it almost too funny for those not familiar with the Gore effect it is a real term some examples - Blizzard Disrupts Global-warming Protest Snowstorm squelches climate change protest the biggest global warming protest in history well it has happened again, Uncle Al has his Gore - a - thon - 24 hours of climate change thingie on his cable channel and what happens but a lot of unseasonably cold temps in the midwest
Try this Cerro Gordo, Worth, Hancock, Winnebago and Kossuth counties are all in a freeze watch late Wednesday night through Thursday morning. Low temperatures overnight Wednesday are expected to be in the low 30s and will create patchy frost by Thursday morning, said Tyler Roney, meteorologist at KIMT-TV. Some of the temperatures could be record lows. "It's very much so an early taste of fall," he said.
Not the point we are showing the Gore factor. You deny the fact we are having record cold very early in the year..
Thats why the movement went through the rebranding a few years back. Its not Global Warming anymore. Its Climate Change! Get with it man!
The only political operatives pushing this so-called "re-branding" were right-wingers. Quoting from the Luntz Memo (, PDF pg 12): Furthermore, the IPCC was established over two decades ago. And do you know that the "CC" in "IPCC" stands for? I'll give you a hint -- it ain't "Cat Chow".
So the global warming community did not use the words Global warming to scare people? Now that it is no longer working and that there has been little warming since 2000 they want to start using the words climate change. You are complaining because the right is using the correct term?
Folks, to get a good idea of how silly ptif's post is, consider this: If you look at the NASA/GISS surface temperature record and you use the deniers' standard "endpoint-cherrypicking" data analysis technique, you will see that the following decade-plus stretches have shown no warming: 1970-1982, 1974-1986, 1981-1994, and 1988-2000. Yet somehow the decade of the 2000's was significantly warmer than the decade of the 1970's. How is that possible??? Not complaining -- just pointing out the hypocrisy of your side...
Why do people have such a hard time understanding that global warming and climate change are both appropriate terms? Global warming specifically refers to increasing global temperatures while climate change refers to the broader range of effects that may be seen in Earth's climate. Two very different, but necessary terms.
That is a nice spin. Explain how there is no warming 1998 to 2000. I thought GISS claimed those very hot years. Do you want more proof the GISS and DR Hansen are corrupt
...and raise you a Clinton: [ame=""]Bill Clinton: Climate Denial Makes USA Into A 'Joke' - YouTube[/ame] BTW, I think that Clinton was being way too polite.
Well I do appreciate him never lighting his cigar to prevent, in some small measure, some greenhouse gasses.