House Speaker: Biology Matters on Capitol Hill 'Johnson ruled that sex-specific bathroom access would remain depending on biological sex rather than gender declarations. At the same time, Johnson pointed out how little this would impact any trans-identifying members:' 'Speaker Mike Johnson has banned men from using women’s bathrooms in the House portion of the Capitol building, enacting into policy a push led by Rep. Nancy Mace.' This is common sense, which is why common sense Americans support it. “All single-sex facilities in the Capitol and House Office Buildings — such as restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms — are reserved for individuals of that biological sex,” Johnson said in a statement Wednesday. Every House member has a private bathroom, that they can let anyone use that they desire to. He added: “It is important to note that each Member office has its own private restroom, and unisex restrooms are available throughout the Capitol. Women deserve women’s only spaces.” Unisex bathrooms are provided throughout Congress. Some Democrats deliberately picked this fight with The Free American People because the hate them and abuse them. 'We have had public restrooms restricted to biological sex for good and obvious reasons for the entirety of public-restroom history until the transgender movement demanded access on the basis of individual feelings a few years ago. Why did they demand that access? They wanted it to undermine the very basis of biological science and to provoke these very kinds of arguments. Democrats demand access to women's spaces for sheer political intimidation and nothing more.' Please discuss.
So we got immigration and economic problems, but congress is worried about its bathrooms. We're in good hands.
I don't know why this is an issue as I recall the Representative in question has agreed to use male bathrooms, so I guess this discussion is unnecessary.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with @Cybred about something. IMO, is the kind of overreach that worries me because they aren't gonna keep power if they spend time on issues like these, they are just gonna push people to the left again. Its issues like these the right usually rips the left for wasting time on. If this is the 1st thing they are trying to do I think its gonna leave a bad taste in some peoples mouths and makes it super easy for them to play victim card, which we all know is quite powerful these days. Who cares about the federal buildings anyway? This should be done in SCHOOLS where girls are actually getting raped by "women with penises" in the bathrooms.
Why the Congressional Bathroom Fight Is Important 'Women's rooms will be reserved for women, and men's rooms for men. What a concept, right?' And they can't figure out why they lost the election. 'Mace, a sexual violence survivor, is standing up for all women in pushing back. She has won the battle at the Capitol, and is putting forth a bill to make the policy apply at all federal facilities ' It's time for all of Congress to take a recorded vote. Well well well, here's a leading Democrat
I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to discuss why this wasn't really an issue. Please explain to me why this is an issue.
Yep, because they voted for people who don't care about immigration or the economy but about which bathrooms people use.
It's important to remember who brings up any sex using any bathroom. Here's a hint: it ain't republicans and it ain't conservatives.
Trump didn't care before about this issue when interviewed years ago in his first campaign, and nor did anyone else. Now he & MAGA care? Obviously a politicized irrelevancy meant to divide the country further. This is how people like diaper Don get into office. Americans are as shallow as they come.
Republicans are too disorganized to realize that 3 of their cabinet appointees have problems re: sex. The president elect has also had problems in that area too. I don't think you folks want to really point the finger at Democrats at this point.
It is the stupidest political gamesmanship ever. It's not like they couldn't make the bathrooms gender neutral and stalls private.
Why not? Do you like those US style bathroom stalls where everyone can look at you through giant cracks? Make each stall private and this is a non issue. Also the trans person said they will use whatever bathroom you want and they don't care. It's a non issue for them. Only Mace and her hang are playing at identity politics here.