Polynesia, means “many islands.” http://www.dictionary.com/browse/polynesia Polynesia (from Greek: πολύς polys "many" and Greek: νῆσος nēsos "island") is a subregion of Oceania, made up of more than 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynesia
Industrial automation can save us; all plastics should be recycled, not thrown into landfills or waterways.
When does a Community begin to 'complain' towards things contrary to their Community? Before, during or after the 'problem' starts or after the 'problem' has become a societal concerning issue? Are some 'sanctuary cities' still living with hopes that 'offering sanctuary' will work and is viable within US ways? Where do troubles and changes come out from? The established or the new? Where do troubles and change come out from? The 'legal' or the 'illegal'? Is Legality a new thing or an Established thing in ANY Country?
How do you solve 'illegal' problems? In other words, it is up to the Leaders, the Law Enforcers, The Safe Keepers, The Law abiders to keep themselves and others safe and in well order. It is not up to residents who are trying to live off their minimum wage. Mental Health facilities and Mental Health facilitators are trained in dealing with those with mental disturbances to help them properly rehabilitate into societal living. Such facilities and facilitators are usually State funded and State employed. U.S. FIRST FOR AMPHETAMINE-TYPE STIMULANT USE RAMPANT OPIOID USE IN THE U.S. ALCOHOL USE Professionals and drug use. Arrests to illegal drugs. Population of The US. Violent crimes and drug use. Mental dysfunctions and mental disturbances with 'illegal' drug use. The Fort Lauderdale Airport shooter 'heard' NSA, The National Security Agency, tell him to do certain things in his head. And although he was an ex US military enlistee, he still followed through with these 'orders'.
What is the 'air' quality like when you enter a meth house or a meth party? What is the 'air' quality like when you enter into a protest zone? Safe, etchy? Scary? Vibrating? Radical movements like molecular movements in heat? The Prince of the air. These persons produce the Prince of the air when they 'join' in 1 likeness.. they produce the 'vibe' or the Prince of the air in that place. Ephesians 2:2 "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:" where ye 'walked'... activity... according to the 'vibes', of what was disobedient in any given place... If you are not with such activities, you are not as 1 of they.. If you partake with them, you are as 1 of they... To either do 'good' or to do 'evil'. The difficult part in this; however, is finding reputable professional persons for professional needs. Even the professionals are 'turning' to corruption or refusing to leave their 'corruption'. Their 'job' is not corrupt. It's the corruptive practices which are corrupt.
Question: Is it 'posh' to walk a dog in the highest 'heat' of the day? To have your dog walk on hot sidewalks to be 'posh'? Don’t make your dog do the hot cement quickstep! by THERESE on AUGUST 19, 2011 in DOG WALKING, DOGS, PET HEALTH The other day I saw a guy walking his dogs at about 2 in the afternoon. They walked across the street, right in front of me as I waited for the light to turn green. They were going from a cement sidewalk, onto a blacktop street, and back onto the cement sidewalk. Oblivious to his dogs’ pain, the guy just walked on as his dogs did a quickstep type of walk. They were so obviously in pain from walking on the hot cement and blacktop. Eventually one of the dogs decided to walk in the grass and then the other followed suit. How likely are you to walk around outside barefooted on a very hot summer day? Probably not too likely. Yet dog owners, like the guy above, make their dogs do it all the time. I don’t think the guy I saw is a cruel person. I just think he’s like a lot of other people who don’t think about it. After all, we wear shoes and just don’t feel the heat that much. But the truth is, even though the pads of a dog’s feet look like they may be tough enough to handle anything, they’re not. They can definitely feel the heat on their feet! It hurts and can cause severe pain, blistering, and infection. Recently Stormee Greenberg of Ruff’n It, Pet Nanny posted a comment, about walking dogs on hot pavement, on the PetsitUSA Facebook page. I decided to do what she did, and find out how hot the ground was throughout the day. So, I used a small heat gun to take the temperature of three different places at my house: Cement driveway in the shade Cement driveawy in the sun Blacktop street I knew it would be hot, but seeing the numbers was disturbing when I thought about how many dogs are forced to walk on surfaces this hot and hotter. Here are the results. 6 am 79 Degree air temperature 84 – Cement 94 – Blacktop 9 am 85 Degree air temperature 92 – Cement/shade 105 – Cement/sun 110 – Blacktop Noon 94 Degree air temperature 106 – Cement/shade 135 – Cement/sun 146 – Blacktop 2 pm 99 Degree air temperature 107 – Cement/shade 151 – Cement/sun 161 – Blacktop 158 – Inside parked car https://www.petsitusa.com/blog/?p=4299
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. --Thomas Jefferson
Hawaii is an Island. Improving recycling efficiency to lower costs could be an advantage, for that State.
The Price Of Plastic As we steer away from plastic in a desperate but needed attempt to save ourselves, will Legos be the priceless antiques of the future as adults of the future may very well live in a world where toys might be more socially acceptable, and a first release Lego set from today perhaps could be someone's prize possession in an office somewhere hundreds of years in the future maybe?.. Or will we be choked? Starved? And poisoned. Plastic is polluting our waters, killing our fish and threatening our food supply. The production of these plastics are heating up the winds, heating up the oceans, indeed our weather system, as does the horrible by product from exhausts everywhere emit carbon; We are surrounded. Plastic is essentially carbon since it's derived from a form of fossil fuel I believe, so we are surround by oil and wood for sources of energy and building material - This we all know, however, I for one would like to learn the proper disposable procedure of carbon fibre cars and aeroplanes.