Germany hunts down every last Nazi

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Heinrich, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    No one can doubt the resolve of modern Germans to prove their rejection of Nazism with another report of an arrest. A 91-year-old woman who worked at Auschwitz has been accused of complicity in the murders of at least 260,000 Jews because she was a telegraph operator there between April and July 1944.
    As a side note, although Hungarians claim to be unable to allow safe transit of refugees to Germany today, it was during the three months that the accused old woman worked in the radio room that Hungarians were able to transport huge numbers of Hungarian Jews to be murdered in the gas chambers of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. What are we to think?
  2. Independant thinker

    Independant thinker Banned

    Aug 7, 2015
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    What I'm too think is that the Germans have not become less cruel with time.

    poor old dear
  3. MaxxMurxx

    MaxxMurxx New Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    The problem is that the Germans in the side agreement of the 2 + 4 contracts (fixing the conditions for German re unification) have signed not to challenge the official (allied) version of history as laid down in the judgements of the Nuremberg trials. That means many Germans have been and will be prosecuted for Soviet Communist/Stalinistic propaganda tales. The old lady here after receiving her "life sentence" can go home because every doctor will certify her health conditions rendering her unable to serve a prison sentence.This way a show trial (Nuremberg) is leading to a show trial (this one). Everybody is happy, agreements followed by the letter and German do-gooders can bath in their guilt feelings.
  4. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Don't be so sure about no time being served. Remember Oskar Gröning, aged 94, was sentenced to four years in prison earlier this year for serving as a bookkeeper for two years at Auschwitz with the rank of SS-Unterscharführer (Corporal) and who made repeated requests for a transfer.
    Oskar Gröning - then and now
  5. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I also think it's tragic how the Jews stole the show post-WWII with their relentless Holocaust propaganda (not saying it's not at least largely accurate), such that the Nazis got blamed more than any other nation when the entire western world was into eugenics and such at the time, and when many people other than Jews were likewise targeted by the NS regime and met with no better a fate.

    We have a propagandised view of history where that war is concerned, and I have little doubt that Zionism played a role in that.

    I'll probably trigger some "anti-Semite!!" attacks by posting this, but then that is how we've been programmed over the post-war years, isn't it? Can't talk about the Zionists without talk of anti-Semitism and tinfoil hats springing to mind. It doesn't help that a lot of tinfoil hat types do harp on about the Jews and Zionism, but it's something that concerns me because a) it's an affront on the full truth of WWII and the circumstances surrounding it, and b) Zionism has created a nasty little monster of a nation in Palestine that no one's allowed to criticise or oppose.
  6. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    You do make some sense when you speak of WWII appearing to be all about the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe. The title of "The Holocaust" was never used until the American television miniseries was broadcast in 1978 and it always struck me as odd since a holocaust is supposed to be a burnt sacrifice to a god. By using it to refer to the destruction of European Jewry, people seem to be assigning the role of priests to the SS and their helpers. By changing the terms "Final Solution" to "The Holocaust", the roughly 10% of others who were sent to extermination camps, such as Roma and Slavs are routinely classed as victims of "The Holocaust" but were certainly not part of the Final Solution. With the result that "Jewish Holocaust" organisations have objected to the placement of a cross in memory of Poles who died at Auschwitz I, such as Communists, leftists, gays and Polish professionals and priests.
    Sinti (Roma) boy properly documented in 1943 before elimination in an extermination camp

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