Gaza started shooting rockets on Israel cities again

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by free man, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Thats all that happened? Thats a very poor understanding.

    Nonsense, the arabs wanted an independent state as I said, they wanted all to be part of it. And it would be majority ruled state.

    Dont tell me what to do.

    No they cant. But today if arabs are to get a right to return to their homes as jews get to return to the land of their ancestors.

    Yes but you didnt, you were not in a concentration camp.

    And if any of your family werent actually born in Palestine then they have no connection to Israel.

    No not at all, certainly not one that gives those expelled any rights to the land a thousand years later. No one stopped them breeding or arriving.

    Yes, but their great great decendants? No not at all.

    Still means generations of people who had the chance to come back didnt actually do so. So their connection is nonsense.

    The suppression of the arab revolt where not only were they imprisoned and threatened but killed in large numbers. It ensured the arabs could not throw off the imperial ruler.

    They didnt have a vote or a voice. And the British were on the side of zionism, and Jews did terrorism too.
    No its pictures of Palestine, which did exist. Thats all you need, a pre-existing state is not necessary, the history of the world proves it. Israel had no nation state previously, neither did the USA, or Guatemala.

    If they had a majority of people in France who opposed this policy and yet they had no vote then yes of course.

    You started it. Stop whining.

    So if I take your wallet even though you decided you want to keep it then thats ok with you and you wont try to get it back?

    No ive repeatedly pointed to the omission of political rights in the balfour declaration, youve never addressed that.
    Yes you say historians say some thing different, I disagree. I also disagree youve just been talking to some guy. Are you saying I should agree you did because you say so?

    You still refuse to make your response clearer, interesting.

    Youre not sure what youre saying anymore, try again.

    Youve brought up different matters , wrote them in poor english then told some story that you know a guy who agrees with you - and yet Im supposed to prove you wrong.
    Ive just been talking to David Hasselhoff about his new Knight rider comeback, yeah we went out for a few beers. Believe me ? Why not?

    The modern day attacks, both terrorist and conventional have been a complete success. You moved out of Egypt, Lebanon and the West bank & Gaza under military pressure. So yes.
    Why would you do that? Like the arabs you should just be happy I asked you if you wanted to keep the wallet. Just like the arabs were asked.

    No I cant, its not there.

    Because theyve been in Palestine for generation after generation. They couldnt be anything else.

    Because the British, who also had no connection to the land, wanted it that way.

    It is irrelevant, and pointless. Thats why you keep moving the goalposts and not answering the points.
  2. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So instead of writing something that will contradict what I wrote you chose to just say that i have poor understanding, NICE

    So now you say that what you wrote to me is nonsense? it is nice to know

    So I cant tell you what to do, but you can? hmmm very nice

    First of all Hamas control Gaza not Israel.

    But whole of the Arabs in Gaza borned there, so actually you are now saying that what you said it is not true? nice

    But you said that if my family were in the concentration camp and the extermination camps, I can claim connection over the Holocaust, SO now I cant claim connection? nice

    But the ones in my family that didnt borned in Israel died, and the ones that are living borned here.

    So the Roman Empire killed 500,000 Jews, it didnt stop the Jews breeding, but yes It inhibited the proliferation.
    The Christians and the Arabs Imposed a poll tax on Jews and on people that werent Christian or Muslim, and because of that Jews converted their religion, and it inhibited the Jewish proliferation.

    Even if they had families in the Land of Israel? and if so, so You're contradicting what you saidץ

    So when the Arabs suppressedbbthe British Mandate and killed the British so you say that the British didnt need to resist it?, so the British Mandate needed to let the Arabs killed British soldiers? nice
    Do you also would do it? I mean if there was a man who would entered you house and started to kill your family, would you let him or resist it?

    So thats why the British Mandate published the three white books? because they were on the side of Zionism?
    Thats why the British didnt let the Jews entered the Land of Israel? because they were on the side of Zionism?

    Do you know from when the word "Palestine" existed? the word "Palestine created by Roman emperor wanted to eliminate any reference to Jews, thats why the Land of Israel started to be named Palestine, it doesnt and didnt concern to the Arabs.
    To the Jews there was a kingdom, and the kingdom was held for a long period of time (more then the Ottoman Empire controlled).

    So in fact you support the Arabs have the right to restist somethign in Franch by killing of a French minister?

    I'm not whining, I said that if you think that you must oppose it, so you must to oppose it when the Arabs did it, and according to your answer you dont oppose when the Arabs did it, which means that you are an hypocrite!

