Game-Changer "Smoking Gun": Ukranian Massacre+Corruption Proof : << BIDEN is Willing ! >>...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Galaxy, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    As Senate's Judiciary Committee President, Sen. Ron Johnson, reportedly said that he "would Like More Information before issuing a Subpoena" on Hunter Biden about the "FBI" Investigation on Ukrania-related Corruption, (See :, Let's Help him !

    * The PROOF of Biden's Corruption and Personal Link between the Big Money given to his Drug Addict + Jobless then Son, and his own Responsibilities as Former US Vice-President, around that Bloody Conflict, which Killed Many Civilian People, Divided a previously Peaceful Country, provoked Heavy Destructions and Huge Debt, Corruption, "Missing" People, etc., and resulted at Crimea's ReUnification Back with Russia, while, Also, practicaly Excluding Kiev's eventual Accession in the EU for the Foreseable Future, (Contrary to what Seemed quite Natural, until then), Against US and EU Interests, is HERE :

    In Fact, the reason for which Other Investigators did Not Yet Find it (and/or didn't realize its importance), is that the Main Thing was NOT AFTER, (as They Believed), BUT BEFORE his Son, Hunter, who "had No Job, for a Long Time, ...and, Not the Best Reputation in the World", (NDLR : Fired by US Navy after being Found Drugged with Cocaine !), "Suddenly, was given 183.000 $ per Month, and 3 Millions $ in Front-Payment", (by an Ukranian Gas Company, while he had No Experience at all in Energy Issues), as US President Trump notoriously Denounced at the Latest Public Debate with Biden, just a few Days ago, criticizing that as a Sign of something obviously "DisHonest"...

    Indeed, Biden's Son was Appointed at Ukranian Gas Company "Burisma"s Board on April 2014, i.e. about 2 Months After the Famous Violent "Putch" at Kiev, which gave All the Power to the former Opposition, on February 2014, Obliging the Last Pan-Ukranian Elected President of the Country, Yanukovich, to Flee Abroad, at nearby Russia, Following Unexpected Bloody and Deadly Clashes around the Central "Maidan Square", after the Emergence of Deadly "Snipers" who Curiously Killed Both Demonstrators and Public Security Agents, and whose Real Origin Still remains a Mystery (See infra)...

    >>> That's where Former US Vice-President Joe Biden's own, Personal Role, (Little Known by the Public), comes into the Main Picture :

    - During that Crucial Month of February 2014, Initially, a Possibility for a Peaceful Solution of the Ukranian Conflict, with a quasi-Unanimously Agreed, Orderly Transition of Power, (i.e., General Amnesty, National Unity Government, and new Presidential Elections During that Same Year of 2014, etc), had been Negotiated, put in Writting, and Signed by Both Sides in that Conflict, (i.e. Government and Opposition Heads), under the Auspices of 3 EU Foreign Ministers from Germany, France and Poland, (aka the "Weimar Triangle").

    - But, Meanwhile, a Notorious former Obama US-Administration Senior Official, State Department's Assistant Secretary for Euro-Asian affairs, Miss Nuland, Suddenly became Famous all over the World, for her pittoresque ...-"F*** the EU !", shocking Statement, in a Private Phone Conversation with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, which was Remotely Captured and Anonymously Published at the Web, (with its Veracity and Accuracy Never Contested, the State Department Limiting itself Only into simply Refusing to Comment it)...

    >>> According to a Full "Transcript", Published by UK's "BBC", Joe Biden's blatant Key Role, on what became soon the Ukranian Tragedy, appears UnDeniable and Scandalous :

    - Nuland's Interference and effective Influence into that Ukranian Conflct's Developments is very Important, as Proves also the Fact that, in that Leaked Crucial Phone Conversation, she practicaly Describes All the Future Members of the Next Government in Ukraine, Who she wants to be Prime Minister, who simply "In", and Who "Out", and, Afterwards, her Wishes, surprisingly, Become Reality 100%, precisely as she had said !

