Page 5 paragraph 4 states that dept dir Mccabe testified that "no FISA warrant would have been sought without the Steele dossier".
Hopefully we have FISA judges with some integrity and a regard for the rule of law. I guess we will have to wait and see? The DOJ seems to be unconcerned, IMO. Unless I missed something.
I would not be surprised if this memo is only the first drop of water from a crack in a dam that is ready to fail. No wonder Comey has his panties in a twist. One of two situations exist here. Either Comey was fully cooperating with the Trump witch hunt or he was so incompetent he was clueless. Neither of which will get any buildings or bridges named after you Dems say there is more info out there that will clear all this up, and show that they are the real guardians of democracy. Well lets see it.
We don't know about anyone used to convince FIsa because they refuse to release the applications Should Wray be fired?
Fact, they have had to sue to get information. And yes when classified information is involved the hearings are held behind closed doors. The fact remains this dossier was bogus, these high level officials knew it and they still used it to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil a private citizen and withheld information from the FISA court in order to obtain the warrant. And let's not forget the whole unmasking scheme comes back to this and that information was passed out throughout the Obama administration so bogus assertions could be leaked to the press to try and influence the election and undermine the Trump administration.
You dont know that the Nunes memo is BS I thats your hope, your fondest dream But you dont have a crystal ball that lets you see things others cant
You know as well as I do these things are theater. A farce. You ever listen to one of them? Hell man, you can lie to them and nothing happens. So, theater. For the Rubes. And for entertaining partisans who are too stupid to see it is theater, which was not always the case.
I would hope not, but with Carter Page being looked at Since July, I would think the FISA would be easily obtained. Or any of the other 5 or 6 people involved with the Trump regime... Like any good American, I will state, if their are rogue people, get them, FBI, CIA, etc. At the same time, that doesn't mean it is OK for all republicans to now sweep EVERYTHING Trump under the rug because he had Nunes draft a memo with CASH. Watch a Trump Doc. last night on his real estate dealings back in 80s / 90s. He worked with MANY Russia, previous Russians crooks... Willing Blindness is the Term used over and over again. That is Trump. So now what, we take away the Carter Page Fisa, and the people involved, including the judge gets spanked. All this does is Give FOX news something to talk about for 6 months. That everyone is against Trump and now Trump, although hated by at least 60% of the DOJ< FBI and the country, can wipe them out and put in cronies.
So... the Obama DoJ knew the information it used to gain a warrant against a Trump campaign staffer was provided by a political operative, paid by the HRC campaign, who wanted Hillary to win the election. Turn those words around a little and the Democrats would turn out in pitchforks and torches.
If the pedigree of FISA warrant info is important, that will come out... I don't know that and neither do you. My only concern with the memo is posted in #93, which will also come out...
When you combine this disgusting revelation with the Obama/Lynch/Bubba/Comey/McCabe collusion to exonerate Hillary, you can really see how commies operate. Of Means and Ends -- Saul Alinsky
READ THE MEMO AND TESTIMONY CITED. Are you claiming McCabe lied in his testimony? Well that can get him a few years in prison. You haven't even read the memo yet have you.
ABSOLUTELY. And the one that is in place needs to be disbanded and all the notes turned over to career prosecutors and a determination should it continue and a review from the FISA court as to whether the warrant was legally obtained. ANY information which was further obtained after the warrant is now tarnish, forbidden fruit.
Well well, we agree. Release the actual documents. Then the D's can't hide and deny. Of course, it will also end the D party for a long time.
Each FISA application and renewal require new evidence to initiate it; thus, the use of the dossier for the extensions. There is wherein the rub lies. CBS just claimed it shows no breaking of Federal Law but the law is clear against using the 702 process against Americans and if the FBI used the unverified dossier without disclosing it's pedigree, or basically claiming the intel came from the FBI, then that is a clear violation of law.
You keep repeating that exactly like your handlers are telling you to, but did they tell you what the omissions were, or were they just empty words that make a blanket statement about the memo without really saying anything. If you're going to go on like a broken record then you should at least know what omissions you're talking about.
The public is sure as heck concerned and that is what really counts here, it's nice to see the Dems backed in the corner flailing and trying to regain the public trust. Just as with the SOTU speech it doesn't matter a whit what the partisans on this board think. That is like being surprised that the sun rose in the East. It is the 72% of independents that approved of the speech that has the Dems soiling their depends. One would think though that even the most partisan poster here would not approve of warrants being issued on phony evidence that the FBI submitted knowing it is fake.
Still have not seen anything to support this assertion that the dossier was used to get the warrant. I see "would not have sought" the warrant, but that is different from what was presented to the judge.