    I will call the police and they will arrest you and will give me back my wallet, but I will not start to fight you.

    I did, I asked you that the omission was still existing even when the British Mandate accepted the partitition that the UN suggested?

    If you dont believe that I know historian, so you can search on UCLA, Stanford libraries, library of Congress (in USA yeah?) ;)

    When you wrote about the Holocaust and the establishment of Israel, and said that the establishment of Israel is wrong, I thought you refered it to the Holocaust, so I asked you if you refered to the Holocaust.

    I will not say you lie to me about it.

    If you say that I dont know an historian, and you say it like you know it, and If you know it is not true so you probably have proofs that it is not true.

    Israel moved out of Egypt because of the humiliation they've (Egypt) been experienced in the Six Days war, not because terrorist attacks.
    Israel moved out of Lebanon After the first Lebanon war, because Israel wanted to help stabilize the Lebanese government, , not because terrorist attacks.
    Israel moved out from Gaza and let the Arabs rule themselves in the West Bank because Oslo agreement (in the West Bank) and because Israel wanted to let the Arabs in Gaza rule themselves.

    So you said that the Arabs were asked by "the thief" (the UN), if they want to "keep the wallet" (want a state), and the answer is yes they were asked that but they didnt want "the wallet".

    Look for the big red words, it is been written by me on page 56, comment 552.

    Like the Jews, and if not, so you actually say that the Jews were never been in the Land of Israel.

    They wanted it that way, because it was the Land of Israel.

    I answered you everything you said, but you just like to ignore it.
  3. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Not tit for tat as Palestinians never had a nation until after their thousand year squatting where they attempted to steal the land from the Jews.

    The ones that were always there and that fact cannot be proven otherwise had no problems inviting other Jews from around the world so together they now form the nation of Israel. Palestinians now squat in Gaza and the West bank after losing in their second attempt to steal the land of the Jews and cal themselves a nation.

    Seems all is in order, can we close the thread now?:roflol:
  4. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You're just so wrong all the time...
    Jews ethnically cleansed them, so the right of return applies. It's as simple as that.

    But Israel is just an apartheid nation. It only gives the right of return to Jews.
  5. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Does to Arabs in England or Franch have the right of return? i dont think so.
  6. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Only because they weren't ethnically cleansed in England or France.
    That is unlike Arabs in Israel who were ethnically cleansed.
  7. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Ethnically cleansed? thats why in Haifa/Acre/Jaffa, Jews live with Arabs? because they were ethincally cleansed?
  8. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Yes. Israeli Jews en masse ethnically cleansed Arabs. And those Jews in Israel are still at it. They keep on doing that every year... since they apply the nazi-policy of Lebensraum. Hence.. the Jewish warcriminals get shot at with missles etc.
  9. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    And you didnt refer to my whole comment.

    one more time:
  10. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The rest of your comment has nothing to do with Palestinians.
    It however is a racist comment that makes Palestinians guitly by association only.
    Guilty by association is a fail argument.
  11. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So when I show you that there is not ethincally cleansed in Israel it suddnely a recist comment? lol ok. whatever make you sleep at night. and if it is a recist comment so it means that your comment also is recist, because you brought it up that subject
  12. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I'm not interested to debate a historic fact -like the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Jews- did or did not happen. It did. The end. And to claim it's racist to say race A ethnically cleansed race B,.. is just a pathettic way to silence critisism.

    It also has nothing to do with what you did, which is making a fail argument of saying people are guilty by association based on race. If such an argument would be true, than it would mean all Jews world wide are responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.... and that is just dead wrong and untrue.
  13. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Irrelevant, neither did Israel. Neither did the USA.

    Im not stopping you from participating or not participating, do what you wish.
  14. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Dont want to debate? so dont replay to my comments.
    So please answer my question- If Israel does ethnic cleansing, why in Haifa/Acre/Jaffa, Jews live with Arabs?

    I just asked you a simple question according to your assumption, which you dont want to answer it.
  15. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Why contradict it? Its probably true, but its not all that happened.

    Now your saying that Im saying that Im talking nonsense? Not interested.

    Since when do you care about nice?

    So what?

    No its exactly true. Ive not contradicted myself, Ive contradicted you.

    Why do you keep saying nice?

    So those not born in Israel have as much right to the land as any Palestinian who has always lived there? How much right do they have to the country theyre born in ? Does this mean they have a right to two countries or one? How about three countries if they can find some ancient archeologicla evidence of their ancestors there?