    - But, the Difference Between those European and American Plans for Ukraine was Also very Big, to the point to be InCompatible, then : EU clearly Headed towards a Peaceful and Agreed "Power-Sharing", at least in the Short term, while Obama's USA Headed towards a Clash for an Immediate and Total Swift of Power, putting Exclusively the former Opposition at the Head of the State, (i.e. without Any Compromise, but through a more or less Bloody Conflict, and/or Division of the Country)...

    >>> At this Crucial Juncture, US Ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, asks Nuland for something very "Special" : - "We Want to try to get Somebody with an International Personality to come out ... and Help to midwife this thing", (i.e. that Plan for an Abrupt, Brutal and Total Political Swift) he stresses... I.e. the Plotters Need a High-Standing Politician to Back their Foreign Interference Plot.

    => Then, Nuland's Reply to that precise Demand, immediately Points at ... Biden !

    - She reveals that, precisely, she "Wrote (a) Note" (to Washington HQ) "On That piece", and soon Received a Positive Reaction by the then US Vice President (Biden)'s National Security Adviser, Jake "Sullivan", who immediately "came back to me, saying <<You Need Biden !>> for that job...

    Sullivan is a Key "Deep State" Top Agent for Dems, having worked Both for Obama, Biden, and Hillary, at Important pre-Electoral Campaign and Foreign Policy/National Security posts.

    => - "And I (Nuland) said : Probably, Tomorrow, for an atta-boy, and to get the deets [details] to Stick", she Replied (according to her own narrative) to that White House's Offer, Accepting the proposed Deal on Ukraine, with Biden's key representative.

    >>> - "So, BIDEN IS WILLING !", the Number 1 Comploter on the Ukranian Conflict (USC for Euro-Asia, Nuland), Triomphaly Announced.

    => - "OK. Great. Thanks !", an Obviously Satisfied US Ambassador to Ukraine, Pyatt, Concluded, as far as the above-mentioned, Planned US Intervention in Ukraine's National Internal Political Affairs, was concerned, apparently Feeling that they Got, at last, a High-Level "Green Light" from Biden to Act...

    -+ At this Culminating Point, UK's "BBC"'s experienced Diplomatic Correspondent, Jonathan Marcus, writting at the Date of those Events, on February 2014, Significantly Comments that :

    - "This is a Damaging Episode", Against the Interests of US Diplomacy, indeed, where "Nobody emerges with Any credit" at all... Because, inter alia, "the US is clearly much More Involved ... in Ukraine, than it publicly lets on"... So, "there is some Embarrassment for Americans", he Concludes, (Even Before Knowing, yet, the Bloody Violent Clashes and Other manifold Negative, often Tragic Consequences that this Will have, already, from Later that Same Month of 2/2014 and well Beyond, for Years)...

    >>> As for Biden, his Personal Responsibility is Striking : Indeed, Curiously, It's Not the POTUS, then OBAMA, Neither the Foreign Policy - competent Secretary of State, then John KERRY, (not even the Former SoS, HILLARY, with whom the Intermediary, Sullivan, had also worked), But Only ...BIDEN, a simple, normaly UnRelated, Vice-President, then, who, Suddenly, rushes to send His Agent to Immediately Snatch that Key Responsibility for a Blatant and Controversial Foreign Interference inside Ukraine's National Internal Affairs, with Heavy and Tragic Consequences for many Civilian People, which Started to Emerge soon...

    => Indeed, just a Few Days Later, that Same Month of 2/2014, Nuland's ..."F*** the EU" (sic !) Notorious Call, is Put into Practice : - The Above-metioned Agreement, under UE Auspices, just Signed by the Ukrainian President Yanukovic and all the Leaders of the Opposition Demonstrating at Kiev's Maidan Square, about a Peaceful Transition, based on a National Unity new Government, General Amnesty, and Presidential Elections that Same Year, Suddenly, was ...Brutaly Thrown Down and Torn into Pieces,

    by a Violent Clash, leaving Many People Dead from Both Sides, Notoriously Provoked mainly by the UnExpected Appearance of some Mysterious "Snipers", who, Firing with Rifles located Behind the Lines of the Demonstrators, Curiously Targetted and Killed ... Both some Public Security Agents AND Opposition's Demonstrators, Obviously Seeking to Stir a Bloody Conflict !

