And that doesn't even include the extra 20k the the Georgia Secretary of State is going to announce any day now. I figure if he's still a candidate next August he'll have found the other 7 million votes not counted.
Since when can any government absolutely safeguard life? Everyone dies. Life is not a right. Since when does any government allow absolute freedom? Such would be anarchy. Freedom is not a right. The government cannot possibly stop me from pursuing happiness. They can throw me in the darkest cell, give me a thousand punishments, but any human will seek happiness. Likewise, granting my merest whims will not ensure I attain happiness. The pursuit of happiness is part of the human condition, not a right. -Paraphrased from Heinlein's 'Starship Troopers' (the book, not the movie) A right is something the government holds inviolate. In theory, WE tell our government what to do. any of the second set of rights could easily become one. None of the first set, except the last (which cannot be violated) are held inviolate by any government. Anyone who says different is peddling pipedreams. sorry to bust your bubble.