Don't be a weenie and answer my posts unless you can answer! By your avatar, I would say you are very young. So I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. But, come on. The elites are going to take your young live and put it in chains our just kill you and yours. I would like that to not happen for any of us.
You have to claim liberty for yourself or admit that you are property. Liberty or slavery....there really is no in-between. One added thought. I don't really like the use of the word 'freedoms'. Freedom is a singular all-encompassing entity. By saying 'freedoms', you are putting limits on the concept.
I'd agree with that, John Locke was often referred to by some of the founders, especially the Virginians.
Many of the founders based our Constitution upon Anglo-saxon common law(the peoples law) as apposed to Ruler law.
Cause the French gave America a statue named liberty, thats how. Everyone here knows how awesome and right the French are about stuff.
The rights to life, liberty and property, not too mention self-defense. Life- I have the right to sustain myself and to defend my existence. This does not mean I have a right to others property or efforts(other than shared national security) in doing so. Liberty- I have the right to succeed or fail based on my own choices. This includes providing my own food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, retirement and income. Property- I have the right to prosper from my labor and intellectual property in a fairly regulated free market where individuals agree and create contracts. This means that I have no reason to blame anyone for my income level or personal wealth. I am not an anarchist. There is a proper roll for government. In the US, we have a Constitution that is designed to limit the power of the federal government to general national needs. Free market forces and liberty with limited regulation will allow fair opportunity for everyone to succeed. There are no slaves under this system.
I expected this answer. But I see many contraditctions as ever. You support right to life, but well, I can fail in many points of my life that my right to life would end. For example not being to provide myself food, or a shelter. You talk about liberty, and later you talk about some possible restrictions, for example about the intellectual property(do you want an intellectual property like today). I am anarchist, but not a free market anarchist, I am continuing to see what you're defending a murderer system. A system truely injust and contradictory, and also authoritarian. Because I believe that you defend that the security must be in hands of the government and the rest no, and that creates a terribly authoritarian system, at the level of Chile of Pinochet, sorry but I don't trust anything any free market system, after what history showed us.
By the Constitution, we gave it to ourselves. By the Declaration of Independence, we are endowed them by God and secured by the government of the people, for the people, and by the people.