For the past 3 years I've been self employed, and it's been great. It hasn't been lollypops and rainbows the entire time, there are definitely some cons to self employment/business ownership, but overall it's far better (IMO) than simply being employed. Unfortunately, about three months ago, I once again had to join the ranks of the employed. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a means of earning an income, and I'm pretty fortunate to have gotten this job in particular. This job, and company, is a dying breed. It's manufacturing, I started at $15/hr (which is good for this region), will be close to $20 in less than a year, full benefits, matched contribution 401k, so on and so forth. But damn... I'd forgotten how much I hated working for other people... being at the same place at the same time doing the same thing with the same people 5 days a week. I've had to take this job simply because business became too unstable, I couldn't get the loans I needed to expand, and most importantly, my lady and I have a child on the way... so you gotta do what you gotta do. I plan to stay just long enough to clean up my credit, restructure the business a bit... then I'm out the door. I can't lie, I (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hate being employed. I have no problem with working, I just hate doing it for other people. I hate dealing with the petty issues pertaining to specific places of employment, I hate dealing with people who're too stupid to understand that work sucks enough without their stupidity making it worse, I hate not having the freedom to create my schedule, yada yada... anyone with a job knows what I mean. I've always hated work, but not working, even when I'm fairly compensated for my time... it just never feels like it's worth it... hence my becoming self employed. So these are my thoughts on the issue, how about you? How do you feel about your job, or working in general?
I work for a large corporation. I despise it, but ever since I started my anti-depressants I have since stopped imagining ways to kill myself at work in front of the mean and nasty customers I get, so it is tolerable and it puts food on the table and keeps a roof over my head. If I had a choice though I'd live and work at home. I'd write my book and paint for money if there were any real money in it. *sigh*
My take, as you may or may not know I quit a job that payed a boatload of money in 2011. I wound up drinking and watching movies for a year and became extremely bored. I took a job again in mid 2012 again just to reduce my drinking at about 2/3 of the boatload. As long as they don't (*)(*)(*)(*) me off, I'll keep showing up for work to propagate the USA through taxation. It is day to day as I am somewhat volatile.
I enjoy my job for the most part. I drive for a small trucking company, 5 full time and three part time drivers. The boss is also a driver, which helps alot. Our hauling abilities are diverse enough that it never gets boring. Our equipment is well maintained and fairly new, 3 new Cascadias, my 2005 Columbia and and old Century. Yes, there are frustrating days, but that happens in every job. I get to see out of the way places, small towns and things that most people have no idea exist. And the people you meet, they are the best part.
I absolutely LOVE my job! Granted, a lot of people think teaching kids is insane - luckily, I'm a bit crazy myself. I was made for this job.
Glad to hear that things are more tolerable for you now. Don't give up on your dreams and desires though! It was roughly seven years ago when I realized that I wanted to work for myself, but dismissed the idea because it seemed impossible. A few years later, I made it happen... I've just hit a bump in the road and will be back on course shortly.
I pretty much feel the same. I know I have to stick with it for now, but I'm always on the razors edge between compliance and telling them to (*)(*)(*)(*) off. - - - Updated - - - I consider you lucky. I haven't met too many people that honestly love their job. I couldn't do what you do, that's for sure.
LLM, I wish you the very best. And congratulations to you guys, on the coming addition to your family.