Greedy oil companies - rise the price of petrol

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by dumbanddumber, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Hey petrol is set to rise by 17 cents a litre in melbourne.

    The only reason given is that we are at the end of a cycle in prices.

    So what was different at the start of the cycle that has now changed to constitute this price rise.


    Where the fark and what are the government going to do about this.


    Because Australia was sold into corportism by the Hawk/Keating Government and now its the corporations that run the show.

    I say kick these farkers out let the government take over so we can all have cheap energy once again, that also includes powerstations.

    Thats what the discovery of oil was heralded as (cheap energy for everyone), until these greedy moguels cornered the market and now run all the oil companies.

    But you know what we are sheep and deserve what we get.

    And our politicians are traitors who have sold themselves and who back and support corporatism over the Australian people.

    The whole lotta them starting from Gillard, Swan, Brown down to the last back bencher.

    Thier not worthy to lead this country, i say bring back Rudd or Whitlam or someone who puts the interest of the Australian public over the interests of the corporations who are filthy rich anyway, just how farking much do they want!
  2. legojenn

    legojenn New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    How much is petrol in Australia? The lowest I saw gasoline here was $1.15/L and our dollar is currently worth a little less than yours at the moment. We have price swings of 15ยข overnight...usually when the price of oil increases by more than a US dollar.

    It sucks when the same product that you bought a week earlier costs $8-12 more just because of some apparently arbitrary price hike
  3. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I agree, bring Rudd back, he deserves another chance...

    If all of us would not get their fuel say from ABC (or Shell, eg.), the oil giants monopoly will fall faster then you think.
    Just stay away for a month or so, all over Australia or better the world, and the problem is gone.
    Have a great new year, m2catter
  4. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Politics is a business and politicians if they want to survive must become involved in this business which generally means that they go to work for the people that own these businesses and not the people that they where elected by or for.

    These businesses are run by corporations and international bankers that are one in the same these days and their sole purpose is to maintain and run the monetary market system they have so graciously bestowed upon us so they can continue to fark the whole Earth up including the people while they themselves prosper and become wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

    And we being the sheep that we are have divided our strength to colors blue, red ,green etc and spend more time bickering about the nonsense of party politics rather than opening our eyes to what is really going on in this world.

    The bottom line our lives are run and shaped by corporations that are owned by but a few and the majority is enslaved to this system.

    Dont cry find out about it and then do something about it.
  5. lizarddust

    lizarddust Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    You are forgetting 33% of the bowser price is tax. The Govt doesn't want lower petrol prices. Money for nothing into the Govt's coffers.
  6. huffy-polecat

    huffy-polecat New Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    It was your beloved Howard that deregulated the petrol price and got rid of the maximum price limit.

    Keep taking those pills.

    When Abbot gets in you druggies will be out on your arse.

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