I have began to wonder if I am missing some important factor that would cause my line of reasoning to be in error regarding a theory I have put out there on just how much of an increase in high tides might occur along parts of the Bay of Fundy where we already experience the world's highest tides. I live in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia. The difference between low tide to high tide on a normal day is one to one and a half meters.... along fifty kms of coastline here. There are places along the Bay of Fundy where the difference from low tide to high tide.... .can be fifty feet or more. This occurs notably near Truro, N. S. and Moncton, New Brunswick. The landform of the Bay of Fundy has a funnelling effect on the tidal waters as they come in............ and so the multiplier effect on the tides there is FIFTEEN TIMES.... or even more in some areas. What if...... a massive cracking and sliding of ice were to occur on the land based Greenland Ice Pack and/or the West Antarctic Ice Sheet..... and lets speculate that average world oceans rose by merely one foot, (30 cms). IF... .that 15X multiplier effect carried through...... then....... perhaps in a few places along the Bay of Fundy.... high tides might be up by 30 cms x 15 = 450 cms or 4.5 meters. In my part of Nova Scotia the high tide mark might not be up by much more than the thirty centimeteres...... due to the fact that the land form where I live DOES NOT have a 15 X multiplier effect on tidal waters. Am I being alarmist and really missing some important factor that makes my theory terribly in error?
Here is the write up where I made statements about this that I am now wondering if I could be terribly in error? https://www.facebook.com/Dennis.Tate.4.Global.Greening/ Turks and Caicos Islands should be given Canadian Territory Status. ........Canada's Worst Politician, the film series concept?! November 29, 2012 at 8:14am
The only reason the tides are so high at the Bay of Fundy is due to the geography--it is the correct length to harmonize with the wavelength of the tidal bulge. http://www.bayfundy.net/hightides/hightides.html
You write too many letters .. Your task you can write just 3 lines: - You are afraid of the tides; - You live on the coast; - You are talking to on facebook; ========================================== Answer: Only fundamental physics .. 1. The tides are formed due to the motion of the moon around the earth .. The moon moves about 1 billion years, and the movement it will not change .. 2. Live on the beach - it's very good. Live, enjoy .. you're lucky .. 3. I do not advise you to talk to facebook .. This resource is "transparent", he created a Jew who stole the idea from another person. The resource is controlled by the CIA ...
Granny says, "Dat's right... ... with global warmin', alla icebergs an' glaciers... ... an' ice onna North an' South poles gonna melt... ... an' den it's gonna be like Noah's flood... ... an' den we all gonna die.
The theory of "warming" was invented by drunk Americans, who are sponsoring the Rothschilds .. Laugh... -------------------------------------- Physicists laugh at this theory .. -------------------------------------- 20 years ago, the world of the Rothschilds frightened "ozone hole" Where's she?
Your logic is worse than your English. He's asking how MUCH tides will rise in his area based on a 1' sea level rise.. You have NO answer except "Facebook was created by a Jew" and "controlled by the CIA." You are RT/Putinized and a worse than average Raging RT antisemite. Your posts here are all Juvenile anti-Joo-Jokes. Even fringe in your bigot Gas-Station-masquerading-as-a-country. Here, you are a nonconversant conspiracist freak who has NOT touched the OP's question at all, just gets Jooos/Rothschilds/CIA into a discussion on Tides! ALL your posts on this board are Garbage. +
Dennis isn't there some sort of Government agency you can ask this of??? I don't know if it would be a department that's weather related or one that's nature related...
Very Complex. Sea level does not rise evenly. It could average 1 foot, and not rise at all where you are, or it could rise 2 ft.. for openers. It's all about local currents and gravitational strong/wweak spots, ie http://e360.yale.edu/feature/the_secret_of_sea_level_rise_it_will_vary_greatly_by_region/2255/ .... .... or see http://www.ucsusa.org/publications/ask/2013/sea-level-rise.html#.V3QqMfkrLX5 Then there is the question of the tidal multplier. Does it stay 15? You gotta do some homework reading on that ie https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=tidal multiplier Or better yet. more specific Googling 'bay of fundy if seal level rose' https://www.google.com/webhp?source...v=2&ie=UTF-8#q=bay+of+fundy+if+sea+level+rose leading to, ie Climate Change, Mean Sea Level and High Tides in the Bay of Fundy http://www.novascotia.ca/nse/climate-change/docs/cc_msl_hightides_bof.pdf ABSTRACT: Global warming is predicted to result in a rise in sea level which will lead to increased flood risk. Two other factors that will affect high water are the existing trends in mean sea level and changing tides. We illustrate here that in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine these two are related. An analysis of long-term sea level records shows that, independent of global warming related to climate change, sea level and tidal range have been increasing in thissystem. Our numerical model investigation indicates that recent changes in sea level, attributed in part to post-glacial rebound, are giving rise to increasing tides. The combined effects of modern sea level rise, global warming inducedsea level rise, and the expanded tidal range they induce, will produce a significant increase in the high water level, much Greater than that found when considering modern climate-induced sea level changes in isolation. We are predicting a dramatic increase in the risk of flooding at higher high water during the twenty-first century. [......].... So basically this was a lesson in Googling, Not science. Learn how to LOOK it up! (Dammit) It's so easy these days. There's not a chance in hell any poster knew this off the top of his head. Google is your friend IF you care and have the IQ. +
This statistic on the amount of H2O being added to the central region of Antarctica was given by a Russian scientist. This is the reason why we have not so far seen a significant rise in average ocean levels. http://www.habtheory.com/1/100.php One trend that we might be able to agree on is...... http://www.politicalforum.com/polit...t-work-fast-enough-address-wais-collapse.html A carbon tax will NOT work fast enough to address WAIS collapse.
