Hitler at prayer

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Flanders, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    The question is: What was Hitler praying for? I’d have to answer he prayed for gun control laws:

  2. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    He relaxed restrictive gun laws when he took power. Next?
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Colonel K: Germany’s gun laws are complicated. Some of them were tied to the Treaty of Versailles years before Hitler came to power. Hitler’s relaxed gun laws were selective. No one can argue that he wanted Jews to own unregistered guns.

    In any event, Hitler and gun control in Nazi Germany is a good way to highlight the most dangerous aspect of totalitarian philosophy irrespective of the misdirection and misquotes gun control advocates zero in on. Try as they may this is fact:

    One thing never changes. Totalitarians always want gun registration for obvious reasons. Note that the United Nation is counting on Democrats to ratify the Small Arms Treaty.

    Finally, all of the dialogue about the need for more gun control laws never includes a discussion of the freedoms guns gave to average Americans. I’ve always believed that Americans who lived in the American West in the 19th century were the freest people that ever lived. I’d include Australians, too, because Australia had an “Old West” similar to ours. They were free because they owned and often carried a gun in order to defend themselves.

    Consider this: The ruling class could always engage in duels without being punished. They fought duels with swords and guns, but it was the gun that gave ordinary men the means to defend themselves and their property.

    NOTE: If Democrats protected private property instead of trying to abolish it they would have nothing to fear from gun owners.

    It’s fair to say that outlawing duels was the first step to outlawing guns and self-defense. Try this if you doubt me, substitute the word duel for the word gun in gun registration arguments. For instance, everybody who would protect themselves in a duel must register their intent. Clearly, registering to duel would lead to outlawing dueling.

    Finally, it is always the government trying to disarm private citizens. Nobody ever seriously calls for disarming government forces. Now, try and imagine the government’s argument for keeping its guns. Beliefs about gun control tend to change dramatically when a free man looks around and sees that he’s the only guy in the room without a gun.

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