The main problem I see with your argument is that you seem to think that being gay is somehow cultural. Oregon disagrees. Which is just one of many reasons why your argument keeps failing. The government gave due consideration to this case as evidenced by the rather lengthy judgement (122 pages) which details the specifics of the case and the relevant case law used to determine the outcome of the case. It also includes a lengthy Findings of Fact section and excerpts of the testimony given by all parties.
You aren't helping things (in any way), when you make things up. What you're saying here makes zero sense.
I keep having the same problem with proponents of a 'religious exemption' for bakers, florists etc and SSM. I am looking for some borders around it, some boundaries that will ensure that this exemption does not extend to other aspects of civil rights protection for gays and lesbians or for interracial or interfaith couples. I ask them about Christian apartment owners who discover they are harboring sin in apartment 37c. I get silence. I ask them about a Christian Mom and Pop grocery that learns their newest waitress is buying a her same sex marriage license with proceeds of their paycheck to her. I get silence. I ask them about a past student of Bob Jones University in the 1960's, who now has a Christian bookstore, and still sees interracial marriage as against God's teaching. His employee is now getting engaged to a black girl and using his paycheck to book the wedding chapel. I get silence. I get a lot of silence. If silence can get any quieter, it does so when I discuss what Muslim business owners might do with a precedent for a 'religious exemption' to state or municipal regulations and ordinances.
AMEN!! And don't even bother asking what these "Christians" should be doing about 'divorce'; the crickets will chirp even 'louder'.
They are way to busy stopping people from getting a license to marry the family cocker spaniel to entertain our questions.
Actually he's helping more than he knows. People who lie and distort the truth due to blinding based by their prejudice, they expose themselves for the charlatans they are. When all there is, is charlatans arguing against you, Well than you know you are right. I've been on these forums talking about this stuff for about six years. I've seen no really compelling argument for the anti side. Just, caterwalling about imagined religious issues that haven't come to pass, carrying on about what puerile think should be okay and shouldn't be. Helen Lovejoys wringing their hands screaming "Oh won't someone please think of the children" from people that would abandon them for not fitting the narrative. And the very rare but present hater, that is so bigoted he doesn't even know how dumb his statements are. Last but not least the lowly little self hater. This is a gay person that dislikes his/her desires, completely in the closet and lashing out at everything that is presented, demanding impossible irrelevant thresholds of proof. No wonder they lost in the federal court. It's a pathetic point to argue if you think about it. " These people shouldn't be allowed to do why I say they shouldn't because I don't like it." That's the argument. Sure there is silly attempts to claim the first amendment or the fourth amendment is being violated, but what they really want is to eradicate the first amendment. Good thing that constitution still stands.
And you my friend just won the Internet with this entire post! Is there really any more discussion after this? Nope, nailed it.