The inhabitants of greenland do have electricity but they do not have any national grid. thus each town produces its own electricity and distributes that electricity among the inhabitants of that town. are,and local district heating network.
Which has nothing to do with the fact that most of them that usually have electricity, currently do not. 'According to recent reports, most of Greenland's electricity is currently down due to a major power outage affecting the capital city, Nuuk, primarily caused by a damaged transmission line from the Buksefjord hydroelectric power plant, which supplies the majority of Greenland's electricity through hydropower; this disruption has forced residents to rely on diesel backup generators until repairs are completed. ''s+electricity+is+down&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1131US1131&oq=most+of+greenland+'s+electricity+is+down&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyBwgDECEYqwLSAQkxNzE5OGowajmoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 And each town does not have independent power production. Most of Greenland's electricity comes from the Buksefjord hydroelectric power plant
there are four possibilities that Trump is interested in Greenland and Panama Canal. 1. For Greenland, trump wants those rare earth metals and thinks he can get a better deal with his threats of taking over Greenland. 2. For the Panama Canal, trump may be using this rhetoric to pressure the Panamanian courts to his favor for his tax evasion case and hotel issues his company is currently facing. This of course will be outside the purview of the media and Trump will come up with some explanation why he abandoned to the Panama Canal take over. 3. Trump may be trolling his own base with these wild accusations and ideas. And they are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. 4. Finally, Trump may be just wrong in his thinking and leading the US into an impossible situation for the next President in 2028.
You cited a link about a power transmission going out. We have that here in Texas when we have severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, etc. And yet, we don't need saving, do we? Once the power transmitter is replaced for that community, everything will be fine there. It is like living in Alaska Bush Zorro.
Expansion of a nation through buying lands is a major aspect of America's growth. We bought the Louisiana Purchase, from France, which doubled the size of the nation in 1803. Florida was bought from Spain in 1819. The Oregon Territory from Britain in 1846, and Alaska from Russia, in 1867. We bought the Philipines from Spain in 1898, granted them full independence in 1946. Other areas were acquired by treaty, such as Puerto Rico and Guam by treaty with Spain. The precedents of purchases, acquisitions and territorial possesion a long list. Not a new idea at all- and hardly delusional. They used to teach American history in schools, before the liberal idiots in the department of education decided teaching kids about drag queens was more important.
We didn't buy the Philippines. We had a war with Spain, which under Admiral Perry, defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay and thus acquired by force its previous occupyers, Spain. We also did that with Puerto Rico and Cuba, all because of the controversial USS Maine Incident. We cannot take back the Philippines no more than we can take back the Panama Canal. This is simply incontrovertible.
You forgot to say that the entire nation was stolen from the indians, who stole it from the prehistoric cavemen, so we are all terrorist warmongers that deserve to die.... Happy now? "" is a list of various US acquisitions, how we got the, what costs were involved. It's clear that you don't understand the word "Acquisitions". It includes a variety of means of gaining possession.
MAGA, let's think about this for a moment if the shoe was on the other foot: If Russia would want to buy Alaska, American patriots would tell them to f off, no matter what the price. Why do you think people in Greenland/Denmark would feel any different?
They may well feel that way. If someone offered to buy your house, what would you say? Sorry, it's not for sale. What's your best offer? Go F yourself. These are options for any offer. The last one indicates a distinct lack of class and sophistication, however. I doubt the people of Greenland think like liberals and offer insult before they even consider something. A lot of nations around the world would like to become part of America, and a lot would not.
I agree that Trump is trolling, but I think he's also trying to set himself up to claim credit when Trudeau falls. It's false credit because Trudeau has been headed for defeat for over a year now. Liberals have been trying to get him to step aside to save the party since before Trump won the Republican nomination, nevermind presidency, nevermind his words now. I think he has done similar regarding Mexico. He will eventually scale back or abandon his threatened tarrifs, gain nothing substantial for the USA, but claim credit for measures Mexico has already had underway. The Mexico president responded to Trump better than Trudeau did, pointing the above out and noting that it is America, not Mexico, who makes the guns, has the primary market for the drugs, and attracts the illegal immigrants. This is a problem created by the USA, and we should be asking what will Trump and America do to fix it. It's like pooping in your neighbors yard and complaining about the smell coming over the fence.
That's fake news. Trump's the Electorate's Choice to be YOUR President. He's a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, who is fearlessly defiant even after being hit with a bullet. Trump: "Denmark's a wonderful place. Copenhagen's a wonderful city. But they have got to do their part. They can't have this vast empire and then not defend it and leave it to the U.S. to do it. So we're going to either buy it, they're going to defend it, or they can pay us to defend it," he said. "Or if they don't want to do either of those things, they can let us buy Greenland." We carry the defense costs for Greenland. If Denmark wants to keep Greenland then they are going to either have to defend it, or pay us to defend it.
