Here's why some scientists are convinced there's life on Mars

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Don Townsend, May 20, 2015.

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  1. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    NASA is little by little coming closer to full disclosure


    Take a look at the picture in link above The Opportunity Rover took in 2007 0f Cape St. Vincent on Mars ,it’s the only photo needed to prove the former or present existence of a humanoid presence on Mars. The highlights are a 12 meter Egyptian Style statue, a chain hoist rigging holding some material, and an excavated hole with a pile of dirt next to it, a pretty good trick for the wind. The video is titled “St Vincent 3-26-13 HD The Most Important Photo Ever Taken” on youtube. Also go to whatsupinthesky37on YT for a very good compilation of the best Martian anomalies. Scientist in recent months have reported that Mars was much more Earth-like in the past than they thought, the sky on Mars is blue and has a thicker atmosphere than originally thought, much of Mars was once covered by Mile-Deep oceans, the soil on Mars has been found to contain 2% water and contains organic matter and recently they've discovered running water on Mars, all of which gives even more credibility to the obvious humanoid made objects in this photo.

    Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, often referred to as "the Brookings Report," was a 1960 report commissioned by NASA and created by the Brookings Institution in collaboration with NASA's Committee on Long-Range Studies. It was submitted to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics of the United States House of Representatives in the 87th United States Congress on April 18, 1961.[1] It was entered into the Congressional Record and can be found in any library possessing the Congressional Record for that year.
    The report has become noted for one short section titled, "The implications of a discovery of extraterrestrial life," which examines the potential implications of such a discovery on public attitudes and values. The section briefly considers possible public reactions to some possible scenarios for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, stressing a need for further research in this area. It recommends continuing studies to determine the likely social impact of such a discovery and its effects on public attitudes, including study of the question of how leadership should handle information about such a discovery and under what circumstances leaders might or might not find it advisable to withhold such information from the public.
    While not specifically recommending a cover-up of evidence of extraterrestrial life, Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs does suggest that contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life (or strong evidence of its reality) could have a disruptive effect on human societies. Moreover, it does mention the possibility that leadership might wish to withhold evidence of extraterrestrial life from the public under some conditions

    ""In other words. its better to withhold information and keep the populations in the dark so as to keep them under control and in their place for maintaining the status quo. For any disruptions within that controlled system could seriously jeopardize those leaders positions of authority and control of those masses that affords them lives of luxury and ease at the expense of those masses.... its all about who gains and who loses if and when such information or truths are revealed. Knowledge is indeed power."

    I've got to add this comment I got earlier: and my response !

    CaptainGaydar 6 hours ago

    I see shapes like that in the stippling of my painted walls! ROFLMAO!
    As a digital artist, I can make any picture out of anything I want. It is called "phototshopping". I am aue you do not have the training to recognize a "photoshopped" digital image. I have used Photoshop since before version 1.0 when it was in prototype in 1990.

    don townsend 18 minutes ago

    CaptainGaydar....This image is downloaded directly from the NASA site by millions of people all over the world are they all photo shopping it the same. You've just admitted you see the objects I'm referring to ,but you believe they're so good that they're photo shopped ,thanks for confirming the images ! TOO FUNNY
    Collapse Replies (1) Reply
  2. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Banned

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Lol I saw your comments in the comment section.
  3. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Yeah,about as funny as NASA calling the following a ROCK . LOL .A ROCK shaped by the elements to look exactly like a bone complete with a bone marrow passage. OH, THE AUDACITY !!!!

  4. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    The following probably isn't a coffin on Mars ,bu it dang sure wasn't made by natural forces either !

  5. SourD

    SourD New Member Past Donor

    Mar 27, 2012
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    You are nuts bro. You have a wild imagination just like some of the kooky scientists involved in the Mars mission.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh please, it is stone. I can't believe you think this is true. Holy (*)(*)(*)(*).
  6. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    YEAH .RIGHT the orbiters and rovers have sent back thousands of pictures of anomalies that in no way could have been produced by natural forces.
    hundreds of pictures of fossils and blocks with perfect 90 degree angles with writing on them, Did you watch the video of Mt. St. Vincent and see the Egyptian style statue, the obvious chain holding up some material and the excavated hole with a pile of dirt next to it ,a pretty good trick for the wind ,I'd say. The evidence id undeniable !!!
  7. Nunya D.

