Long ago, I speculated about the sites of stone henge and the Easter islands, and, other natural 'holy sites,' and found that there was a belief that these sites carried some sort of 'power.' This means, of course, that there were signs more than once in these places, and, I believe that this is not based on chance. What is a power site? A power site is where the energies around us, collected in, wait, let me begin by showing how a church is a power site... A church is a site of power because when you walk into one, you feel different. No, it is not just you, you are feeling it too! The power is based on energies from previous thoughts and songs, and, these show the tempering of the site. When someone sings, their voice is split up into radiation levels, being alpha, which bounces off the walls, beta, which goes into the walls somewhat, and gamma, which penetrates the walls. What you feel when you walk into a church is what is trapped inside the walls, or is bouncing around while the doors are closed. These energies stay inside the church, walls helping, and they will give a vibe to the energy levels of the church. A happy congregation leads to a good vibe, and, falseness leads to a bad vibe, obviously. That is the basics of it... Now, with a site, the whole ground beneath you, from rains and snow, migration or lack of migration, leads to a busy or 'active sort of area.' These energies will manifest into a sort of field, where the fluctuations of energies will result in altered moods - if you were to observe that in a hot room, you will get more stressed, then that is because of radiation too, yes? These sites will deliver the energy they are exposed to, as, relays for them are common. This means, if the area is usually full of positive thought, it will be a happy area, pain and sorrow will lead to a area that makes you unhappy, and, so forth. With a holy site, the energies are more than hot and cold through. If you were to examine 'chemistry,' you will find that various mixtures result in things that add to life force and things that destroy it, yes? This life force I like to call biomass, as, it will be about life - all biomass is alive, I reckon. These must be places of healing, or, great thought, maybe even blessings in the form of love making? All in all, I would say that holy sites like Mecca are resoundingly peaceful and uplifting because they are 'treated' thus. If you were to take those prayers inside a church, it would make you feel the same, of course. Besides that, they would be good to collect sorcery energies to contact gods well, or, even make it rain, develop personally quicker or receive gifts from spirits at the right times.
With these sites we may find a 'mist.' This mist may be made by gases that linger from area to area, with compression taking place, like with 'an ozone layer.' Yes, a mini ozone layer in the area that compresses sunlight, for example, and then holds it tight until something touches it. These layers, clouds and mists may be made in a cave, maybe, that collects all the gases and the other gases that could be from a meteorite could be circulating inside, never being released because of each next gas pushing the previous gas out of the escape zone. Then, the gases could become hot or cold in winter or summer, collecting into new types of molecules and things on the surface of the cave roof and walls, of course. But, I doubt it stops with caves! These gases could stick together through polarization, and, then cling to each other. Breathing them in could result in, well, depending on the mixtures, nearly anything you could imagine! Then, the grass in the area may become saturated with life force or even poisonous things. This could result in cancer or even cellular proliferation, maybe?