Simple. Because it's the ONLY WAY. I want to be on a winning team, all other teams are managed by satan. The WRONG WAY.
But you just said, and I quote: "God plays no favorites." Now you say "it's the ONLY WAY." Contradiction much? Doesn't sound like God to allow only one of the Abrahimic faiths as the "ONLY WAY" especially seeing as how Christianity is an apple that fell of the Judaism tree, and all 3 worship Him. What is the nature of God? Salam
I dont believe in God, but say God is real for a second here.....I highly doubt that God cares who wins a sporting event. I mean the poor Padres in Baseball!!! We have never won one and our team is named after Spanish Missionairies!! And being a Notre Dame fan, CLEARLY God doesnt like us much anymore either!! Now you could say that maybe God isnt Catholic. But how do you explain all of Notre Dames championships back in the day? What about the Utah Jazz in the NBA? They are owned by a prominent Mormon family and they never win the big one. So clearly God must not be a Mormon right? But then again Mitt Romney could be the next President....So does God actually like Mormons? Tom Cruise has seen his career fall off, so I doubt that God is a Scientologist. God clearly isn't a Jew because there are no Jewish athletes lol. Then again he made them all lawyers and bankers so maybe we are overstating the importance of sports. But would you rather be a famous athlete who is rich or a banker who is rich but you dont get any chicks that way? So clearly God favors athletes!! SMU (Southern Methodist) Football? Not even really a competitive program. So clearly God isnt a Southern Methodist. TCU (Texas Christian) Well they fell just short of the BCS a few years in a row. So although God may be Christian he clearly isnt a Texas Christian. Muhammad Ali was a great boxer...So maybe God is a Muslim. Then again he now has Parkinsons so maybe not. Mike Tyson was never quite the same after converting to Islam as well. Yes maybe 4 years in Prison had something to do with it, but dont discount the conversion to Islam. God doesnt consider Golf and Nascar sports. He told me this. So we wont mention those activities. So I am at a loss. Who does God truly support? This is a mystery!!!
Funny. Some young men who felt the same way ended up flying some airplanes into some office buildings and murdering thousands of innocent people. Where do you draw the line?
It's the Oakland Raiders. We did go through some bad times, but that was because of the evil doings of some people in "high" positions. But, we are God's favorite!! Who do you think coined The Black Hole and Raider Nation?
I can assure you that if God exists, he is NOT a Raiders fan!! I cant even bring my little girl to games when we play you guys here in San Diego!! lol. Some guy got stabbed at the last game here against you guys a few weeks ago. I live like a block away from the stadium and EVERY single year, one of you Raiders fans has to stab or beat up someone with a weapon. So I get sirens all night when im just trying to relax! lmfao!! Congrats on the win though!
Clearly God is done punishing us here in Detroit for running Barry Sanders out of football. Whether or not were are his new favorites will be determined this Thursday.
Oh you just had to go there didn't you? Now I'm going to require several more thousands of dollars in therapy. Just don't bring up Billy Simms.
Don't know. Why don't you ask someone who won the lottery and bought a Ferrari? I'm sure they prayed for it. Maybe God just doesn't like you.
HE IS A RAIDER FAN!!!! Just like people who believe in Jesus back in those days were killed and tortured, so are those today. Only difference is - we pack steel too! I have took my daughter to games from the age of six to 12... and still plan on taking her! Thanks for the congrats on the win! It's about time we stated winning like the old days!!
Well im 30 and ive watched since the 80's. So unless you wanna talk about Jim Brown or someone from those eras then im gonna have to disagree with you. What was his average yards per carry? Consider this also, he had LOUSY offensive lines.
YOU ARE CORRECT!!! His OLine was horrific!!! He got stuffed often. Great Running back that looked far better more often (since Sims wasn't fast - he rarely finished big runs becaust people would catch him) Dickerson, Bo Jackson, Peterson now is amazing, but there are a lot. Walter Payton... When Simms did get loose, he had some amazing moves, but that was about it... I would take the above four over Sims if I had them all in their prime... with that horrific oline...
Like I said, they were managed by satan. They lost their way and now are enjoying sitting on the bench awaiting whatever befalls them.
They did it for Allah. They were clutching the Holy Quaran shouting "Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!" as the nose cones pierced the steel and glass of the World Trade towers.
Did they tell you this? Or was it Satan who told you. Otherwise how would you know what goes on with people you've never met before? Wacky fundamentalists... Think they know everything... Salam