…the majority of independents and Republicans agreed that the FBI is being used by Democrats as a weapon for their political gain. According to a recent Gallup survey, public trust in the FBI has fallen to its lowest point in years. In 2019, half of the voters said that the FBI was doing a “good” job but only a third feel they are doing a good job today. Voters say their drop in trust is because the FBI has become too openly political. No matter what your opinion of Donald Trump, the FBI’s raid on his home is a new low for the FBI. Agents told Trump to turn off his cameras, but he refused. They broke into his safe, destroyed his property, broke open boxes and blocked all entries to his home with guards armed with assault weapons. This unprovoked siege was reminiscent of an episode of the Untouchables! Even Nixon, who covered up the Watergate break-in and was facing immediate removal from office, was not treated as badly as patriot Donald Trump and his family by these overly aggressive, Gestapo-style hooligan desperados. “I had cooperated with every agency and did everything they asked! This should never happen to any American again!” – Donald Trump… Read more: https://www.gopusa.com/has-the-fbi-become-the-progressives-personal-gestapo/ This is a great and very accurate article about the politicization of the FBI. There are in the link great quotes from historical figures supporting the contention of the article. This needs to end and be make certain that it will never happen again!
The title of this article sadly is so right and 100% correct. Harry Truman was right then and it’s even worse now.
The FBI recovered documents that belong to the government. FBI agents did the JOB they were ordered to perform. In exchange, Trump's paramilitaries have been threatening FBI agents. Even those who had NOTHING to do with recovering those government documents. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/po...ho-tried-breach-ohio-fbi-building-2022-08-12/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mar-a-lago-search-fbi-threat-law-enforcement/ And Trump has neither said nor done ANYTHING to stop them. Instead fanning the flames... https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgamv/trump-fbi-threats And YOU are babbling here about the FBI, while saying NOTHING about this The Gestapo was Hitler's personal police force. MAGA-extremists are Trump's personal police force You need to get your metaphors right!
"A recent Gallup survey".........from 2019!!!! How disingenuous can you get!!! Not according to public opinion https://www.politico.com/newsletter...ew-poll-on-the-fbi-mar-a-lago-search-00051121 Proven lie......check that........proven BOLD FACE LIE. No, it isn't. It's complete crap. Why? The author makes a statement about the FBI and then uses a survey from 2019....I'll say that again....2019 to make a false point. This article the THE definition of "fake news".
The article is exactly right. The points made within are valid. The biden regime has become unhinged in its rhetoric against its opposition.
And the opposition's supporters are blind to their opposition leader's unethical and illegal behavior, despite apparently being able to see the same types of behavior in everyone else. Credibility < Political Theater
You are over the target XX.... you have the left's heads exploding.... the new FBI uniforms may actually be changed to brown shirts and jackboots. The attack on Mar-a-lago was not just an attack on Trump, but an attack on America. Please vote this communist dictator out in 2022 and 2024. Our country is in peril.
The fact that I proved it wrong (and that is a fact) only shows your denial of reality Well, since I proved that the article is wrong the points have no validity No, they're mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore.
The FBI have become the Gestapo?!? That’s terrible! I guess the guy who appointed the current director must have been a fascist. Either that or he was so hopelessly incompetent that he accidentally elevated a tyrannical thug to lead the nations premier enforcement agency! The good news is that at least that guy isn’t in a position to make any other federal appointments these days. Can you imagine anyone in their right mind ever trying to put him in office again?!?
Your response is so right on and exactly right. The current regime is objectifying and thus dehumanizing about 1/2 of the people in this country
The only people who compare the FBI to the gestapo are those without a sliver of knowledge of history a sliver of respect for the victims of the Nazis. It's inexcusable.
It's a shame that Donald Trump appointed someone to head the FBI that was apparently an undercover democrat operative.
We're dealing with the same sort of people who think that Bill Barr was an undercover democrat. There's no reasoning with that kind of bonkers.
No one is dumb enough to believe that lie from Trump. Except maybe Trump. He didn't do everything they asked. He didn't cooperate. If he had, there would have been no docs to recover. Think it over.
The history of the corruption of the FBI who is suppose to be unquestionably uncorrupted.....is inexcusable.
What exactly is the peril that faces the country caused by the present administration ? They're "objectifying and thus dehumanizing about 1/2 of the people in this country"?? How? By calling them names? Who are the snowflakes? He called a certain political group semi-facists....they are. They are the ones that attempted a coup. They are the ones that weaponized the Supreme Court by putting unqualified people in lifetime appointments. They are the ones that have continued the lie of a "stolen election". They are the ones that are following a madman.