    Initialy Revealed by a Key Phone Conversation between a Baltic Country's then Foreign Minister, (later Elected MEP in EU Parliament), who had just Visited Kiev's Maidan Militants, and EU's High Representative for External Action, a Brittish "Socialist" then, (Leaked too, But Never Denied by the Interlocutors), that "Deadly Snipers"' Scandal was even Denounced by Council of Europe's High-Level Group's Head, former ECHR President, Sir Nicolas Bradja, who, in a Press Conference at Kiev to present the Findings of a comprehensive Report on the February 2014 Bloody Incidents, strongly Criticized the Lack of Any Progress in the so-called "investigations" allegedly made, Since then, by the Winners of that Conflict : A Strange "Black-Out", which still Continues until Nowadays (2020)...

    >>> Soon Afterwards, the Last Pan-Ukranian Election Voted President, Janukovich, was Obliged to Flee Abroad, and the Chiefs of the "Maidan" Demonstrators' Opposition seized All the Power for them alone, withOut Any Compromise concerning those who thought Otherwise... Astonishingly, that New Kiev's Government (that Opponents called "Putchist") was Composed ...Exactly as Nuland had Wished Previously, (at her famous Phone with the US Ambassador : Comp. Supra) !

    => Since then, Ukranian People Never yet had Any Chane to Vote Again United, All Together, throughout their Entire Country (2014-2020), since, Following such Brutal Incidents, the Rejection of that Compromise Agreement, the Absolute Seizure of All Government Posts by those Former "Demonstrators" of the Opposition, and Given the First Measures taken After that Bloody Power Swift, (including, f.ex., Against the Traditionaly Russian-Speaking Population of the Eastern Regions, etc), notoriously, the Country was Divided, with the Donetsk-Luhansk Regions seeking "Autonomy", while Crimea Peninsula Voted by a controversial Referendum to ReUnite with Russia, (as it was, Most of the Time, in the Past), that Opponents slamed as "Annexation", (etc).

    + Worse : Kiev's New Chiefs soon Launched a heaby Tanks and Military Bombing Airplanes' massive Attack against the Recalcitrant Eastern Regions, (already Surrounded by a Tight "Boycott" Socio-Economic Blockade, with Often several Vital Public Networks being Cut, even Old People's Pensions and/or Poor People's elementary Social Help reportedly affected, etc), Striking and Bombing on Both Armed and Civilian Targets, throughout many Villages and Cities under Sieze, to the point that they made an Awful Lot of Victims among Innocent Civilian People, including at the Streets, around their Working places, right in Front of their Family Homes, or Even, too Often, Inside Homes, (as Many Photo and Video Documents attested) !

    ++ That UnPrecedented Bloodshed Continued, with a Growing Number of Civilian Victims), from around March up to August 2014, Until a New Leadership at the Donetsk-Luhansk pro-Autonomy Regions, for the 1st Time, Launched a Succesful, Fast-Track, armed Counter-Offensive, Reaching and threatening to Enter up to the Strategicaly Located Mariupol City, (at the Seaside, Between Donetsk and Crimea), when a 1st Cease-Fire was agreed with Kiev. But, Soon, Military Attacks and Bombings re-Started Again, Making several More Civilian Victims, until the Pro-Autonomy, Eastern Ukraine's Regions Added also a 2nd Succesful Counter-Offensive, during the First Months of 2015, practicaly Obliging Kiev to Accept a France-Germany-Russia sponsored Compromise Agreement at Minsk, since the Spring of 2015, including an OSCE-Monitored Cease-Fire, and OutLining a Path towards a Progressive Overall Solution of this Bloody Ukranian Conflict, (which, However, hasN't yet Advanced, until 2020, being Stalled into a Cumbersome "Freezed" Standstill, that leaves Many People still Suffering from the manifold Negative Consequences of this Brutal Forced Division of a Previously Peaceful Country)...