    Yes, and their connection wasnt deep enough to over come theses barriers, and in fact more chose to move west than east - therefore not much real actual connection.

    Yes even if they had families there. I have family in the USA, doesnt mean I have a right to be there.

    Yes, defend themselves while getting out, thats all they needed to do, just like they did later, after the arabs were disarmed and the zionists were armed and trained.
    Yes I would defend myself against the British of course, wouldnt you?

    Yes because they were on the side of zionism for a long long time. They trained and armed jews, they let them set up their own institutions and a range of other things.

    They let in enough numbers to nearly equal the Palestine population existing at the time.

    Yes, so what? Britain is a Roman given name too, does that mean we dont exist? Britiain itself gave names to numerous countries, does that mean those people arent real? Who the F are you to denigrate half the world because you think yours are so special?

    Yes with the qualifiers mentioned of course. Why not? The zionists had no compunction doing the same in Palestine, whats your problem again?

    Of I am opposed to it. Im opposed to all violence. But responding to violence and oppression with violence is understandable even if I oppose it.

    Why wouldnt you defend your wallet? And why call the police? Surely you should be happy I asked you and that should be enough.

    Yes the ommision was still existing. They had no right to decide the outcome despite their majority and despite that theyd built the country with their own hands.

    Perhaps I should just accept that since you say you know a historian that youre probably right about everything youve said?

    I said the Holocaust does not = Palestine. Twice, you ignored that.

    So youll take it seriously that Im best friends with the Hoff?

    Perhaps I should just accept that you know a historian and he backs up whatever you say right?

    What does the Six day war have to do with the withdrawal from Egypt?

    Israel had no intention of moving from most of these places before the violence started against them.

    They were asked if they wanted a divided state, they were not asked if they wanted an undivided state. Their answer would have been yes to that question - would you say something was wrong with that answer?

    No it hasnt.

    No, the Jews have always been there since they formed there, like many different humans have. The difference you think that fact gives them a moral right to the country that supercedes others who have been born and lived for there for generations like the arabs. Its a situation no sane person would or could pply to anywhere in the world - thats why its wrong.

    They wanted it that way, because it was the Land of Israel.

    I answered you everything you said, but you just like to ignore it.[/QUOTE]
  16. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Your "logic" is as insane as asking... if the nazi's comitted a genocide, how come some Jews survived? Bottom line remains: it's a historic fact that Jews ethnically cleansed Arabs on a massive scale. And this is a historic fact. I'm not interested in some fanatic extremist who wants to rewrite history to his liking.
  17. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    I asked you to tell me what more happened if you say its not all that happened, and I'm still waiting.

    You maybe not interested, but if you dismissed your own words, so probably you talking nonsense. simple.

    So now you are starting to insult me? hmmm nice;)

    You contradicted me? how come if you said that everyone that borned in the Land of Israel can claim their connection over the land, but couple of comments later you said that even the once who borned in the Land of Israel (in this case the Arabs that came to Egypt from Gaza) cant claim the connection, so yes you contradicted yourself.

    First of all why not?
    Secondly because you contradicted yourself.

    The once that living in Israel today that part of my family, they all borned here, so how does what you say connects to what I said?

    500,000 Jews were killed while defending their right over the land, and still didnt have a connection? nice

    But if you have family in the US, you can get a visa for a few years, so actually the US recognizes your right to go and be with your family in the US.

    That is what they did- defend themselves while getting out, the British Mandate got out from the Land of Israel before the Jews had an army, and a government and all that, and the Arabs werent disarmed, because they continued to kill and resist, while the Jews got world recognition about the Jewish state.

    Do you know that the question was an Hypothetical Question?

    Once again:
    I never said I'm special.
    Do you know that when Hadrian changed the name of Provincia Judaea to Province Syria Palestinae, that was in the year 136. long before any Arab was in the Land of Israel, so you cant really referring the name "Palestine" to a group of people that came to the Land of Israel later, do you know that the Arabs dont say the name Palestine right? they say "Falestine", and really they need to say "Palestine", where on earth, and in history there was any nation that couldnt pronounce their name properly?

    You do support Arabs that can resist by killing a French minister? hmm interesting.

    OH really? the Jews killed an Arab minister? when?

    You are an hypocrite, you know why? because you are support when the Arabs resist to Israel, but when Israel do the same you opposed it (like whats going on today, the Arabs started to launched missiles on a civilians, because of the peace negotiation, and Israel defended itself from the attacks, so according to what you said, you need to support Israel's actions.

