Very much nsfw for language and subject matter.... LOL [video=youtube_share;j8ZF_R_j0OY][/video] Hits the nail on the head. LOL Not like the Bible forbids premarital sex anyway...
Way to go convincing people that atheists are just a moral as theists. I mean, that was outrageously offensive, and not just to Christians. So now the religious have one more thing to point at and say, "See how depraved atheists are, mocking God with all of the vulgarity that they can muster."
It may well be offensive, but don't you think that might be the point; to present it so bluntly that the absurdity is abundantly clear. Even then vulgarity or lack there of has nothing to do with whether or not their critique is valid. I have a feeling that theists would dislike atheists regardless of whether they used profane language or not, it has more to do with atheists believing the exact opposite from them, much the same way that republicans and democrats tend to demonize one another, same for Capitalists and Communists, Zionists and Anti-Zionists, etc.
I swear you post 90% of the threads in this subforum I don't get Christians who can't resist having sex until they're married - I seem to be doing just fine, even without God's fiery wrath to deter me