GA U.S. Senate candidate smackdown over outsourcing jobs

Discussion in 'United States' started by Grizz, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    It's said the worst thing a politician can do is tell the truth, but when you're under oath, in court, sometimes it's hard to wiggle out of it. Hence the current dust-up with David Perdue, successful businessman and current Republican candidate for the Senate running against Michelle Nunn (D). Seems that Politico had found testimony from him in a 2005 court case where he said he “spent most of my career outsourcing". Then, the local Atlanta paper, the AJC, asked him about the article. He tried to spin it this way:

    Then, it got worse if you can imagine that. Seems that there was a rather rowdy open debate at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia where the Dem candidate just flat laid him out as he tried to stick to his spin and blame everybody else but himself and basic greed. Here's the short video. The crowd response in this normally dead red state was quite interesting.

    OK, that was the long slow curve. Now here's the fast break - Georgia was considered a no-brainer for another Republican sweep, meaning it was a seat they could count on and not worry about defending. Thanks to some very imaginative gerrymandering, they've pretty well locked up the House majority, but are hitting some major walls for the Senate (governor is too, but that's another thread). Michelle Nunn (yes, Sam Nunn's daughter) has been surging in the polls, not to mention spending a ton of money on ads and something like this could easily push her over the top. It will be interesting to see some of the new polls that will be coming out next week to see if this has legs.
  2. Angrytaxpayer

    Angrytaxpayer Banned

    Mar 20, 2011
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    I'm a conservative but I hate outsourcing. These people are out of touch with reality.
  3. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    If companies are creating factories in other countries to supply those, and surrounding countries, then I can go with that. However, when U.S. businesses are creating those factories for the sole purpose of importing their goods and selling them at low cost, undermining our businesses, then I'm in total agreement. However, I'd sure like them to think just who will buy those goods if they keep shipping jobs out of the country.
  4. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    What does this have to do with the central issue of the election - - Hussein Obama?
  5. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    It's about those who support the country and the president and those who do not. Mr. Perdue has already indicated he will be just another 'no' vote for anything that will improve the lives of most people in this country, including laws which will help create jobs ... in this country.
  6. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Maybe we should be doing something to try and make these companies here more competitive with those over seas that make the same products. Can we really make a toaster or blender here to compete with the Chinese and pay the wages and benefits that Americans want?
  7. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Easily, If US companies paid management the same percentage of company income as Chinese companies the US would be able to manufacture toasters and blenders at competitive prices.
  8. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Perdue's response was totally reasonable. Outsourcing doesn't just mean hiring cheap labor overseas. Every business makes a decision as to what it will do inhouse versus procure externally... or "OUTSOURCE." Are liquor manufacturers "evil outsourcers" when they don't grow all their own grain? Are bookstores "evil outsourcers" when they don't only sell books that their employees write? The hay made over Perdue's comment is typical of ignorant leftist hyperbole applied to something they don't understand at all... private sector business.

    Nunn has run a totally sexist, identity politics campaign aimed at the female vote to an obnoxious degree. IMO this will backfire on her on election day. Of course she could win though, Ga has rapidly increasing Democrat demographics and women are a particularly gullible identity motivated voting bloc. It is not a safe seat for the GOP. She is as unqualified a silver spoon candidate as I've ever seen in an election though, with 0 accomplishments not related to family coattails. She is the perfect equivalent of Chelsea Clinton.

    Quote from a Nunn campaign ad from some faux victim of some fabricated Perdue atrocity against women, "David Perdue only cares about hisself." Sums up well the target voter of the Nunn campaign and the intellectual wherewithal of the left generally.
  9. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Let's not gloss this over. When this guy and the thousands of corporations talk "outsourcing" what they mean is employing cheap labor. Industry has always sought foreign sources for natural resources and raw products that were not readily avaiable in the USA. Marble was obtained from quarries in Italy, spices from exotic regions where the climate was optimum, coffee and cocoa beans from mountainous regions, etc. But, again, let's call this what it labor that undermines the economic growth of the middle class while enriching the people that have no allegiance to the country that enabled them to become extrordinarily wealthy and have zero intentions of paying it forward.
  10. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Yes, of course, that is the intent, to limit the term to a narrow meaning of only "jobs" towards political intent. But it's not true. "Outsourcing" generally means obtaining raw materials, products and services externally. NONE of the ads has Perdue stating that he has been "outsourcing JOBS his whole career." One would think if they are mining past depositions, and such a quote existed, it would be easy to find. There is no reason, other than in the partisan mind, to assume a highly specific, limited use of a term that has broad general meaning.

    Nunn has run a campaign full of ads where semiliterate, obviously uneducated women, who have absolutely 0 knowledge of business or much else, sit around and opine as to Perdue's intent and actions in broken, trailer trash English. The ads are very plainly aimed at a semiliterate, uneducated mob of low information voters. If that's the campaign she wants to run, that's fine. It may win; the mob is large and breeding more every day in this country. But it turns nonpartisan, average, educated people off in a big way, and paints a derogatory, inaccurate view of Georgia voters. Other Nunn ads are plainly "coattail appeals" using her father and Zell Miller. Then we have the inflammatory "vote for GOP means more Fergusons" utter BS tripe. Other of her ads hypocritically bemoan negative politics, despite almost all of her ads are themselves attack ads. The impression from Nunn's campaign is that she is a hypocritical person of extremely limited accomplishment used to riding Daddy's coattails whose favored constituencies are ignorant, uneducated mobs of trailer trash women and the most ignorant and reactionary segment of the black vote. Who other than fellow ignoranti and extreme partisans would vote for someone who ran that kind of campaign? I sure didn't.
  11. Grizz

    Grizz New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Here is one voter for Nunn as the "least bad" choice. Mr. Perdue has promised, if elected, that he would do everything in his power to gum up the workings of the Senate. At least the guy he wants to replace could, on occasion, work with Dems toward a mutually acceptable goal. Finally, as far as I'm concerned, anyone who gets their political views from pre-election ads really needs to grow up and get informed. Really, informed.
  12. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    From the ads themselves, sure, voting on that is dumb. But much can be learned from ads about the tenor of the campaign and what kind of representative someone who runs a certain campaign is likely to make. Michelle Nunn has 0 accomplishments not related to Daddy Sam. None. Getting a $300k salary for running a nonprofit, regardless of its origin, is EXACTLY the kind of silver spoon patronage BS that Democrats rail about daily here with respect to all the "1%" and income inequity disparity. Yet Nunn is the very definition of the thing Democrats claim to be against. Her hypocrisy and inconsistency whining about attack ads when she is literally blanketing the TV with them won't affect her with Democrats at all, because Democrats by and large are inconsistent hypocrites. It's amusing and typical to hear you say that voting for a completely unaccomplished, inexperienced silver spoon who has flourished solely on Daddy is "the least bad choice." Why not be honest and say you would vote for any Democrat no matter what? Because we both know that's the truth.

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