    I wouldnt defend my wallet, because I dont want to die (and according to you the thief had a gun), and O would let the police deal with him

    The Palestinian built the country? can you give evidences about this Palestinian country? what was their anthem? who was their prime minister? president?

    Do what you want to do, I gave you a place to look about this historian, now if you truly want to know, be my guest and search for him (I already gave in this forum an article that belong to this historian from UCLA).

    I didnt ignore it.

    Why not? as long I dont have any proof that can dismissed that you best friends with the Hoff, so yes I will accept it.

    MY FAULT! it happened in Yom Kippur War מםא איק Six day war.

    Anwar El Sadat wanted a cease-fire, and that was what he received, and after that Rabin and Anwar El Sadat signed the peace treaty On the White House lawn.
    Israel moved out from Lebanon mostly because of the terrorist attacks.
    Israel moved out from the Arab cities in the West Bank because of the Oslo Agreement.
    Israel moved out Gaza to let the Arabs there control themselves.

    So you say (accoding to you analogy) that the Arabs were asked by "the thief" (the UN) if they want to "divide the wallet"? or actually your question was:
    The Arabs were asked by "the thief" (the UN), if they want to "keep the wallet"?

    If you said the second sentence so you actually said:
    The arabs were asked by the UN, if they want to establish their country.

    The Arabs's answer to the question that were asked by the UN was NO, the Jews said YES.

    In the Israeli police you have Arab officers. thats how Israel supersedes?
    In the Israeli government you have Arab ministers. thats how Israel supersedes?
    In Israel the Arabs have full civilian's rights like the Jews. thats how Israel supersedes?
    In Israel Arabs serve in the IDF, like the Jews, thats how Israel supersedes?

    You still ignoring that you have a lot of Arabs in Israeli cities, thats sad.
  18. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Shouldnt you already know since youve read so many books on history and your friend is a historian who agrees with everything you say?

    Except I did not. Youre just making up what I said.

    Hmmm thats all you got you silly troll? Hmmm nice :wink:

    No Ive never said those who are born in Israel or Palestine cant claim connection. You made that up.

    Thats all youve got left? Hmmmm nice :wink:

    Interesting, but Ive never said those born in Israel dont have a connection, after all they know of no where else.

    You mean the Romans are not allowed to defend themselves from Jewish aggression like the British against the Arabs ?

    But I dont have the right to stay there, because its not my country. Why dont you have the right to claim the land of Lithuania? After all your family lived there and jews have always been there.

    Nonsense, this was in 1936. The British had over a hundred thousand troops there. And the Jews had an army in 1947 when the British were still there.
    By the way, why shouldnt the arabs have resisted?

    Makes it easier to answer then, why didnt you answer it then? Too scared?

    Falestine = Palestine, this foul bigotry of yours is beneath you. Grow up. And Britain was named by the Romans long before the various tribes that make up todays Britain arrived from France, the low countries and Ireland. So stop the rubbish, go away and educate yourself.

    Thats all youve got? Hmmm interesting. :wink:

    Oh no jews killed arab bus passengers, policemen, passers by, shoppers in market places;

    How is your Hasbara propaganda going now?

    Would it be different if the wallet became your family home and neighbourhood? And would it be different if the police decided you had to give the thief half your wallet?

    I already showed you Haifa. It had roads, buildings and various other things, who needs a national anthem?

    Why should I take his word over the word of so many other historians?

    Youll believe any claim I make as long as you dont have proof that its not true? Alright, heres one; the Jews in europe mostly moved west rather than east. Here are some more;

    Uh yeah, so really youre a charlatan who claim he knows his history. Pathetic, dont bother trying to tell me about history any more.

    The peace treaty would never have happened without the Yom Kippur attack as Israel had every intention of keeping Sharm el Sheik and the town it had built in egypt.

    Ok then the arabs were asked if they wanted to divide the wallet, they said no. Why was that a bad thing?

    The arabs were not asked if they wanted to establish their country, it was going to be established anyway, as that is the purpose of the mandate.

    The arabs were asked if they wanted to take a part of a divided land, they said no. The jews said yes - it was wrong of the jews to do so.

    Jews in America have more right to live in Israel than Arab Palestinian descendants in the middle east. Thats how israel supercedes.

    That is irrelevant.
  19. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Yes, but you say you know, so I want to hear from you what happened.