    - So that, the Awful MESS in which Joe Biden's Interference has left Ukraine, with Strategic Crimea Penisula practicaly Lost to Russia, Eastern Regions aspiring for "Autonomy" (if not outright Independence), the Country Heavily InDebted and Hit by a lot of Destructions, Galoping Corruption, etc. to the point that EU, currently, does No More Think to eventually Enlarge towards Kiev, at least as things stand, (while, in the Past, an EU Elargement there Appeared quite Natural, and Russians were even Thinking about it, on Condition that it would Not Provoke Also a NATO Extension, that they Opposed for Obvious Security Reasons), led Even at an Economic Slowdown throughout the EU, All Europe, and Affecting up to the World's GDP, after Too Many, UnPrecedented EU "Sanctions" against Russia, Provoking related "Counter-Sanctions" against the EU, and so on, as OECD has Acknowledged.

    >>> But, While, among Various Other Catastrophes, even Thousands of Innocent Civilian People were Atrociously Killed or Mumed, afer those Kiev's Brutal Clashes, during many Military "Bombings" of Cities and Villages at Eastern Ukraine, in Addition to the Provoked Deadly Armed Conflicts there, Extended to Manifold Human Sufferings by Socio-Economic "Blocus", etc., Not to Forget the Horror of Many 100% Peaceful Young Protestors Chassed and Atrociously ...BURNED ALIVE after the Brutal Attacks of Pro-Kiev Fanatic Extremist Thugs, Armed with long Clubs, Fire-Bombs, and even Guns, at Odessa's Notorious Massacre, (also Investigated by the Council of Europe, and others),

    => During these Same Months and Years, Since April 2014, on the Contrary, Joe Biden's Drug-Addict (Cocaine) and Jobless Son, just Fired by the US Army, (etc), Suddenly Started to be Paid almost 200.000 $ Each Month, empocketing even Millions $ in Front-Payments, sitting on too Confortable Seats at that Ukranian Gas Company, obviously Linked to the New Kiev's Government (Comp. Supra), precisely, Because of Joe Biden's Decisive Interference at the Most Crucial Moment of Ukraine's Internal Affairs, since February 2014, which Prompted that Brutal "U-Turn" with those Bloody Incidents at Kiev's Maidan Square, shortly Followed by a Large-Scale and too Long, Heavily Armed Conflict in a Divided Ukraine, with too Many Thousands of Civilian and other Victims (Comp. Supra) :

    - Indeed, all Facts Obviously show, that all that "Easy" Money for Hunter Biden, was the Macabre "Payment" for Joe Biden's "Dirty Job", which has provoked an Awful Mess at too Many Other People's Human Lives !

    => So that the Real Magnitude of this Scandal is, in Fact, Much More Huge, Horrible, Vicious and Hideous, than what Other Medias think, when they Point Only to some Subsequent "Facilitations" of Contacts with the former Vice-President of the US, and/or his Added, Subsequent "Pressure" upon Kiev to Fire an Attorney who reportedly Bothered the Boss of his Son, Hunter Biden : that Ukranian Gas Company which Paid him, (etc), as f.ex. Newspaper "New York Post", as well as, apparently, the "FBI" itself, more Recently, just tried to Investigate...

    >>> In Consequence, it would Obviously be a Big DisHonour for the USA, if it Falls again (and even More than before) at the Hands of such Unscrupulus Individuals, (for all the Factual Reasons presented Above), and, inevitably, a Grave Risk for All the World !
    Jeannette, FatBack, Horhey and 2 others like this.
  2. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    Thank you for this information.. yes.. much worse that we tho't and magnitudes worse than what our MSM is now willing to admit .... Hunter Biden's bad habits. which they will use to divert this story.