    Nunya D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Oh, for sure it is a coffin. I bet that Spock is in it.

    Here is another video that shows proof positive of life on Mars:

  8. CJtheModerate

    CJtheModerate New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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  9. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I suppose it may depend on what kind of life you are talking about. The Yahoo URL makes sense to me. The Youtube one I had to pass on after a few minutes. Was there ever human life on Mars, no. Was there microbacterial or some other form of life, in all probability, yes. 4 billion or so years ago, Mars had an ocean and was much warmer,

    The possibility of life then is real. But 4 billion years later, if there was life on Mars, the evidence may be long buried.
  10. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    I been studying these photos the orbiters and rovers have been sending back for years, and there is no doubt there are humanoid made objects on Mars.
    How much research have you done , there is evidence done by an independent Photo forensic company that proved NASA IS ONLY SAVING THE THE ROVER PICTURES AT 70% QUALITY and there is further evidence of photo obfuscation .
  11. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    None at all. But my mind's door is never completely shut. Or as Spock would say, "There are always possibilities." I highly doubt any humanoid forms evolved on Mars, but this is a belief on my part as I have stated, I haven't done any studies.

    But and this revolves around other possibilities. I believe we are not the only intelligent life in the universe. That life exists out there among the stars beside our own. I also believe behind every myth there is a bit of truth, how much depends. I think this planet of ours may have been visited by other life forms from out there, that a lot of myths and legends our ancient ancestors gave us was their version in their words describing these other life forms and their vehicles. In other words the life forms from other places in the universe who visited us long, long ago became the gods of yore and myth.

    Too much has been uncovered to be mere coincidence. So in this sense, if roads or other objects you attribute to humanoids on Mars, perhaps those humanoids or E.T.'s if you will were the ones who built them. For human life to live on Mars, at least human life as we would know it on earth, they would have to existed around 4 billion years ago.

    But that opens up another can of worms, we are looking for life form that we know. Who is to say other life forms out there in the great beyond has forms or are based on totally different substances. That we could be looking at life or life forms and we would be totally ignorant of them because they are so alien to us that we know they can't exist.

    Who says all life must be carbon based? What I am saying just because we haven't discovered something yet, does not mean it doesn't exist.
  12. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    There have been several reputable scientist that have speculated that life on here could have come from Mars. If you have time and haven't so far ,would you visit Whatsupinthesky37 on You tube . The man's name is Will Ferrel, he has been looking at and posting NASA photographs for years. He's a no nonsense type of person and only posts very questionable objects. He's not one of these far out creeps that see's something in every rock. He's attempting to build a site with only the very best and provable anomalies. i ask only that you and others take a look and judge for yourselves. No NASA SHILLS PLEASE !
  13. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Here's positive proof of photo manipulation by NASA !!

  14. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    ROFL! I don't even know where to begin with that. I'd have to educate you, apparently, and I don't have the time.

    You see, the Rover was made some time ago... and the technology at the time wasn't "quite" as good as what we have now. 50 Mb/sec was a very big deal back then. In fact, most disk drives couldn't do it, they had to use streaming tape (and to get the information from the tape to disk, they had to use a RAID array which let the information be written out in parallel instead of sequentially). So, you need to do some math. Each frame comes back from the receiver in real time, there are up to 30 frames per second and each frame is about a meg and a half, so you're basically near full capacity even if you don't drop any frames. You're looking at 50 mb per second, so in a minute you have 3 gigs, and in 5 hours you have a terabyte. You can just keep storing the stuff but the whole idea is to do analysis on it, so at the same time the feeder is pumping information in, the analyzer is sucking it out - and that has to happen at the same speed, otherwise you end up with a backlog (a big one). It is actually quite remarkable that NASA saves 70% of each image, after all, a good compression algorithm usually results in a bigger reduction.