    So you need to check yourself.

    thats not all I got, but it is just a fact, you insulting me.

    Here what I said:

    Where did I mean it? I just asked you how come that the Jews didnt had a connection if 500,000 Jews were killed while trying to protect their land? And dont forget that it happened on theyear 136, there was no Arab in the Land of Israel

    So you say that the US dont need to give people a visa?
    If the US giving you a visa, They recognize your right to enter their land, and to be on their land as much as they tell you too.

    Well I dont have the right, because Lithuania it is not my country and land.

    The Jews never had an army, the Haganah, was an underground organization, that the Jews decided that the Haganzah will be the basic of their army in the future state, and just in 1948 , after the extablishment of Israel and after Ben-Gurion said that several the underground organizations can be part of the IDF, the IDF been extablished as an army.

    Ask me and i will answer you.

    So why do you wrote all the time "Palestine" and not "Falestine"?

    No boy, thats what you said not me, I just make it sure,

    When did I said that Jews never killed the Arabs? I just asked you if the Jews ever killed an Arab minister, because you soppurt the idea that the Arabs will kill French minister, and you said it because you wrote that the Jews also did it, so I asked you when it happened? that the Jews killed an Arab minister?

    Hald of my wallet? like take a knife and cut the wallet to half?
    So please answer me this:
    Why the plolice need to ask my if I will cut my wallet to half, if the thief stole my the wallet from me? what it means that the wallet belong to me, not to the thief;)

    You showed me Haifa in the British Mandate, but it doesnt mean that Palestine was a state, because if Palestine was a state when the British was in the Land of Israel you need to be mad at yourself, because British was occupying the Palestinian state.

    Let me ask you several question:
    Does England have an anthem?
    Does Scotland have an anthem?
    Does USA have an anthem?
    Does Spain have an anthem?
    Does Finland have na anthem?

    And the list can go on an on but let stop here.
    SO, if all of those countries dont have an anthem so they are not countries, because all of the countries need to have anthem, why because in the anthem the country can refer to their national inspirations, their heritage, history.

    First of all cause he is a leader at what he do. Its like you more likely to beleive Stephen William Hawking over other scientists

    No I beleive any claim you make as long as you dont provide a proof to it, it cant be taken seriously.

    Charlatan? Please be my guest and search a little bit about Yom Kippur War and the consequences of that war, and if you dont want to do that so you it means that you dont really searching for the true.

    Anwar El Sadat wanted to take Sinai Desert from Israel so he attacked Israel in Yom Kippur.

    But you didnt said that to me.
    You said:
    And the meaning of the sentence is that the Arabs were asked by the UN if they want to established a staet, and they said no.

    The Palestinian state was established anywhyy? really? where?

    So you said that the Jews dont need to divide their state? so why are you so soppurt it (soppurt that the Arab will divide the Jewish state)?

    WAIT, did you see what you wrote?
    According to what you worte the Palestinians (in Israel yeah?) can go to Sirya or Lebanon Or Jorden to live there, and whole of those countries are an Arab countries and whole of those countries are in the Middle East.

    And here once againg you asid "irrelevent" on he things that you dont like to hear- nice
  20. Strasser

    Strasser Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    Actually the historical fact is Arabs 'ethnically cleansed' themselves on a massive scale, and still refuse to accept Jews, Christians, or any other non-Muslims as worthy of equal rights anywhere in Arab countries.
  21. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    According to the Israeli militairy intelligence report called "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948".. about 5% of the Arabs left because some Arab countries asked them too. (and leaving does not mean they loose the right to return) All the other cases were due to Jewish terrorism one way or an other.

    It is the wide consensus that Jews are responsible for the massive ethnic cleansing of Arabs in Israel. And so I am really not interested to "debate" this with a bunch of fanatical extremists who are in full denial.
  22. Strasser

