Give logic and common sense a try

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by BuckNaked, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    OK, here's the deal, on one hand we got Obummer...[​IMG]
    On the same hand we got a neo-con artist one day/liberal the next, all over the road flip flopping, Mormon who by everyone's best guestimation is going to be the bookend for the pretend extreme opposite but the same, corporate owned two party system, come November.
    On the other hand we got the only ethical, realistic, non-conservative owned, true conservative running, who will by all accounts most likely not be accepted by the corporate owed republican party (no surprise there), but will stand by his principals and take his conservatism to the Independent status, to remain in the race and try as he has promised to do, save America from the corporate cronyism plutocracy that has all but destroyed this once great nation.
    Democrats and republicans alike suggest that this will guarantee Obummer a win since neo-con artists (AKA republican conservatives)/religious nut jobs/true conservatives, are divided between the corporate darling, and the only conservative running. So, and I know this is a large stretch for most of you, but shouldn't logic and common sense, resonate that if so many people are totally fed up with the two party scam, and we cannot survive 4 more years of the best government corporate money can buy, controlling all three branches of the government, everybody, middle of the roaders, neo-con artists and real conservatives alike need to get behind Paul to assure that "we the people" will not have to wait another 4 years to take back our country? :date:
  2. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Using logic and common sense to read anything from :date:


    Without some visual presentation baffles the mind.
    It only took you 2 sentences to remind everyone what RELIGION Romney is. I wonder why ? :twisted:

    On a day where an acting Catholic Bishop is removed in L.a. for having 2 children and leading an hidden life one might wonder why the church even thinks about interjecting itself into politics.

    The guy in IOWA who was promoted by the church was the # 3 most corrupt individual in the 2006 congress.#1 and # 2 went to jail.
    Santorum lost by 18 pts.

    Iowa and the Church are out of touch with reality. By maintaining corrupted leaders they only diminish their flock while trying to send others to that dark region below.

    Romney is more Paul than Paul because he ran Mass. like a Paul would have wanted.He ran the Olympics like Paul would have wanted.
    On economics Romney and Paul are very much free market non government intervention.Bain capitol didn't pick winners and loser based upon Government policies..they used the free market idea over Obama's GM model.
    You need to face it ..Romney on economics is very Paul LIKE.
  3. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    It's a legitimate description that should concern any voter.

    Yes Paul is all those things and I don’t know who this Romney fellow you are talking about but the Romney running for president knows more about eliminating jobs and selling companies on the verge of bankruptcy than anybody. This country needs jobs, an elimination of the cronyism capitalism that has destroyed it for the past several decades, and someone who isn't owned by corporate interests. That's not Romney, even without considering his religion.
    The point of this little thread is to show that if the pretend, so-called conservatives, want to indeed defeat Obummer and save the nation they can only do it by abandoning the corporate owned parties and casting a vote (if the elections are not fixed) for Paul.
  4. frodo

    frodo New Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Why start now? You abandoned them when you elected Reagan.
  5. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Is this a joke? I thought we were going to give logic and common sense a try?
  6. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Paul or Johnson are worth a try.

    Will they be elected? Doubtful.

    Still, Gary's got my vote.
  7. Sooner28

    Sooner28 New Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Paul isn't a conservative...
  8. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Yes he is the only true conservative in the lot, he isn't owned by non-conservative interests like the GOP obviously is. That is why the GOP is so dead set against having a tue conservative and keep throwing these neo-con artist sock puppets at us.
    Not as long as the mega corporations have any say. They are dangerous to the status quo, since they cannot be bought or play favorites. If you can't make it on your own merit, then you are and should be Dust in the Wind. Unfortunately cronyism capitalism and the best government corporate money can buy deviates that logic.
    Reagan wasn't the problem. The neo-con artists that used him and played him for everything he was worth, even still today, are/were the problem with the non conservative GOP.
    Could you be more specific? The two party scam obviously is not working. What’s your logic, reelect failure and corruption, the lesser of two evils??? Again, and again, and AGAIN!?!
  9. kenrichaed

    kenrichaed Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Paul has come out and said he doesn't care if he wins. Hes simply running for a book tour. Look up his comment on Youtube about his presidential run. I'd rather have someone serious about the highest spot in government in there.
  10. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Paul is a Facist.
  11. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I think many people are not voting for Ron Paul because:

