Still made up BS. ONE place in ONE instance is not "places" and I suspect when appealed to the Iowa Supreme court, they would overturn the decision. Does demonstrate the absurdity of gay marriage. A woman presumed to be the father of a child. Using their logic, any birth to a married lesbian couple, the other spouse will be presumed to be the father. Abolishing the biological fathers right with a presumption. CRAZY! Can you imagine a married lesbian cheats on her partner and gets knocked up, infuriating the other partner who files for divorce. And the court is going to presume she is the father
Like I said, logically it makes as much sense as putting a barren mother who is not the biological mother on the birth certificate, or a sterile father who is known not to be the biological father on the birth certificate. In the UK I believe it is now "parent 1" and "parent 2", hence why I said "places". Also other countries. But that's only a broader example, I don't think you want to stray the bounds of US law. I think there needs to be legal considerations in marriage and in paternity beyond the mere biological aspects of it. I think if a same-sex couple are married and have children through invitro fertilisation or a surrogate, they should both be recognised as the legal birth-parents. Absolutely. In fact in the case of two men using a surrogate mother they don't have to declare whose DNA was used, so both should have presumption of paternity at the birth as "parent 1 and parent 2". Any state could legislate this and probably will if it's not decided through the courts as a matter of equal protection (sterile and barren opposite sex couples being identically situated). I don't think it's absurd an idea in the slightest; a person's legal parents should be the ones who've committed to bring them up, and they should be declared so at birth and the EQUAL rights and responsibilities that they've consented to conferred upon both of them, regardless of the DNA.
And yes, places, such is the case in Connecticut: Affirmed by the state supreme court.
Seems to be a common opinion among the gays. Probably why HIV among homosexual men is increasing, while decreasing among heterosexuals.
This is nothing new. Homosexuality has been documented in thousands of species, same sex pairs mating, monogamously for life, just as heterosexual pairs would. Nothing new. However, as we've seen, watch those pushing against gay rights deny this.
If the censored words are what I suspect them to be, then the act of which you speak is not limited to homosexuals by any stretch of the imagination.
Have you always practiced what most might believe to be "reference standard" sexual acts? (If not, then once you get your squad of "sex police" up and running... turn yourself in.) Come on... be honest.
good grief, monkeys fling poop so, if you want to use "nature" as an example then be prepared to use all of nature. Do you really want to go there trying to support homosexuality? [ame=""]Monkey throwing poop - YouTube[/ame]
Noting the natural occurrence of homosexuality is just the response to those fallaciously claiming "it's unnatural". It also potentially lends to the theory that a person's homosexuality is caused by biological factors.
so let's review where the natural conclusion must be flipper has been seen to perform homosexuality so that is "normal" behavior and thus must be fine. if you wish to use that ploy, then you must also use it for monkeys flinging their own poop or llamas spitting etc etc perhaps all of those behaviors are "normal" in the animal world but are they "normal" for humans? Or, do you wish to only pick and choose which animal behavior you wish to use as an example to forward your agenda? before you begin the usual insulting, please note that I voiced no opinion either way; I simply pointed out the use of examples must be consistent.
It is you who is drawing conclusions from it, not me. The only thing being stated is that it is clearly not unnatural due to its occurrence in nature. No mention of normalcy anywhere. As I've already said it's simply a correction on those who persist in repeating phony claims. Some like to cast homosexuality as being purely a human thing, and they'd be wrong. Also those claiming its a conscious choice and "learned" are faced with the fact that animals, who are predominantly instinctual, exhibit homosexual behaviour and even pair-bond with members of their own sex. It points towards biological factors having something to do with it. It does not address the question of morality or acceptance, that's an entirely separate issue. It's interesting that you use the word "normal" as being interchangeable with those concepts though - the way I understand the word it simply means "what the majority do", and under that that definition homosexuality is not normal.
Don't daddy's eat their young in nature? And you want Humans to copy them? So your argument about homosexuality being natural is equivalent of arguing that eating your young is natural. Or sniffing asses is natural, or liking balls is natural.
Depends on the species. In most cases no they don't. Specious projection is one of the weakest tools in argument (and about the only thing that holds the whole of the world of talk radio together). It is natural for the species that do so instinctively. This is a further projection based on the original projection. Humans can't copy every single aspect of behaviour of every single species in nature. There isn't enough time and in a great deal of cases we'd drown or fall out of trees and break our backs. We do however share a number of aspects of behaviour with a number of other species. If it occurs in nature it is "de facto" natural. You just want the word "natural" to conflate with what you personally consider to be "nice".
Again, you're confusing the observational: "Homosexuality occurs across a variety of species in nature" with the volitional: "You have observed that (for the sake of argument) male cheetahs often eat their young so therefore you must want male lions to do the same even though they generally don't?" Doesn't hold water does it?
you are correct. "normal" does basically mean what the majority do. i can assure you, on many levels I am not normal
Or a couple generations of juvenile delinquents and 60% of marrieds would have been stoned to death. The law says to take a wayward child to the public square and stone him. The same for an adulterer - surveys indicate most married people have had at least one extramarital affair.
"It's like if I quoted the American Nazi Party and tried to claim that they're the definitive source of information about Jews because they're the ones "dealing with the problem"..." Thanks to the internet, the truth is beginning to come out that Hitler, whom the false jews financed, murdered primarily Real Jews. 90% of the "jews" alive today are descended from the khazarians. That makes them sons of the Esau (Edom) that God hates, NOT sons of Jacob/Israel. By having Hitler exterminate the Real Jews, the "jews" (like those who currently run counterfeit israel and America) killed two birds with one stone: They got rid of the real heirs to the throne, and they were able to use their deaths to elicit world sympathy for a "jewish" homeland. For generations the "jews" said their homeland was Russia. That's why they engineered Bolshevism to destroy the Romanov dynasty - the longest reigning of all European royal families: 1,000 years - and take over there. Then, after WW2 when the "jews" realized how pivotal petroleum would be, they all of a sudden changed their minds. They had made a mistake, Palestine was actually meant to be their homeland. That same Palestine that just happens to sit right in the middle of all that oil. DEAN BERRY MINISTRIES: "When you get tired of fighting the truth."