    (They also used streaming tape for the space shuttle flight recorder - curiously enough, the tape mechanism is able to withstand mechanical vibration better than a disk drive, and small amounts of tape jitter can be corrected for more easily than disk wobble).
  15. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    The possibility of advanced life evolving on Mars are slim to none dues to time frames and environmental conditions. The possibilities of said life developing in such a way as to resemble Human shape or biology are significantly lower due to the chemical make up of Mars, ultraviolet bombardment, probability, gravity....etc... The chances any developing life meeting these criteria and developing technology that mirrors ancient Egypt of Earth borders on the impossible.

    The chances that the OP does not understand these tHings and has allowed an active imagination to wander into instability are 100%.
  16. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Oh yes? Who is this 'forensic company' and what is this 'evidence' of obfuscation? Next you'll be telling us there was no moon landing and it was all done in a secret studio...
    Here's another more awesomely amazing revelation:;160;224
  17. straight ahead

    straight ahead Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    It's pretty obvious that those human looking markings in the rocks are cleverly hidden clues to where all their money is buried.

    After I post here I always make sure to destroy all signs of human life and then scratch a few drawings on the walls of a nearby cave in case someone sends a spaceship here 100 million years from now with a camera. You may think it's a waste of time but no one's getting my licorice or baseball cards.
  18. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Watch these two videos and he gives the company. Did you even read the article of my op and it's links
  19. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    There is no humanoid life on mars.

    Mars has, for billions of years, been without a magnetic field strong enough to protect the surface from the onslaught of UV radiation and other particles streaming out of the sun. It's why Mars also has no atmosphere worth mentioning. There might be simple forms of life underground, but there are no humans walking around leaving their trash and strange objects on the surface. Even if there were, why have none of them messed with our rovers? Why do we find no towns or cities or food and energy production facilities? They just live there, wandering the surface with nothing to do, or eat, or breathe, or drink?

    I almost wish I hadn't wasted the time to bother typing this out. Why is this not in the conspiracy section?
  20. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Anomalies are just that, anomalies. On Mars one will never be able to prove a thing until man sets foot on the planet and does some digging in the dirt. Until then, it is just supposition. As for life on earth coming from Mars, it is possible. A rock, a meteor, a stone from Mars carrying the seeds of life to earth is a real possibility. Especially since Mars was more earth like around 4 billion years ago than the earth was.

    There is speculation of ancient aliens visiting the earth and perhaps putting mankind on the path to become man. It is possible and it is also possible if they could visit earth, they could visit Mars and if there is anything with those anomalies, perhaps they could be responsible. I think we are in an era when scientist do not think out of the box any more. That today's scientist are too interested in keeping the existing theories of life and a host of other things written in stone and ridicule any new theory that might upset the existing ones.

    This applies to just more than Mars and the possibility of life having existed there or even life coming from Mars to Earth. If one examines all the evidence, there is plenty there of life forms from another world visiting earth and perhaps even living for a spell on earth and influencing the evolution and advancement of man. But mainstream science shuts their door on this, slams it shut and locks it refusing to look at anything that might throw a different light on things that they state are fact now.

    So yes, I do believe it is possible the life on earth came from Mars. That even life came from out of our solar system to here.
  21. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Because ,it's a legitimate article written by reputable scientists with links to other articles written by reputable scientist about new discoveries about Mars that invalidate most of your old knowledge. Why are people so unwilling to accept the truth in front of their eyes .You all can't be NASA SHILLS OR ARE YOU !!!!!
  22. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I'm a shill alright, but it's for truth that I shill, not for NASA.

    I'm all for fantastical stories being true and things we never expected being real, but I'm not in favor of substituting things like that in for the truth because it's more exciting.
  23. Independent Thinker

    Independent Thinker Active Member

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Don, are you waiting to make sure that there's no gay life on Mars before you move there?
  24. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Mars could be harboring hidden microbial life

    Do you Think This Is A Rock
  25. Piscivorous

    Piscivorous New Member

    Dec 28, 2009
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    Indeed. I had a friend who was a geologist. I asked him how long it would take for all traces of man to disappear if the human race died off tomorrow. He estimated 100,000 years. He did say things like Mt. Rushmore and Stone Mountain might take a million, but eventually there would be no trace without concerted excavation efforts.

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