    1. The business interests tha influence the main media do not want him, they fear he will be successful at reducing or eleminating the federal reserve bank, which they fear could have economic consequences.

    2. Most people are ignorant, and only get their political information from the main media

    3. Many conservatives do not agree with some of Ron Paul's beliefs (partly because the conservative media has essentially dictated what public opinion is amongst conservative voters, but more so because Ron Paul's ideology is libertarian, and seems somewhat foreign to the conservative culture

    4. Although voters tend to think Ron Paul is honest and holds to his principles, many voters are also suspicious that he holds radical economic and libertarian beliefs.

    There really do not seem to be any good feasible Republican candidates. Romney is seen as "more of the same", who will "outsource more jobs overseas" a
  12. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    That is what the modern definition of conservative has morphed into because of the religious extremists and neo-con artists that have redefined what conservative is supposed to be. Conservatives at one time made up the main body of the democrat party until progressives took control. That's when you saw the mass exodus in the 70-80's to the republican party. The neo-con artists controlled the republican party then and they control it now. There is absolutely nothing conservative about the extremist republican party, and a true conservative is more like a libertarian than most people of any party are willing to admit.
    Both parties are owned by corporate interests, and all media is corporate owned/controlled. The propaganda that spews over the airwaves is the main reason so many American's are dazed and confused on so many issues. If the last two administrations haven't fully proven that they are bought and paid for by special interests and corporate entities too big to fail, and the corruption of the best government corporate money can buy, there is absolutely no hope for this country's survival.
    Their real bosses, the banks and the wall street robber barons of this century, are hording the money and reestablishing/protecting their futures, they bribed their sock puppets to borrow from the governments credit line to assure they were protected at everybody else‘s expense. Anybody who votes for these "more of the same" clowns is only driving another nail in the coffin.
  13. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Yeah, Ron Paul is a genius. The best way to beat corporate corruption is to deregulate them so they are free to do whatever they want. I'm telling you, this man is brillent.
  14. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Most of the regulations in effect are there to eliminate small business competition. To a point there are many parts of the regulatory system that needs to be eliminated. Does that mean he is against practical regulations, I actually do not believe so. I could be wrong.

    The thing is if he is going to be the constitutionalist, he will only get things done with congressional approval. This may cause a stale mate, but he will not be bought, and he will bring things to the attention of the public like never before.

    So I assume your answer to the nations problems is reelect failure, or that lesser of two evils thing that continues to work so well??
  15. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    The sad thing is, is that people have forgotten there is another way. It's not just a choice between libertariasm and corportism. There is socialism or progressivism or liberalism, where Americans actually lookout and take care of one another. Costs a little more, but well worth it.
  16. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    No, most regulations keep us, the American people, safe from exploitation from ruling elite.
  17. SkullKrusher

    SkullKrusher Banned

    Jun 6, 2011
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    All ready to give logic and common sense a try. Obama appears to possess those qualities, unfortunately the BAT #$%^ crazy Republicans, having only one goal as stated by one of their BAT #$%^ crazy senators,is to make Obama a one term president. So there will be no compromise with BAT #$%^ crazy people, just like there is no compromise with the knife welding maniac coming at you. You just pull out your nine and send him to the morgue., or you run away. Obama has been running away too often, but just of late, he seems to have discovered he has something to fight for: THE MIDDLE CLASS!. GO BAMA GO BAMA!!
  18. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    That's how they get their way, the gullible keep the farce alive, but MOST regulations are in place to eliminate competition for the big dogs, and maximize profits for the chosen few. What you fail to recognize is all the exemptions, loopholes, and grants (to offset costs for the chosen few) that are established each and every time a regulation, guideline, or law is adopted.

