Gay Teen Suicide: A Range of Causes

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Silhouette, May 26, 2011.


Do you think the scenario in the OP is a plausible cause for gay teen suicide?

  1. No, it's utter rubbish

  2. Possibly, I'd have to see more data

  3. Yes, I think it's possible

  4. Absolutely. I even know of such a case that is very simliar

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  1. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You started out with something bogus; your post is essentially meaningless.
  2. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    The Gay Agenda just keeps on milking things like gay teen suicide and twisted confusion of child stars fragile mental states:

    It'll be confusing to watch reruns of Cher holding her little daughter in her arms and then see pictures of that little girl acting as a man. You bet it will be confusing. It's crazy. The documentary of Chaz Bono shown on Oprah's network was very explicit and any psychotherapists, except those who benefit $$ by approving transgender surgery, would see a million red flags flying in that documentary as to Chastity Bono's mental state.

    Line in sand drawn. Look deeper than the sympathy-milking..

  3. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Once again: the gay teen suicide victim's "role model" who told him he was "born this way". Really? S/he was born wearing a scanty meat-dress?


    What are we teaching our kids? If this boy had gotten help for his emulating a sexual extrovert and objectifying role model like Lady Gaga, would he have taken his own life? Was he swept up in the gay subculture or born that way? We need to make sure we know the answer to this question before we plow forward blindly teaching other kids that this lifestyle is "perfectly normal"..

    Modified slightly from the OP:

  4. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    That's just ridiculous to state. (Come on; be reasonable.)
  5. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Sometimes (all too often), they are taught THIS. :(

    And things like this.
  6. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    LOLOLOL!!! Chas Bono??? I guess its probably best for his mental health that he not come to the realization that he is the freak in the show, displayed for entertainment purposes.
  7. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Chas isn't stupid, and I bet he has a healthier view of these things than you probably do.
  8. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    No Chastity Bono isn't healthy at all. I refuse to call a female "he". Won't do it. Ever. And if that causes them to commit suicide then so be it. I'm not playing along with the disease so it can feel sane about itself. The real solution is to get professional help to those who need it.

    The number one cause of all teen suicides is confusion. Lady Gaga was the role model of the gay teen who just committed suicide. Maybe we should ban irresponsible role-modeling for children. I doubt she was "born that way" with a sexually explicit meat-dress. And I doubt Cher was born wearing a tired whore's costume from the '80s. In fact I remember Cher wearing lovely floor-length gowns and holding litte Chastity as they sang songs.

    GLAAD has really come a long way in promoting the subculture in American media.

    In memory of this teen suicide, please make your donations to the American Psychiatric group of your choice.
  9. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Then the real problem with Chas, is in your own mind. That is absolutely evident.
  10. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Amputating one's healthy breasts or penis [in the case of male mentally ill people] in order to role play another gender is not a sign of a mentally stable person. At times when I'm debating this I step back and am in a state of utter disbelief that I should even have to begin to explain that in such simple and easy-to-understand terms.

    But such is the case when GLAAD exerts such sway over an entire culture through a generation now, that such a twisted mental state has become a standard of "normalcy"...

    Be that as it may, it is still highly abnormal and not by any strech of the word a mainstream cultural value. If you people keep pushing it, you're going to discover a sudden and swift backlash to your steamrolling a twisted mental affliction into the fabric of mentally healthy people who retain their birth bodies and live their lives in acceptance of what swings or doesn't swing between their legs. Initiatives are simply going to line up and vote your twisted agendas off the boards right and left. So in that sense: keep up the audacity.

    What is fascinating and revealing to me at the same time is the GLBTQ's fierce reticence to avoid discussing any of the details of the genesis of how they are allegedly "born this way". If the facts don't line up to suit that theory, they just tell people who call attention to that "bigots" "homophobes" and in effect shut down the entire conversation...anything but discuss sexual imprinting, artificial insemination in farm and zoo mammals across the board adn how via comparative psychology we can extrapolate these known and banked-upon phenomenon to the most imprintable species of all: homo sapiens..

    Oh no! Not that! No, let's keep the conversation political and keep science out of it. Or else!

    Sorry. Not on my watch. If a gay teen commits suicide and has as his role model a male parading as a woman wearing a slutty meat dress and acting out in sexually extroverted ways, I'm going to suspect molestation or tampering [psychological or otherwise] episodes in that gay teen before I suspect bullying..

    Again from the OP modified to fit this latest suicide:

  11. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    In 1979, when Paul McHugh became chairperson of the psychiatric department at Johns Hopkins, he ordered the department to conduct follow-up evaluations on as many of their former transsexual patients as possible. When the follow-ups were performed, they found that most of the patients stated that they were happy as members of their target sex, but that their overall level of psychological functioning had not improved. McHugh reasoned that to perform physical gender reassignment was to "cooperate with a mental illness rather than try to cure it." At that time, Johns Hopkins closed its gender clinic and has not performed any sex reassignment surgeries since then.
  12. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Gay teen suicide? Maybe gay teens are committing suicide because feeling like a piece of sexual meat that has been indoctrinated into a culture that cares naught for you soul but only values you for copulation might tend to make a youngster despondant enough to take their own life?