    I am wondering, what do the press in other countries think about a very successful President being caught in a close race (so they say) with an obviously mentally challenged (and now being exposed as extremely corrupt) opponent?
    Shonyman32 likes this.
  3. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    All Johnson did was repackage debunked crap for the gullible.
    Sleep Monster, Melb_muser and clennan like this.
  4. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Precisely, dear "ToddWB" : Most People still Search to Find Any kind, even the Slightest sign, of Joe Biden's abnormal Personal Implication in Ukraine, (f.ex. a Meeting with "Burisma" Company's envoy, the real cause of Pressure to Dismiss an Attorney who investigated on it, etc),

    >>> while, in Fact, the Biggest Interference of all, the Most Blatant, Scandalous, Destructive, InHuman, War-Mongering, AntiDemocratic, and Damaging, Joe Biden's Personal and Decisive Intervention, exists there, right in front of their Eyes, IF they are Helped to simply Notice it, and Realize its Importance, on Time !


    => Everybody Must Focus, Now, on the Main Point !

    Until the MSM are (if they persist to Hide the Truth) completely Discredited, (and this Election accused to be Seriously Rigged), by such a Blatant Refusal to simply Inform the American People, on Who they vote !

    But, Nowadays, we Believe also in the Potential Strength of "Alternative (People's) Medias" at the Web, IF they are Efficiently Activated...


    Nowadays, the Huge Gap separating "the Press" and Citizens is Big, Everywhere !

    But, sometimes, at least certain Medias of the Right, in some Key Countries, made some notworthy efforts to Point at that Ukraine Corruption Affair for Biden, (particularly After the Last Debate, where Trump raised it, and Biden had practicaly Nothing concrete to claim)...

    >>> (Except from Pretexting that he would have Always acted "according to US Policy", and "withOut doing Anything illegal", while, on the Contrary, we can See, Here (i.e. in This Publication of Documented Facts, at the Forum), that Joe Biden took a Personal Initiative to Grossly Interfere at a Foreign Country's Internal Affairs - and Offering, Even, his Personal Services to Miss Nuland ! - while Neither the Foreign Policy - Competent, Secretary of State Kerry, then, Nor the Chief of the US Federal Administration : POTUS Obama then, Not Even Hillary, etc., Did Not ! )

    However, several Foreign People, sometimes Even from the "Left" or "Center", etc, Acknowledge that Don Trump, at least, Started to Make an Exceptionaly Good Job as US President, (f.ex., inter alia, in Economy, against Islamist Terrorism, and concerning World Peace, Bringing Soldiers Back Home, etc).

    => The Main Point is to Strive in order to Stimulate, Unite, and Focus, All those "Good" Elements, Towards a Single and Efficient Ray of Light !...

    + Naturally, this has to be done On Time : As, f.ex., mutatis-mutandis, GWBush's UnExpected, Crystal-clear and Large Win on 2014, which was, In Fact, Ensured Just at the Last Hours, (+ and with an Exceptional Prolongation of the Voting Office Hours, on Pretext of Raining, as, Suddenly, Many People Started to Gather, Standing in Long Quiews, Outside)...
    ToddWB likes this.
  5. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    too bad this won't be in the media except for maybe FOX
    ToddWB likes this.
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    First off .. your post is way too long - I got through half of it - which is 90%more than most.

    Often it is what is not said - in the media - than what is said that is important. We had "Russiagate" - now "Huntergate"

    Influence - whos influencing Trump - and who Biden - Is it "Russia" - Heir Putinsky ? seig heil ! or "Ukraine Oligarchs" .. or "China" ?

    Who are we fkn kidding here ? What's not said is was not Putin who bailed Trump out of bankruptcy - That was "SugarDaddy"
    It is not Putin's foot soldier that Trump appointed Commerce Secretary - Quid Pro Quo - Wilbur Ross - same fellow who did the bankruptcy - foot soldier of .. you guessed it - SD

    It was not Putin's son that Ivanka was shagging - come on . . not ... not .. not "Son of SugarDaddy" ...Ask me no questions - I will tell you no lies.