    You really are a gullible one aren't you? Why don't we just declare ourselves a monarchy again? You are going to continue to have that minority at the top living like kings and queens in the plutocracy/cronyism capitalist society we are dealing with now or the environment of socialism/progressive idiocy/modern liberalism anyway, you might as well succumb to your superiors all the way and go all the way to a full fledged communist dictatorship, for your own good.
  19. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    This is the same Obama who tells you on one hand he is for transparency, anti corporatism/cronyism (but making back door deals and offering exemptions to his financiers left and right, continued the "too big to fail routine" not placing demands or stipulations on the money that was tossed to the wind with little to no actual results, etc... etc..., while he sh(*)(*)s in your other hand, as he is getting richer and richer pulling off the Bush part II routine? That Obummer??
    He is simply the reversed side of the same coin known as the corporate owned and controlled two party system. The only thing you are helping is the cronyism capitalism that put us in the mess we are in now, and of course keeping the plutocracy alive. You should be proud.
  20. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    0 offense, but BAMA is a corportist too.
  21. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Ok ..for the druids...

    IF Paul was a MORMON would he still be a genius and still be a viable candidate.
    The original op used religion as a NOT FRAMED by the constitution.
    Some day ..your religion may be the minority..I wonder how you would like the reverse test then ?
    Imagine the Muslims faith saying that Catholics cannot be president because they are corrupt..they have double lives and cheat on the job and in their personal lives.They worship a God different than them..therefore are not fit to lead a nation.
    The constitution was VERY CLEVER in not saying that..

    The true test is whether you only pick the law which you choose to follow and REJECT the others.
    The Constitution was the BIBLE written to lead our Nation.You might want to reconsider why pastors and clergy men wan that LAW broken by leading entire religions to vote NO on a mans campaign because he is a MORMON.

    They are Violating our Constitutional rights to run or elect who ever without a litmus test.
    They are also violating GODS law about condemning a persons ability to find God at any time..and by Giving that soul a chance until DEATH.
    Rejecting a person entirely upon Faith is NOT MORAL in any true Christain faith.
    Read your own set of rules.
  22. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    No third party candidate can even challenge the two parties in less than one year.

    is once again playing his hand as an Obama supporter because a third party run in this election with Ron Paul would hand Obama a victory.

    You want to be taken seriously? Try to establish a third party after the election not propose it less than a year from the 2012 election where it of course benefits only Obama.
  23. Unionguy

    Unionguy New Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Don't believe the lie, Huge corporations don't need regulations to keep he little guy down. Their shear size and their ability to utilize cheap foreign (thanks to Ron Paul supported free trade) gives them a competitive advantage that doesn't require a single regulation. By getting rid of regulations, just gives corporations even more freedom to destroy their competition in many new way that were previously unavailable to them. (you can't stop a serial killer by giving him more freedom)

    Do you even know what socialism is about? Have you ever read any Marx? I promise you their is nothing about Marxism that advocates succumbing to your superiors.
  24. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Which is exactly why everybody who is really against Obummer and the status quo, should be directing their attention towards Paul. The GOP has clearly shown they are not conservative and are going to continue their agenda of obeying the plutocracy and keeping cronyism capitalism alive and well.
    You want Obummer out, and a good start at eliminating the status quo that is destroying the nation at it's very core, vote for Paul or accept defeat.
    I think it is you who loves Obummer and can't wait for another 4 years. See how ignorant and idiotic that sounds?? :rolleyes:
  25. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Stabilized social stagnation. Yea I got it, thanks for your concern though. So what happens when everybody decides they can do nothing and still get by? What happens when the dupes stop working for everybody else&#8217;s benefit?

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