    The Rocky Horror Picture Show has run its course. Time for the pendulum to swing back to sanity.

    Misery loves company. Leave the kids out of your subculture and get help. As far as I'm concerned, gay activists have blood on their hands with this latest teen suicide. It's not like teens dont' have enough angst on their hands without being made to feel like their very identity revolves around being a perverted sexual object.
  13. Wanderer

    Wanderer New Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I don't know why you try to explain anything at all. You're certainly not qualified.

    Is that what you're trying to do? Imprint your insanity on others by sheer repetition?

    I suppose you're allowed to suspect whatever you want, but the news stories about the case mentioned numerous incidents of bullying, so I'll go with the reported facts that the kid was bullied, and leave you to speculate, wildly but "scientifically" of course, about whatever you like.

    So now your reporting the "facts" only altering them just a bit so that they tell the "truth" about another case entirely? Wow. I'm beginning to understand your fascination with crazy people. You are one.

    It is a shame though that you have to use the pain and suffering of others to further your miserable message of ignorance and hate. There's a church in Kansas that would probably like you as a member.
  14. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I'm not about bullying at all. In fact I'm in favor of applying a pressure-relief valve for the kids seeing the mental illness in front of their faces and being told it's "normal and OK" when they know it isn't. You can't negotiate sanity. Either chopping off perfectly healthy genitalia, or taking a penis in your anus is normal or it isn't. It isn't. And the kids know it. And they know about AIDS and which 'group' carries and spreads it like an epidemic it is.

    So the truth shall out. Telling other kids that GLBTQ people are suffering from a mental disorder will help alleviate the audacity of pretending a lie is truth. And this will go a long way to foster compassion instead of kneejerk repulsions that often manifest as bullying.

    Let's tell the truth about GLBTQs. Let's tell the truth about how sexual orientation can be both learned and taught to critical age groups. Let's tell the truth about what Lady Gaga stands for: sexual exhibitionism and thingifying. That was the kids mentor. And he killed himself. I imagine thinking of yourself as a sex tool for another compulsive addict might cause you in a dark and quiet moment to contemplate ending it all.

    He wore a meat-dress to the award cermony for crissakes. What more proof do you need that this person is acting out sexually in public, a cry for help. That's the symptom law enforcement and other mental health professionals look for in symptoms of early molestation. >>LOOK<< at the pictures above and tell me these people are mentally healthy? They are not and it is evident.
  15. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    No. Your commentary is as warped and insane as the previous poster implied.

    I thank God there are others challenging and contending against you here, so that any vulnerable person coming here realizes that you are actually vilifying HOMOSEXUALITY itself.

    The last thing they need is to hear you put-down who they are or what they are as human beings. I certainly don't buy the harmful BS you're propagating here... and i advise ANYONE reading your crap, to bump it up against the opposing opinions presented in the threads you are participating in.
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You're correct. Here views would be the WORST thing for any vulnerable gay person to digest; it is some hateful and hurtful stuff.

    I couldn't have said that better myself. Amen.

    Great point! Many here saying the kinds of things that Silhouette says, tend to willfully ignore that homosexual people are bullied terribly, often leading to tragic outcomes.

    Some people will make ANY leap in logic, to avoid actually dealing with 'homosexuality' in the proper manner.

    Indeed and Amen!
  17. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    The proper manner in dealing with homosexuality and all other manifestations of mental illness evident in Chaz Bono, Lady Gaga and other "LGBTQs" is to delve deeply into the etiology and the history of the various sexual-identity dysfunctionality.

    The problem seems to be a reluctance on behalf of the GLBTQ community to do so. They know that the more that is discovered about "tampering" [to borrow from their vernacular], the more will be discovered an underlying mental problem stemming from environmental causes.

    No, Lady Gaga was not born sporting a sexualized identity or a meat dress. But there he is, deluded as the teenage suicide victim was, claiming to have been born with this evident and visual instability.

    Remember: He was the boy's role model. He praised him and thanked "Lady" Gaga just a week before he killed himself. What kind of good impression does a transvestite pop singer who wears a suggestive outfit made of meat have on a child? For that matter Cher is just as psychologically abusive for a child to look up to. Perhaps that explains the genesis of Chastity Bono's very obvious issues.

    Watch Oprah's documentary of Chastity Bono's self mutilation process. Pay close attention to body language and the rapport between "Chaz" and her girlfriend. Have a shrink watch it with you and point out the red flags about every five seconds through the film..
  18. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You don't know what you are talking about. No one should consider exclusively what you say. Anyone who does, is allowing themselves to be propagandized.

    Check these things out for yourself folks; Silhouette's view, is just another amateur opinion in a sea of the same.
  19. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Sorry. Many mental health professionals are starting to reconsider transgender surgery. Others are looking into the environmental aspects of compulsive behaviors, including sexual ones. Others still are talking about the findings in the AI industry; how sexual fixation can be trained in mammals across species.

