This video from China shows a young woman in the street, standing in front of her boyfriend, who is repeatedly slapping herself in the face. He just stands there, at one point trying to grab her hands to get her to stop hurting herself but she just pushes him away, and he just stands there not knowing what to do. This video was probably taken by a stranger looking down from their apartment balcony into the street so we do not know all the specifics, but it's very likely the woman was being manipulative, threatening him that she was going to go to police and tell them he slapped her. Usually when women go to the police and show obvious signs of bruising indicating she has been abused, police believe them. This video is a rare case, captured on video, of a woman doing it to herself. The boyfriend, who looks like he must be under 25 years old, is just looking down at the ground like he doesn't know what to do, uncomfortable with the situation, but acting like he is still trying to "be there" for his girlfriend, while the woman looks like she is trying to get attention from him and make him feel bad. Guessing from how the situation looks, probably the boyfriend did something he feels bad about, causing him to feel guilty in the relationship, and the young woman is acting emotional and hysterical. Perhaps he knows she is likely going to be successful at sending him to prison and there's not really anything he can do. One of the comments to the video says "This happens more often then you think". Blxck King (@black_kixg) | TikTok , Feb 2023