    Is this not news ? MSNBC - Rachel -- where are you CNN ? - Don Lemonhead . No one be touching Sugar Daddy mon .. Same one who pulls Biden's strings .. .so worry not about Hunter - Fox not mentioning this.

    OH .. but sorry .. I forgot - Sugar Daddy owns/dictates content on Fox, CNN, MSNBC - Forgive me for forgetting that.

    Is it some secret that Washington is a Pay to Play system ? Only to those that have never heard of the place :)

    Ukraine was Pentagon Power Play - huge influence in that election we had - and some nasty incidents .. some of which you mention.. but if you want to talk bigger dead .. more killing .. and way dirtier deeds. Look no Further than Syria.

    Syria - 500,000 Dead - Refugee crisis- War Crimes - Crimes against Humanity - and the History book has already been written for anyone who wants to read it. Can a lid be kept on this thing throughout a Biden Term ? Hard to say but that is a ticking time bomb. Go Tulsi.
  7. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Where has the US intelligence agencies been the last 4 or more years?
    A little late to make any difference in votes. They really blew it for the American people.
  8. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    The supposed Hunter Biden emails were for sale in Ukraine for $5 million last year.

    nobody wanted to buy, as they all seemed like BS crap.

    only Handsy Pantsy Rudy and Felonious Bannon showed any interest.
    Phyxius likes this.
  9. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    ToddWB likes this.
  10. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Apparently, dear "(Original)Late", (that's what, f.ex, some Conservative Medias feel too, but don't dare Cry it Aloud)...

    => That's one Reason More in order to Simply Take that TEXT, as Published at this Forum; and Send it Both to Him, and at Many Key Persons Around him and the Senate.

    >>>But, the Most Important Now, is the People : Spread that All around you :!

    If some RINOS drag their feet, sooner or later, they will be Sanctioned by the American People !
    ToddWB likes this.
  11. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No Need of "US Intelligence Agencies", Neither of "Years", for this, dear "DairyAir" :

    - Our Original Sources are Either Public at the World-Wide-Web, Or simple Logical Analysis, added to Personal Experience in Researching and Publishing during Many Years on the Ukranian Tragedy, its Manipulations, and on Main US and Other Politics, in Key Issues, at Crucial Historic Moments. Every Average Inteligence-Equiped Person could do it (and even Better), If he/she was Really Motivated.


    - Hope Not, MUST NOT !!!

    >>> Already, Back on 2004 US Presidentials, ALL Polls Claimed (Until the Last Minute, included) that it would be a 50 - 50 % "Pat" or "Draw", etc.

    => However, after a Last-Minute, But Well Documented Web Publication, with Strong Arguments and Facts, as well as Focused on the Essentials, ...Finaly, the Result (revealed Only Next Morning...) was an Astonishing, Crystal-Clear Absolute Majority Win for the Conservative Candidate, GWBush, with More than +3,5 Millions of Votes Higher than the "Socialist" Kerry !

    - It seems that Many People, (Including, Particularly Christians "Born Again", etc., Since the Main Issue, then, were BioEthics, and a "Hot" Conflct for or against Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, that GWBush had Prohibited, Less than 1 Month Before 9/11 Barbaric Mass Massacres of Thousands of Innocent People), simply Transmitted our Text, then, through the Internet, Around them, and at a Lot of Other Web Participants, Rapidly and Massively...

    => Next Day, Medias spoted a Surprizing Phenomenon of Numerous Voters suddenly Rushing, at the Last Minute, to Pile-up at Long Quiews in Front of the Electoral Offices, Waiting Even under a Rain, until Late Evening : To the point that the Administrations Exceptionaly Decided to ...Extend the Vote Offices' Working Hours for much Longer than usual.