    Still others are talking about the language of GLBTQ being rife with pedophilic terms. Others are talking about how Harvey Milk was at once a serial pedophlie and to this day a 'hero of the gay community'.

    The lines of dysfunction are blurring. The pictoral evidence is filtering through the denial-cracks placed in the stonewall gays have built to keep inquiry out. From pictures of the man "Lady Gaga" wearing a sexually-explicit meat-dress standing next to Cher dressed like an old whore, to Chastity Bono's mental affliction causing her to believe she is a man, even amputating her healthy breasts to try to complete the delusion since what she sees doesn't match up with her fantasy world. After all, with a role model like Cher for a mom, what little girl wouldn't want to reject her female status along with all the visual reminders of it...and so on..

    To further ground the Chastity fiasco home, I remember years ago hearing that Sonny Bono was abusive verbally to Cher; and it was the reason they broke up. Chastity hearing disparaging remarks about her prima donna role model-as-female, combined with possibly her contempt for Cher's dominating the limelight, being dressed as a whore etc etc... I think we have a background for little Chastity all grown up, rejecting her femininity, destroying her mommy's image in the process and stealing Cher's limelight.

    "I just want to dance!" ...says Chastity... Yeah, I'll bet, on primetime. Mommy's too old to shine there anymore eh "Chaz"? We could even just be talking about a full blown case of garden variety rebellion. Mommy is tall, dark, leggy, svelt, stunning, uberwhore "superfemale". Chastity then is short, fat, pale, squat rejector-of-female, dresses conservatively, sloppy even. Trying to be a man [male: opposite of mom] and then getting into the limelight to show the world her rebellion and finally get some of that sweet sweet attention momma got.. Children of Hollywood. I mean, c'mon. Thank goodness it's Chastity Bono doing this so we can all clearly see the mental dysfunctional background as documented over the years. It's right out there for all to connected to "gender identity disorder". More like "big fat cry for attention disorder". "Look at me [please?], I'm a freak and proud of it!"

    And so on..

    Mental issues. Let's look at how they apply to these strange manifestations of compulsive sexual behavior...and how those behaviors modeled for kids as "normal" can have very damaging side effects. Like AIDS on the increase and more gay teen suicides "from bullying"..
  20. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    That may be true, but I haven't seen the stories and I keep up with these things. You need to prove what you are saying here. Also, that doesn't prove the other BS you keep putting up on the forum.

    The ideas you are sharing, are virtually insane.
  21. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    I wouldnt doubt that much of the real world, from your perspective, seems insane.

  22. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    If your words and perspectives can't help people, then you don't have anything worthwhile. That's the bottom line.
  23. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Yeah, your right, you cant be helped. Your views are a product of ideology.
  24. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Johnny, you seem to be laboring under the delusion that "helping people" means "going along with their mental illness". When people get help in the psychiatric profession, what happens is a thorough and complete history is taken as far back as the patient is capable of recalling in their earliest of years.

    If for instance, a gay suicidal teen walks into a psychiatrist's office, the first thing the Dr. will do is regress that patient as far back as he possibly can get him to remember things in his life. If, for instance, that child has a role model that is a male dressing up as a female pop singer, who acts-out sexually and wears a meat-dress, the Dr. may regress the patient from the POV of possible sexual issues and tampering.

    The Dr. will leave no stone unturned in his quest to find resolution for his patient.

    A quack on the other hand would bring that patient in, and, without regressing his issues as to causal agents, simply feed into his mind a mantra that no matter what, "he was OK". That would be akin to a quack telling a rape victim to "enjoy the pleasure of penetration and to embrace it".

    Sure, you don't want the patient to leave your office feeling like they're a freak. But neither do you want to tell them to embrace their mental illness.

    If you really want to help gay teens who are suicidal, don't take their media-fed self-diagnosis ["I'm gay and proud!"/suicidal"] and attempts to blame others ["bullying"] for their own self-loathing. Instead, get to the bottom of why this most recent gay teen suicide had "Lady" Gaga as his role model.

    I have a feeling though that your ilk doesn't really want to get to the bottom of why gay teens are really offing themselves. I mean, if it serves blindly forwarding The Agenda with kneejerk-sympathy, right? Even as the scenario in the OP illustrates, gay teens neatly nestled within a rabidly gay community like San Francisco are offing themselves; completely surrounded by "loving support" of their mental illness. So, that kind of nullifies the "bullying as cause" argument.

    No, there's something else going on. And that "something" is personified in the gay teen's idol of "Lady" Gaga, "Born that way!".

    Really? In a meat-dress?....

  25. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You would be incorrect in assuming that.

    And I'd say that the things you relate here in the forum aren't proven to promote good mental health. I haven't listened to or read from a single credible expert, the kinds of things you claim here on a regular basis.

    I can't stop you from expressing your BS, but I can WARN anyone who comes into the forum, to check what you say.
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