Yes..... but our local M. P. is asking for our opinions on both climate change as well as electoral reform and I was hoping to have as accurate a comment on this part of the formula as I could possibly get so that I could give him a good reply. http://www.politicalforum.com/canad...s-office-climate-change-electoral-reform.html Hi from Sean Fraser's office, Climate Change and Electoral Reform.
Taxonomy26, I am so impressed by your reply that I have already put it in front of my Member of Parliament Mr. Sean Fraser. (I will shortly send him a copy by e-mail). I suspect that he will read your response and research the background material extensively and then he will very probably forward your reply on to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. You should also know that the quotation from you is post #2 on page one of this thread so what you wrote could well have an impact on many influential people over the coming weeks and months. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=462768&p=1066357845#post1066357845 Hi from Sean Fraser's office, Climate Change and Electoral Reform.
True...... but planting trees....... and cutting back on deforestation..... especially of old growth trees in rain forests....... and desalinating ocean water for reforestation.... and agriculture....... is arguably one of the most win - win - win - win........ and least lose...... initiatives that we can begin on a large scale to begin to stabilize the climate..... Wgabrie... have you seen AboveAlpha's analysis on climate change that I quoted in post #4 here..... http://www.politicalforum.com/humor...ut-we-assist-jews-get-rabbi-nachman-back.html
You write this girl more ... Add a message zombies, clowns, jumping parrots and krodilov without a tail ... -------------------------------- She's stupid .. her jailed for laptop, given the links, now he writes anything ... Very funny... =============================================================================== Men do this fool gift: In Russia, it is accepted, stupid fool, give the toilet:
Be nice. Dennis is my friend. I was laughing maniacally. Not laughing at AboveAlpha's predictions of doom.
I am hopeful that there is a way out of this but...... in my opinion it cannot be done unless we take another look at central banking policy. http://www.politicalforum.com/polit...eform-our-unsustainable-financial-system.html How can we now reform our unsustainable financial system? Is John Hotson Ph. D. correct in the following assertion? http://www.mailstar.net/money.html How can the Democratic Party use this idea to recover their lost popularity? A related question is.... did President Lincoln actually save American taxpayers roughly four billion dollars in interest payments? If so.... how can we apply this principle in 2014 without causing excessive jitteriness on the financial markets? ......... Note: At this time, July 3, 2016..... I have more confidence in the G. O. P. Presidential candidate doing something about flaws in the central banking system than in the Democratic Party tackling this hot issue......
Well Greenland won't let go since it has been discovered the the ice is land locked. The fear about Antarctica is based on models and the timespan is centuries.
True....... but the image here indicates that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could in the opinion of a percentage of experts, crack and slide much more rapidly than other researchers on climate would like to admit. It is below sea level so my worry about a one foot, thirty centimetre rise in ocean levels........ seemed to be a reasonable concern. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090205142132.htm Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater - - - Updated - - - True....... but the image here indicates that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could in the opinion of a percentage of experts, crack and slide much more rapidly than other researchers on climate would like to admit. It is below sea level so my worry about a one foot, thirty centimetre rise in ocean levels........ seemed to be a reasonable concern. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090205142132.htm Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater
It was warmer and sea levels were higher during the last interglacial. No SUVs then. See levels Will continue to rise until the next glacial period. Best to adapt than the ultimate folly of trying to stop mother nature.
True....... but the image here indicates that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could in the opinion of a percentage of experts, crack and slide much more rapidly than other researchers on climate would like to admit. It is below sea level so my worry about a one foot, thirty centimetre rise in ocean levels........ seemed to be a reasonable concern. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090205142132.htm Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater
My apologies for the double posts.... our internet has been working badly for a week. What I am advocating.... is not really any variation on a carbon tax or cap and trade system...... I am in favour of deliberate large scale desalination of ocean water for agriculture, reforestation..... and of course for towns and cities that are experiencing water shortages...... I would like to see this done on such a large scale that...... world ocean levels can be LOWERED thirty centimeters, one foot...... to serve as a buffer zone...... just in case an earthquake were to channel a Tsunami into the West Antarctic Ice Sheet,....... which in my opinion.... based on the article that I just gave a link.... could cause RAPID collapse of the WAiS. http://www.politicalforum.com/polit...national-wealth-must-occur-order-finance.html A massive reevaluation of national wealth must occur in order to finance.... ..... the shift over to a truly green and sustainable economy! I just got back a brilliant summary of the numbers for the national wealth of the world's leading economies but....... ... it is apparent to me that we must look at these numbers and rethink the entire formula....... if we wish to finance the shift over to a truly green, truly sustainable economy.... and do it with the minimum amount of economic, political and social upheaval?!