Our creator hates us because He makes rules to live by? You sound like a three year old throwing a hissy fit.
Nope, He obviously would hate us if you follow the Christian religion. In fact, Christianity is false. God would never allow any of His prophets to be killed shamefully on the cross. God chose His prophets to enlighten mankind. They all had a fulfilling life and are now enjoying paradise. God is absolutely just. He'll never disappoint anyone who believes in him.
Our Creator told us about all this. He did send us books and prophets, so we could learn. God's last Prophet was Muhammad(ﷺ).
Right. God, as father, sets rules and disciplines his children. When we break His rules there are consequences. Muhammad was not a prophet.
Prophet Musa (Moses) was a warlord too. People have always been at war with each other. But the fairest war is for God.
I believe that we humans are kind of like NSA agents gone deep cover...... and our mission is to bring the extremely lost back to YHWH the Heavenly Father and to Messiah Yeshua - Jesus and to The Holy Spirit........
Are you saying that you think that there is an afterlife and, if so, what do you think it's like? Thanks,
Paradise or hell, depending on how one lived in this life and how God decides for him. This is one of many ways: Whosoever last words are: LA ILAHA ILLALLAH will enter Paradise. https://sunnah.com/abudawud/21/28
Interesting.... Even though I'm an Episcopalian (Christian) and try to act like one, I really think that when you die it is like you just go to sleep and don't wake up. I hope that there is some sort of pleasant afterlife but I don't believe that there is a hell. Therefore, I feel that since this is the only life you get so it's best to enjoy it as much as possible.
Jesus was not a prophet. His words exclude the possibility. He was either what he said he was or he was an imposter, but in either case, being a prophet is excluded. Cherry picking some words and denying others is a "nice" defense in this matter, but holds no water. Jesus cannot have been a prophet as Abraham and the others are seen. Anyone who claims such is in error.
Do you think it could be possible that God created the Big Bang such that Earth and its life resulted? Would that be beyond his ability?
Above you said: " Yes. This is why I think science and faith are complementary in understanding the universe." Now, you see scientists as playing in a litterbox?
Yes, I think God created the universe and life. Big bang sounds about right. No, nothing is beyond His abilities
Yes, the material universe is not the totality of God's creation. Science is a powerful tool for learning about the material world, but there is much more that is beyond the scope of science to investigate, IMHO.
I understand that you worship god. But, I don't see that as explaining the "scientists as playing in a litterbox" belief.
Science examine the physical world, which only a part (a litterbox) of the larger universe created by God. Everything other than the physical world is outside the scope of science. There are scientists who are believers as well understand this and know that science and faith can complement each other in understanding God's wonderful creation. I have not noticed any on this forum, every "scientist" here seems hostile to religion.
To be complementary there would have to be shared measures and methods, shared definitions, shared logic, etc. Unfortunately, that does not exist. In fact, I don't see any desire for it to exist. People make comments like yours purely for show and with no intent to go. There could not be a better example of this than in cosmology. Science as measured the big bang in several different ways. SOME Christians say there is no such thing. If that can't be resolved, if there are no methods even to unite Christians, then "complementary" is just plain CRAP.
Nonsense. I have been consistently ready to talk about this issue of bringing science and religion closer together. I have been willing to identify at least some aspects of the problem we face in moving toward that goal. And, that is a necessary early step.
Oh, wait!! Maybe your point is that religion and science can never be brought meaningfully closer. In that case, you need to explain how there can be respected Christians who are also respected scientists.
On the issue of molestation by priests and Protestant ministers. There is a difference. Good Catholic children feel that the priest represents God. The priests that were revealed to Bishops and Cardinals were protected by being moved from place to place and continued for decades in some cases. Even when the church gave money it was part of an effort to avoid releasing priests to the prisons where they belonged. Protestants feel no special reverence for their local minister. The slightest offense and they might leave the church. A bigger offense brings a big split. A real crime is as likely to be reported as if it was a neighbor or uncle. It's always bad to abuse power even if you can do it without committing a crime.