    >>> I.e., Precisely what CAN and MUST BE Done Also NOW, on these Crucial 2020 US Presidential+ Elections of November 3 !
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    ToddWB likes this.
  12. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Writing is supposed to be about communicating.

    That didn't.
    dairyair, bigfella and Phyxius like this.
  13. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    A Litterature Moto, dear "Giftedone", is : - "Sory to write you a Long Text, but I didN't have the Time to Write you a Short one !"


    = Right, dear "Giftedone". We are here, exactly Between those 2 Rocks...


    Don't know Who you mean as "SD".

    Is it "Wilbur Ross" ? Interesting person, indeed, (with Many Ramifications, Even indirect Links to 9/11, etc). But, to judge Hastily, by the most easily Accessible Public Data on him, he doesN't seem to be Fit as "THE" Puppet-Player here...


    For the Rest, = OK, mainly, about that "Ukraine ...Power Play" and "Huge Influence", wih "Nasty Incidents", etc, as well as for the "Syria" "Bigger ...Crimes" and 'way Dirtier Deeds", a possible "Ticking Time Bomb" if "Biden" Riggs this Vote, as You say.

    - But we MustN't let him !
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    ToddWB likes this.
  14. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    = Right, dear "Horhey" !

    But the guy Who did Seek himself to give a White House "Green Light" for that Dirty Job, was BIDEN, (as Facts Reveal : See our Publication at this Forum).

    + In fact, the Real Stakes behind that Dirty and Bloody Interference of 2014, were Not Only Geo-Political, not even limited just to Biden's Corruption, But, Also, and Most of all, of anOther Nature (easy to Associate with the above-mentioned), which is Important Even for these Nov. 3, 2020 Elections, But we DoN't have Time to Name and Describe here and now...
    ToddWB likes this.
  15. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    >>> "Writting" and "Publishing", dear "(Original)Late", is, First and Above all, a Fight about Investigating, Finding, and Revealing to the Public an Important Truth, which Affects People's Lives and/or Society at large, sometimes Even Humanity itself :

    => I.e., it's about discovering a Real and Solid Diamond, and Not Only a Flip-Floping, Flowing Glimse of "Com." !

    + But it's Also True, that "Com" is Often Useful, in Practice, sometimes even a Necessary Addition, for Final Efficiency...

    >>> We Tried to do, here, mainly the 1st.

    => If You really DoN't like to return (and Fall Even Deeper down) Back to Biden's wrongdoings, then, just Help us all with your famous "Com" !

    - "Hic Rodus, Hic Saltus"...
    ToddWB likes this.
  16. Phyxius

    Phyxius Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Someone's BabelFish is broken...
    Melb_muser and bigfella like this.
  17. Galaxy

    Galaxy Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    >>> Obviously, a ..."Fishy" post !

    => Apparently a Biden's fish...

    Welcome, = Anxious ?
    Don't Worry : In fact, the Only certain way for the Bidens' camp to Escape from Justice, is to let Trump Win ! Since he has Already shown, with Hillary's 2016-2017 Precedent, that he doesN't Pursue his Former Adversaries, after winning...
    But, IF, for your (and, in fact, Everybody's) Bad Chance, Biden snaps this Vote, Then, You can be Realy Afraid that ...Nothing won't Save him from Impeachment (and his closest Pals from Prosecution) !
    (See, f.ex., on "Giftedown", Above :
    ToddWB likes this.
  18. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    shouldn't this go into conspiracy. There is a forum for that.
    Melb_muser and Phyxius like this.
  19. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    This is what always freaked me out about Joe Biden. Whenever he visited Kiev, he brought some military gift and money to be used solely to buy arms - but nothing for the people who were suffering. Not only was the money being used to kill the people of Donetsk and Lugansk, who never voted to separate from Ukraine, but only for more rights from the fascist junta.

