Health Insurance premimums based on acturary tables?

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Smitty42, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Smitty42

    Smitty42 Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    As we all know health insurance premiums are increasing. If I am not mistaken everyone pays the same amount. What if the premiums were based on the health risk of each person. For instance:
    1. Are you overweight? If so how much? Premium increase based on how overweight you are.
    2. Do you smoke? If yes, premium goes up.
    3. Do you exercise? If yes premium goes down
    I am not a doctor so I do not have all of the possible causes of increased health risk but I am sure that there is data available.

    The reason I am bringing this forward is that I am 70 years old and on Medicare. My Medicare payment is almost $100.00 a month. In the past 15 years I have never been to the doctor except for a yearly physical. I am not overweight, do not smoke, exercise 6 days a week, and the wife wants me to stick around so she feeds me healthy food. Yet I pay the same as overweight, smoker who doesn't get of the couch.
    It seems to me the Romney/Ryan plan for Medicare would be an excellent choice for me. The government gives me X number of dollars and I purchase a very basic health plan that covers major medical with a X number of dollars deductible. Of course I would want to see the sliding premium plan. However, since I am over 55 I could not qualify for this plan unless it was offered.
  2. Richard Powell

    Richard Powell New Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    The information enclosed in this post gave an indication that it is fair insurance policy and will provide you safety according your body immunity level and diseases which generally occur in your body.

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