struck the region, but frustrations mounted over gasoline shortages as refueling sites turned into traffic jams of horn-honking confusion.
    See also:

    'Couple more days' for fuel shortage, Bloomberg says; 'free gas' offer triggers rush
    Lines are long and open gas stations are few and far between in New York and New Jersey, as drivers wait to fill up their tanks.
  4. Cluster

    Cluster New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Right, dear waltky : In addition to Electric power cuts, Gasoline scarcity (and scandalous desorganization), Public Transort and/or Highways/Bridges blocked, etc., during a Cold Winter, with more Food and Transport (etc) basic needs, Destroy precious TIME exactly at the eve of a crucial US Presidential Election !

    In fact, what happened is that Obama hadn't accepted more than only 3 delayed Debates with Romney, during which the Republican US Presidential Candidate succeeded to mark a Spectacular Augmentation in the Polls, starting even to bypass and ... lead Obama for the 1st time so frequently and regularly during almost all this recent Period of Time (on October) !


    But, immediately afterwards, the sudden, unexpected and strange appearance of the "Dr. Frankenstein/Sandy" Giant Hurricane, reportedly "enhanced" by the addition of various other Meteorologic events at the Atmosphere, notoriously interrupted brutally all discussions on the US Presidential Elections' Debates, blocked and hindered on the spot Electoral campains, and (with a Surprising Accuracy) stroke precisely against the most crucial "Swing" States at USA's North-Eastern Coast...

    => After that incident, for more than 5 Days, many denounced the fact that the US Presidential campain had been brutally interrupted, People were forced to deal with other, more Urgent threats, and what had happened during those 3 Debates was obviously "eclipsed" by "Frankenstein/Sandy" Hurricane bla-bla, (which even Cut Electric Power in many Hundreds of Thousands of Households, excluding entire areas and many People, even at New York, from Internet access, etc), at a crucial moment at the eve of the November 6 US Presidential Election, diverting attention elsewhere...

    => "Dr. Frankenstein/Sandy" mutated Hurricane's exploitation certainly did NOT help at all to fully develop really Democratic Popular Discussions and People's Awareness on the main issues which had just started to be debated for this November 6, 2012 US Presidential Election, so that coming closer to the Facts, American People had started to mark a decisive U-turn in all Polls which gave a Win to the Republican Candidates Romney and Ryan since October.

    >>> Will Gray Darkness erase all Lights, or not ?

    It's for US People to tell !

  5. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    The main problem in the NY/NJ area after Hurricane Sandy is the continuing shortage of gasoline. Where are the screams of outrage at the oil companies for completing screwing up a foreseeable situation? Why blame the President for something that a private enterprise sector should have be expected to handle better?
  6. philipkdick

    philipkdick New Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    I'm surprised your'e not blaming it on HAARP
  7. Cluster

    Cluster New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Your suggestion might be examined if a full Investigation becomes necessary. But who controls today "your" HAARP ?
  8. Cluster

    Cluster New Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Do you really claim that the notoriously EXCEPTIONAL "Dr. Frankenstein/Sandy" Hurricane, the ONLY ONE in America's History to Suddenly appeare at the Eve of a crucial US Presidential Election, would have been ... "FORESEEABLE" ???!!!...


    In fact, that's a point on FEMA controversy...
  9. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Superstorm Sandy survivors still havin' nightmares...

    Mental health toll emerges among Sandy survivors
    15 Dec.`12 — The image of his brother trapped in a car with water rising to his neck, his eyes silently pleading for help, is part of a recurring nightmare that wakes Anthony Gatti up, screaming, at night.

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