Addressed to the president Mr Trump. I already know Mr President you have a high IQ, so you are certainly not stupid. When air gets heated it expands and rises, when it cools it ''falls'' back down to the ground. If global temperatures continue to rise Mr president, the air will stay heated and not ''fall'' back down to the ground. We are all going to suffocate Mr president if global warming continues .
Facts are not predictions, it is a fact that when air is heated it rises, if all the air ends up rising because it is too heated , how would you expect to breathe at low altitude?
''Colder'' means denser air, there would be ''pockets'' of air in ''colder'' places on the Planet. Places like Africa would be the first to suffer, countries on the Equator.
It will have to get replaced with something. There will still be cooler air then what rose to replace it.
Ref; Excerpt; Ancient air bubbles trapped in ice enable us to step back in time and see what Earth's atmosphere, and climate, were like in the distant past. They tell us that levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere are higher than they have been at any time in the past 400,000 years. During ice ages, CO2 levels were around 200 parts per million (ppm), and during the warmer interglacial periods, they hovered around 280 ppm (see fluctuations in the graph). In 2013, CO2 levels surpassed 400 ppm for the first time in recorded history. This recent relentless rise in CO2 shows a remarkably constant relationship with fossil-fuel burning, and can be well accounted for based on the simple premise that about 60 percent of fossil-fuel emissions stay in the air. If we have continued population increases, and continued CO2 rise, at some point in the future this is going to create some problems. We are told the problems already exist so now it's a political waiting game to see how bad they can become. I don't see how we can take these two variables and rationalize that ignoring them is a fine path to take? Maybe if Earth did not have 7+ billion inhabitants it would be a no-brainer. But when much of the world and it's people teeter on the brink of potential catastrophic events, when we consider how fragile we are, we might wish to pay attention...
Not only is the rise in CO² a problem and the entropy increase of population a problem, we also have to consider the affects of electro-magnetic radiation increase by human use on the increasing entropy of the CO² in the atmosphere,CO² being a denser gas than air so having a denser entropy and ability to hold more energy than air . The energy released my our atmosphere into space needing to have an equal rate of gain to loss to sustain an equilibrium. It is not really good to gain more than we lose.
Which part of the thread? it seems we are now ''quantum entangled'' in this thread so it would be hard to split up now. added - sorry i was in wrong thread , ignore the reply. But no it is science.
HUh? ''hot'' air expands and the mass gets spread out, it becomes lighter and less dense and more buoyant and then rises , that is why hot air balloons work.
If you dump a bunch of heavy rocks in a bucket of water the rocks will displace the water making the water level rise but the water isnt actually rising. All matter falls toward the earth or else hot air would have escaped and there wouldnt be an atmosphere. Colder air, because it is denser, displaces hot air and so it ends up on the bottom. Hot air isnt actually rising. It is being displaced by cold air giving the appearance of an upward 'anti-gravity' effect.
Don't worry CO2 is heavier than air, so there can't be any global warming if the greenhouse gas is stuck in Death Valley.
Seven decades have passed me by and during my early education there was never information or discussion about Earth's eco-system, our biosphere, the critical checks and balances, rising CO2 levels, etc. So not only my age group but I'll guess tens of millions more Americans following me are simply not geared to consider these environmental and social impacts. We can add to these numbers the tens of millions of Americans today who are either too lazy/ignorant to seek out information, then we can add several more millions of Americans who politically have their heads stuck up their asses! It's no wonder to me why we can't even have a civil public conversation never mind consider anything proactive...
No matter the the observer, the hotter and less dense air will increase elevation while the cooler and more dense air will fall. If all of the air was the identical temperature the observer would not see the rise unless the rise might be rooted in gravitational effects. The hotter air cannot 'rise' without increasing it's temperature above the surrounding air, so...can we say as we have warming (no matter the cause), this starts the process of heated air, in which the colder air just gets out of the way, allowing warmer air to appear to rise?
Do you not understand that there is not really an up? Do you understand that gases expand when heated and thin out, do you not understand that if the Earth is the central point of the atmosphere, and the gases were to expand from this central point, the ground level will have very thin air and suffocate.
Technically a colder climate has denser air, the molecules being more compressed of the air. That will not stop people from dying period, but it will help with breathing in an atmosphere that was under thermal expansion.
What bothers me most about this stuff is our disregard for Earth's environment, Earth's ecosystem, all that it has become during 4.5 billion years, to be able to sustain humans and others. For all intents and purposes I'm guessing we only get one shot at making this work! Without humans Earth will work just fine but with humans we bring excess baggage, negative baggage, that has the potential to screw things up. But we just go about our business, competing for the next dollar, carelessly ignoring our potential baggage, all with self-serving behavior. In myriad ways the **** is going to hit the fan, and when it does, there won't be enough time or money to deal with the issues...
The problem is money itself, the world thinks there is value in money, the value in money being that of gold reserves, gems, etc. None of this has any value whatsoever when the primary principle of life is survival. An apple is worth more than gold was once something I wrote a small article about. The wealth in a country is the countries food resources and clean water supplies, nothing else in a true reality matters. We can't survive if we can't eat or drink, apocalyptic times could follow where the only sustainable food source on the planet , is human meat alive or dead. In an economic point of view, the main resources are human resources, if all humans decided to not go to work on any particular day, the wealthy peoples money is worth nothing. Their servants no longer serving. The chemical element of atomic number seventy nine, a persons dreams of success, shiny metal that rules the world with a devil inside that causes wars, an evil that history has created. Then there is the humble apple, filled with life that gives life, growing from Eden, a place we should of stayed, to venture outside was a mistake, we did not let the devil into bliss, we ventured outside to find the devil. We had it all, yet we wanted more, we should of never opened the door, We had the Devil locked out, but we let him inside by turning inside out, now we have gold we can't eat, it is relatively cheap, belongs on a scrap heap, you can keep , I will just eat my apple...........
Funny you didn't mention the C02 in the dino age was around 5 times higher today and they grew huge. .