Let's compare God to someone like Hitler... Both persecute others for having different beliefs (Hitler-Jews, God-nonbelievers) Both sentence those people to isolation/exile (Hitler-Concentration camps, God-Hell) I feel as if God, in the Christian sense is just a metaphor for leaders who commit Genocide. Discuss? Prove me wrong?
Hitler tried to kill off a whole group of people. How is God doing the same to non-believers? If this was true youd be dead, smartguy.
Comparing somebody, even god to Hitler, is disgusting. There are hundreds of other people who did the same thing. No need to single out hitler.
If anyone wants proof that God is a corrupt dictator, just take a look at the ten plagues and the exodus.
HE agve fair warning. PRemember God told Moses what to say. And Moses warned them. But when Moses said "Letmy people go" Pharoah said "uh--no"
For an Agnostic who yet "follows" the Noahide Laws (the first of which makes belief in the Trinity or the divinity of Christ unlawful) you sure have a lot to say about God. Ezra in a post 02/18/2011 "Yeah I am more agnostic/ follow the noachide laws. Since I was brought up christian yet lack faith in a christ."
Yes yes, now get back to the topic of the thread or I will report you for harrasment. Dont get mad because I called you out on that Anti-semitism in the earlier thread.
I thought I was "on topic". Looks like we both like to talk religion. And it's late, we may be all that's awake. I'm not mad at all. I know some fine folks who have had that same insult hurled at them. Water off a duck's back. It's like that old saying "An Anti-Semite is anyone a Jew doesn't like". I am, however, somewhat amused: The topic of this thread is "Is God Corrupt?" i.e. Does God think and do bad things? There seems, at least to me, to be a serious inconsistency in a confessed Agnostic giving his thoughts on God's thoughts. That "Corpus Christi, Salve me" by-line from someone who has clearly admitted to no faith in christ (small c) seems a bit confusing, too. Can you offer an explanation for these inconsistencies perhaps? It just seems important to bring these things up, not only for me, but for the other posters on this particular thread. Otherwise it just seems we're being purposely deceived or toyed with. Thanks in advance.
Iv mentioned it to other people. Really its nothing you need to care about. Just prove what I am saying is wrong
enil... (god of samarian tablets) per se wiped out mankind with a flood (for being noisy) the bible claims it differently but plagerization often happens that way
So lets turn it around. Obama warns Kim Jong Ill to step down from power, giving him fair warning of an impending attack against civilians. Kim refuses, and Obama nukes a city. Is Obama godly or a monster? The answer should answer any question in peoples minds about that status of our favorite tyrant in all of fiction, Yaweh.
Of course God can remove the sin, but only with our cooperation (our choice). God gave us free will, and the down side to free will is the ability to act against our own self interest.