    What amazed me is that the MSM kept blasting away that Assad was killing his own people, when he was fighting foreign terrorists who were committing genocide on the Christians in Syria. Yet they never mentioned the atrocities that were going on in Ukraine and how Poroshenko was killing his own people. I would like to add here, that the snipers who shot the police and protesters, were mostly hired gunmen from Georgia with one from Lithuania.

    In the meantime the Nazis that were supported by the junta, and who were committing atrocities on the people in the Donbass, were being trained by American soldiers and given all the gear needed for their survival - while the conscripts who came from the former Russian and Hungarian areas, were given 2 weeks training and no armor for protection. The thousands of men who died in the Ukrainian army, died from friendly fire, because they didn't know how to man the guns.

    To me Biden, like Hillary and Obama, is evil incarnate.

    ToddWB likes this.
  20. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I gave such good clues .. Wilbur is the Food Soldier of Sugar daddy - did Trumps bankruptcies - working for on of the Rothschild banks. I call it the R&R consortia .. Rothchild Rockefeller .. and the club includes the other old money families - that we are all familiar with.

    Ivanka was shagging Nathan .. son of Sugar Daddy .. Heir to the House of Rothschild. Remember we are talking "Influence here".. who is able to influence Trump.. like was claimed of Putin.

    I say we do a pud measuring contest .. shall we ? Putinsky is worth more than 100 Billion - which gets one to the top of the "Richest Man" list . some claim 200 Billion Big Money.

    Largest hedge fund these days is Bridgewater .. with 175 Billion under management .. So Putin has lots of loot.. But - Compared to Sugar Daddy - and I use this term for the consortia -- Putin is pee wee.

    Who's cash is that ? 31 Trillion. You will find the same over at Mellon -- and also Morgan .. for a total of 91 Trillion - which is all the money in the world - pretty much :) and they own both Red and Blue - Presidents are "Selected" not "Elected" . .. which ever you vote for has been well vetted. Not that it is one monolith .. there are competing interests .. and these interests sometimes disagree - but it is where they agree that the Devil is found.

    Not sure about what you are saying exactly. Obama led a large coalition of nations which armed, supplied and supported the radical Islamist Proxy Army led by Al Qaeda - and other spawn of the same extremist Saudi ideology- in Syria. In less than 2 years after the start of armed insurgency in late 2011 - these radical nut jobs took over most of Syria and formed a new Islamic State (IS) - with banking - Trade -and so on. - what could possibly go wrong :)

    This has yet to hit the fan - but it will - just a matter of time - the history books have been written ... War Crimes - Crimes against Humanity - Guilty !!
  21. Phyxius

    Phyxius Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    If Biden wins, his allies will control at least the House. They're not gonna impeach their own. Read the effin' manual, Boris...
  22. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Tl; dr

    Come on, mate! Not fair
  23. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Conjecture with no basis. What does have a basis is that Trump is not part of the reset and new world order/government of Soros, big tech and the Washington ideologues.

    Obviously Ivanka's influence was not so great. As for Putin, yeah right -0. It's been debunked over and over again. :deadhorse:

    Yeah, they've been looking for the hole in the ground where Putin buried it for the past 20 years, but no such luck. Look, he doesn't care for money, and the Russian people know it, that's why they elected him. His love is mother Russia.

    Don't believe it. They owned Clinton and she lost, and they own Biden - so let's see what happens. If they owned Trump, he wouldn't have gone through hell these past years.

  24. Gentle- Giant

    Gentle- Giant Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    I believe that if Biden committed an impeachable crime. The Democrats would impeach him. That's the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republican senators had their chance to prove me wrong, but as we knew they would they demonstrated their depravity.
  25. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    There was never a Russian takeover. The only takeover of Crimea was by Kiev in the 90's when they sent in troops and kicked out the president of Crimea. Funny how the US and Europe said nothing then, but screamed to high heaven when the people voted to unite with Russia as protection from Ukraine.

    Actually all the plans of mice and men went to naught, when Crimea held the referendum. The coup in Kiev was solely for Nato to take over the Russian naval base at Sevastopol and control the Black Sea, and it failed miserably.

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