[Glacial Flooding] Most people living in developed countries have blood on their hands. [YouTube]buyBVlwYVdE[/YouTube] Cos they caused global warming due to high carbon emissions. This has melted glaciers in mountainous regions and formed glacial lakes. Unfortunately, the glacial lake is stoppered at its mouth by an unmelted ice wall, which will eventually break open as melting continues, to release a huge torrent of water and wash away the lives and properties of those living downstream. Inhabitants in developed countries responsible for high carbon emissions better donate some funds to examine all the glaciers in the world, or else reduce the rate of CO2 emissions significantly if they want to maintain clean conscience and karma in the present world. https://www.hindustantimes.com/indi...in-uttarakhand-s-chamoli-101612755090832.html
Hmmm. Except that in developed countries emissions are going down, while in coal-powered India they are going up. We'll leave aside for the moment all the serious questions about whether alleged climate change has anything at all to do with this episode.
Not my fault idiots chose to build a village downstream of a dam downstream of a glacier in a narrow river valley. Perhaps what you are seeing is karma.
Go move to a third world country, if it makes you feel better. What bastards we are, having been born where we were...
I think as global warming happens, this kinda disaster will happen more often. Thee will also be drought and famine besides the immediate aftermath destruction due to sudden torrent/tsunami of flood water. This is because healthy glaciers fill river all year round with water, but unhealthy, rolled back glaciers cannot continuously / slowly slide forwards, so the river runs dry in summer and then the food production will significantly be lowered.
Actually, the dam could also be protective, if it was built to prevent the flood moving downwards, but obviously the onslaught of water was way beyond the strength of the dam to withhold. I don't thing the problem is with the dam, other than the unfortunate debris it added but rather why the glacia became a lake to begin with, because a healthy glacia is supposed to snake down hill and form the glacial channel etc and only melt at the lower altitude level where the temperature is warmer. Its global warming that melted the glacia upstream and form the dangerous lake which went undetected. These are thus in essence man made Disasters and the entire world of people who produce excessive carbon emissions are almost entirely to blame.
My cousin lives in a river valley on the river. When the river floods most of the time, it reaches her front porch at worst. Every now and then, however, it reaches the second floor of her two story home. If eventually it carries her house and her away, I won't blame global warming or karma. I will blame her for not moving. She has had plenty of forewarning that she shouldn't be living that close to a river in the mountains.
Hi, easy to blame on hindsight but everyone takes risk one way or another. Crossing the road is a risk and often times, it is unavoidable. Rural folks live off subsistence farming and these glacial lake floods either never happened in their lifetime before or were far less frequent and also maybe less sever if ever (they may be prepared for floods during rainy season but not from glacial lake volume type sources). As I previously mentioned, glacial lakes would not have ever formed if the temperature didn't increase due to global warming. The glaciar will just remain solid all the way down and only melt at the foot of the hill etc. Thus it is not so much the fault of the inhabitants as the fault of people who emit too much CO2 emissions as a consequence of their lifestyle. Of course one could question the India government if it was actually wise to build the hydro electric station there and possible increase in human habitation in the area, guess we are all guilty of harming nature and also ignorant of the extent of nature's wrath for our neglegence and profligate lifestyle.
Probably not as frequently did glacial lakes burst as would be the case now with the rapid temperature rise melting up to and weakening the solid ice plug wall that holds the lake back, and then all hell breaks loose when the massive break happens. If the glacier didn't melt upwards, it would never have launched the avalanche flood, even if there was a glacial lake already formed in the higher altitude to start with.
But it's a tiny fraction of the blood rich, greedy, privileged parasites in poor countries have on their hands. No. Rather, higher CO2 has increased agricultural production, leading to lower food prices and better nutrition for poor people in poor countries. As it has done from time to time for thousands of years because -- surprise! -- climate naturally changes. It gets warmer for some hundreds of years, then it gets colder for hundreds of years, then it gets warmer again for hundreds of years. Nothing to do with people in rich countries having barbecues in their back yards. No, landowners in poor countries like India are the ones responsible, as they demand that all the additional land value created by hydrological projects to prevent flooding and drought be given to them in return for nothing, instead of being recovered to pay for the projects. All the water projects needed to stop drought and flooding in India could be paid for with the resulting increased land value if that value did not have to be given away to rich, greedy, privileged private landowners. Why are you trying to exculpate the real villains in India's susceptibility to disasters resulting from climate change?
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