A question I raised on one of the homeopathy threads: For those of you who support the quackery of homeopathy, what is the explanation for how and why it works: I want to know how you suppose a solution that contains possibly one molecule of an ingredient in distilled water is supposed to do anything?
Okay, how about the homeopathic substance of St. John's Wort? This plant contains the molecule hypericin, which is a mild MAOI inhibitor, which stands for monoamineosidase inhibitor, an enzyme in the blood that breaks down seratonin, dopamine, and norephinephrin. When the enzyme is inhibited, these neurotransmitters rise in the brain synapses, which can ameliorate symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and OCD. For me, St. John Wort has worked better than all the FDA approved SSRIs I have tried. For others, SSRIs work better. Each individual has a unique metabolic system and brain structure: you have to tailor a regimen unique to each persons body.
St John's Wort does possess some antidepressant effects, as you describe. It seems contradictory then, that this substance to be used in homeopathic treatment, since homeopathy supposedly works on a like-for like basis. The treatment is supposed to cause the ailment at normal strength, not cure it. On that basis homeopathic St John's Wort should make you depressed.
As I stated how hypericin works, it is supposed to help people who have the specific physiology that is susceptible to it. My psychiatrist told me that so many of his customers say that St. John's Wort has worked better for them than SSRIs, while on the other hand, I know a lot of people where SSRIs have worked better, or combining the two (be careful of interactions though).
I don't think so. If it helps, don't knock it. People are all different, pain is frequently extreme, and anything that alleviates it -even a placebo, is good.
You don't know what a placebo is, do you? It's not the substance working, it's you doing it. Because it's a placebo it will only work in a very small amount of people. The rest won't get better. Actual medication has to beat the placebo so if you're refusing a medicine to use homeopathy you're refusing to use something that has a better chance of working in the hope that your own body will beat it. Homeopathy is just water. It has been diluted so many times that there is an almost 0 chance that you are getting any of the "active" ingredient. This dilution is so large that if you put one molecule in a ball of water the size of the Earth that would still be thousands of times more concentrated than homeopathy.
China heavily uses homeopathic medicine, and they have no major population level health issues that White people do: White people's FDA has made them all fat, diabetic, and diseased. Your FDA is a financial sham. But again, as someone who wishes Caucasians to go extinct, I say, keep on listening to your FDA!
China is indeed going: they will be the race that will evolve past homo sapiens and colonize the stars, while Caucasians will be 300 pounds and shoving down pizza and beer. The Israelis are quite impressive too: perhaps China and Israel will together colonize the stars.
I have a question, how can a double-blind study be done for a single homeopathic remedy in keeping with the homeopathy's method of prescribing?
Easy. One homeopath nutball talks to the patient while another, who is listening in a separate room, makes the "medicine" or placebo, which in this case will be exactly the same as the "medicine" since both will just be water but one won't have magic in it, and the homeopath who gives the water or water to the patient won't know which he or she is giving and neither will the patient. Double blind.
I've put Panzerkampfwagen on ignore because he's obviously too immature to have a serious adult-like debate.
Before we all continue these debates, we need a universal definition of "homeopathy." You are saying it means having one molecule of a medicinal substance dissolved in a gallon of water. Such a solution will do jack $hit. You need enough molecules to work on millions of cell receptors, or interact with millions of other chemicals in the blood.
Let me tell you where I am coming from: vitamin and supplement companies make thousands of chemically concentrated products, but the medical lobby has been trying to persuade Congress and the FDA to ban them because they pose a financial threat to the medical companies. As you know, the European Union has just indeed banned most vitamins and supplements, and soon the American FDA will do the same under a new law they are waiting to enforce. FDA lies and say the vitamins and supplements are all bad for you, but they are just doing the financial bidding of the medical industry.
There are thousands of medical procedures that work, but FDA refuses to legalize them because they pose a financial threat to the big-time medical companies that lobby Congress and the FDA.