    Strasser Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    Most of them left because they feared reprisals for their own murder sprees. Whether anybody likes that or not is irrelevant.
  23. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    No nothing happened at all. Its not an important date whatsoever to anyone. Forget it.
    No I don’t.
    No that’s all you’ve got, nice.
    And Ive told you, the 500,000’s descendents didn’t have a connection because they weren’t born there, the descendents of those that stayed did have a connection. What is your problem?
    The US doesn’t need to give anyone anything.
    You’re not exercising a right, but a privilege granted by the US government.
    You had family there who lived there for generations. Therefore its your land as much as any present day Lithuanian. Just like any jew has a right to the land of Israel as much as any Palestinian living there.
    The Hagannah was the Jewish army, it was renamed as the IDF as a few other terrorist groups were brought into the it also.
    Why waste my time getting you to try again?
    Because Palestine is the English term, Falestine is the Arabic term. I speak English.
    The British, who are a real people and place also have a Roman given name. Thus I prove your argument to be complete BS.
    No it isn’t.
    The jews killed all sorts, ministers, politicians, officials. So that’s even worse than an arab minister. So what is your problem now? Anyway Ive told you why it would be supported and in what circumstance, what again is your problem now?
    Yes, half of all valuables contained therein. Do you get that? Is that plain enough English for you?
    It’s a simple question your confusing yourself with. Look, if someone asked you if you wanted to keep your wallet youd say yes, and if they took it anyway you wouldn’t be happy.
    Yes they were occupying Palestine. I am mad at them. Whats your problem again?
    Yes they do, but they didn’t always. Were they not countries before then?

    No he isn’t. There are many many published historians on this subject.
    Right but if just tell me a guy you know agrees with you that’s enough is it?
    Ok and you do the same. You even confused it with the previous war.
    Israel was on Egyptian territory and building there. It had to be attacked.

    The mandate was established as a forerunner to an independent state, they were asked if they wanted an independent but divided state, they said no. Good for them.
    Because if the Israelis want to keep the west bank theyd have to give Palestinians a vote, they don’t want to do that.
    Wait, did you see what I wrote? Why can they do that? Were they born there?
    No you’re just bringing up something different because you have no answer.
  24. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    thats not all I got, but it is just a fact, you are insulting me.

    I dont have a problem, I think you have one, because I told you about the 500,000 that WERE KILLED during the revolt against the Roman empire, and that is a symbol of the connection that the Jews had with land when the Roman Empire rule .

    They doesnt need, but still do.

    The right of beeing with your family, family reunification.

    I dont have, and my family dont have, any connection with Lithuania whats so ever, WHOLE of my family that are living in Israel nowdays BORNED in Israel, and my grandfather's family, that were in Lithuania, WHOLE of them were murdered in the Holocaust.

    Thats why you have a lot of Arab cities in Israel, and even mixed cities with Arabs and Jews.

    Hagannah wasnt the Jewish army, it was an underground organization that were renamed as the IDF just in 1948, two weeks after Israel were established.

    Thats why I need you to ask me again, so I can anwer you.

    But if Falestine is Palestine so it doesnt metter the rest, and in English people can pronounce "Falestine" or "Palestine".
    Like what happen in Israel, for example, why Jews say the Arabic term: "God willing" if its the Arabic term and not the Jewish term? cause its the same thing.

    So according to what you say there is Palestinian (refering to the Arabs) nation (if it have no evidences to it but ok), so if there is Palestinian (refering to the Jews) nation too, and if so, so actually you have already Palestinian state in the name of Israel, cause actually the Palestinians established it.
    AND if it is not true, so I prove your argument is BS ;)

    So now you are ignoring the things YOU said earlier? intresting.

    Can you post the names?

    But you said that the WALLET should be cut in half, and not what its contain, once again you contradicted yourself.

    So you mad on yourself? good to know;)

    So where your evidence about THE STATE of Palestine?

    I never said that only him published something

    You have more then one, like you said, he is not the only one who published something;)

    As I said, if you dont believe me you can open an history book about Yom Kippur War, and see for yourself.

    Thatst why in the peace treaty that been signed between Egypt and Israel the IDF evacuated whole the people that were there.

    Once again you are contradicting yourself.

    Thats why in the last elections the Arab parties received 11%?

    First of all that what you said not me, you said that they need to live in the Middle East, and not in "Palestine".
    Secondly, Arabs in the West Bank in 2012 (incliding Abu-Mazen and his sons), took part of the Jordanian elections, and also there were many of the Arabs that lived in Gaza that received Egyptian I.D. and moved to Egypt (according to the supreme court in Egypt).

    I already answered you.
  25. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Judea was Jewish and Israel was built on the same ideology by descendants of same so it is quite relevant.

    LOL stopping me? I never inferred you were or, were crazy enough to figure you had any sort of power on the internet beyond posting nonsense but rather, since a discussion thread is a group effort was asking that since the remnants original Jews and their invited Jews now live on the land as they did in days of old and, Palestinians came much later that there is not much left to discuss on your part so, wanted to know if we could just shut the non discussion down in light of that fact that your hubris leads in circles around this cold hard fact.
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