In 31 C. E. the First Day of Unleavened Bread was on a Thursday. This fact would allow for a Wednesday crucifixion in 31 C. E. and a Saturday afternoon or early evening around sunset resurrection... so that Rabbi and Messiah Yeshua - Jesus was "already risen" on Sunday morning. I believe that Jesus was actually crucified on a Wednesday........ when He died He went to heaven for an hour or two and showed the Thief on the Cross "Paradise" but then Jesus went to hell.... at sunset.... as that day ended and the new day began. This theory puts all the seemingly conflicting scriptures together in a way that makes sense. So the disciples of Jesus who prepared the spices for his burial... rested on Thursday the First Day of Unleavened Bread... and annual Sabbath.... then they prepared the spices on Friday..... then they rested on the weekly Sabbath... then they went to the tomb on the morning of the First day of the week.. Sunday morning... but He was already risen. I believe that Jesus was resurrected seventy two hours from the time of His going to her... which I believe would be Saturday around sunset.
That is an excellent point indeed! I am not entirely sure of the answer but I do remember that about thirty years ago I probably could have answered that one...... ..... One possible answer is the difference between what The Worldwide Church of God, [the Messianic Jewish or perhaps MessyAntik Gentile community that brought me out of Atheism], defined as The First Day of Unleavened Bread.... vs what the first century Rabbinic Jewish community would term The First Day of Unleavened Bread???????? And now to attempt to expand the scope of this discussion...... by including an e-mail that I sent off to Orthodox Jewish Jerusalem Sanhedrin Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander back in 2010 that attempted to explain something that i got myself into back in 1990 and 1991?! The reason as to why I include this correspondence is the cognitive dissonance that was created in my mind forty some years ago as i asked myself..... "How could Messiah Yeshua - Jesus be typified BY A KID OF THE GOATS????????" FOR THE RECORD.... BACK IN 2011 I JUST HAPPENED TO RUN INTO AN OFF THE SCALE BRILLIANT ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION THAT HAD TROUBLED ME FOR MORE THAN FORTY YEARS???!!!!! Your nomination for Nobel Prize in Literature? ACCORDING TO what was shown to near death experiencer Bruce F. MacDonald.... the disciple Judas Didymus Thomas [the twin]... was none other than the identical slightly older TWIN BROTHER OF RABBI YESHUA - JESUS / ISSA THE PROPHET OF ISLAM????????!!!!!! For the record the near death experience account of Dr. MacDonald deals with information so far over the head of me, DennisTate.... that I am unworthy to hardly even comment???????!!!!!