I thought tRump-O-crats want to cut the budget? How much is Greenland worth and where is tRaitor tRump going to get the money.
And what would Donnie do about that, besides building a trump tower to consume even more of that not-available electricity?
They could have sold it to us before they lost it. WELL… Greenland’s Leader Now Calling for Independence from Denmark.
Donald Trump Jr. Visits the Arctic Mineral Paradise of Greenland. With great joy, Greenland welcomes Don Jr. Greenlanders showed up to cheer, in MAGA hats.
Or assimilation of Texas after the Mexican–American War Canada expressed interest in buying Alaska and Minnesota.
@Pro_Line_FL Study up. Remember The Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto by Buffalo Bayou Texas was an independent Republic for 10 years before Sta6tehood upon their application. Sam Houston was Texas' first & third president Hardly comparable to the independent Kingdom of Hawai'i and the consequences of the Battle of Manila Bay. Teddy Roosevelt & Rough Riders in Cuba. No application involved Assimilate Greenland by similar means in 21st Century terms as Hawai'i to be clear No discussion with allies. Just Do It!
I understand the word "acquisition." But in US legal terms, it is done by a treaty, generally, which has to be ratified by 2/3 of the Senate for us to acquire the land. We do it through force, aka war, like we did with the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba for instance and settled with a peace treaty for that land that we went to war with or we did it through negotiations with the other country. the only exception was Texas where we, barely, voted to join the Union in 1845, and as a result, had a war with Mexico to settle what the boundary would be, aka Rio Grande River insstead of the Nueces River that Mexico believed was the border. he problem is with Trump you need two parties to tango. If one party is saying no to any acquisition, then it cannot be done by treaty and Trump is not the person who will invade Panama to get what he wants, much less Greenland. The consequences of those actions by force to acquire land will be to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China's invasion of Taiwan, and any other major superpower who wants to take land from the little guy. That could endanger Israel with Turkey, whose military, along with Saudi Arabia, can outmatch Israel's military on two fronts. Not a good thing in the long run and we do not have the capacity to defend Israel against two allies, one of whom is a member of NATO.
Sam Houston voted against joining the Uniion when that vote was cast. But he accepted the results and became Texas's first governor. He also voted against Texas joining the Confederacy as well. Are you sure you want to use Sam Houston for this argument? For Hawaii, it was an independent kingdom until we took it over. There was no country that had the Kingdom of Hawaii's back. It used to be the UK, but they said "whatever." Greenland has Denmark, a US Ally and member of NATO. Attacking another Member of NATO is an act of war with NATO.
Taking it because we want it. lol I hope Trump takes it and turns it into a giant prison colony, the new Nordic Australia. Plenty of space to build and remove convicts from mainland USA. lol J/K, I doubt Greenland really incorporates in any way to the US. The history is interesting about Greenland though. Then again:
Who cares beyond bickering about it? --------------------------------------------------------- BTW Japan, and various European nations had embassies in the Kingdom of Hawai'i and no one . . . . Do you know Sam Houston's rationale? Map disputes I believe Please stop invoking Texas history and try, Remember The Alamo Your analogies are so "off" logic of reality - re. Texas
WHO'S "naughty list"? Such disciplinary actions should not be determined by a "naughty list" but by FACTS (evidence) in a court of law. I am in favor of offering: (1) Denmark something for Greenland, (2) Panama for the canal, and Canada to join the USA! IF they want to. But also, North and South Dakota become one state, and Wyoming/Idaho/Montana become one state. Puerto Rico and Washington DC become states.
Greenland is NOT for sale. The maniacs expansionist ideas are already destabilizing the world.......... as they create anxiety , uncertainty......and anger at the if the world is not in a mess with current wars, climate change weather (extreme) events that are destroying parts of the planet......he has to blather about territorial grabs. He thought Putin was brilliant when he invaded Ukraine. That was a hot tip of where his plans and think lies. Today's "news conference" was very revealing. Being POTUS of one country is not enough for him anymore. (and THAT was PREDICTABLE) He is determined to diss off anyone that dos not "kiss his stupid ring" He has no regard to allies. (except to control them) Interesting how the illegals and other domestic issues (economy , cost of living) were hardly mentioned. Adding to the "empire" is the megalomaniacs priority now. ( and getting rid of his legal problems ) Donny JR........visiting Greenland is not a coincidence .........( presenting cheap MAGA hats for the photo op to create the image he wants. As if the US does not have a heavy footprint there already. An example of what would be done for "national security" ( convenient and abused excuse ) This and a lot more unpredictable lunacy ahead.......and this is what the MAGA voters chose as their leader.