Years ago, I tried quitting many times, but could never do it. Pack a day smoker back when the prices were still well under a dollar a pack. One day when my daughter was in first grade, I picked her up after school. When we got home, she put her hands on her hips and looked up at me with a look I'll never forget. She said, "I don't like you when you smoke," then walked away. It's been over thirty years, and I've never touched another cigarette.
and that is the reality of it, people have to want to quit... I used vapes to quit over 10 years ago but I 100% support people's right to smoke and not be taxed over 100% if they choose too
I sell these cheap "blunts" All night Long at work. Two for $0.99 cigars that everybody knows are for smoking marijuana after you cut the tobacco out and use it like a rolling paper. They even have these packs that are four and five for a dollar. I thought well those have to taste like dirt I don't know why anyone would buy those, probably cuz they spent all their money on the weed
Yeah! That is because instead of getting lung cancer cigar smokers get tongue and facial cancer. Have you ever seen someone who has gone though a “Commando Operation”?
most cancer is caused by excessive carbs and seed oils imo (metabolic disease) our bodies could recover from most damage if not for the carbs and seed oils in our modern diets we all get cancer cells, just most of the time our body handles them properly and they never get out of control "Metabolic syndrome is also called insulin resistance syndrome." yes, excessive smoking, sun exposure, etc... can increase your risk, especially if not eating properly a lot of facial cancer is also from the HPV virus in men, though women could get the vaccine to reduce this risk now (again, a strong immune system usually handles the virus, it's a weakened immune system that causes much of our modern cancer issues) - most doctors would rather blame it on smoking though... even though they can't really know the true cause
Smoked for 50 years. I had started tapering off from 2 packs a day to less than half a pack a day, mainly because my family is the poster family for heart disease and a brother just didn't wake up one morning. Started feeling "not right" and saw the doc. He scheduled tests and bottom line was, a quad bipass cardiac surgery. I decided my last cigarette would be before surgery, and in fact, put my last cigarette out at the entrance to the hospital. My thinking was a week in ICU would take care of the physical withdrawal part. Anyway what really did it was the surgeon telling wife that my veins were so hard it was like sewing concrete. In fact, she said they ended up "super gluing" my aorta. My wife remarked "you can do that?" And the reply was "we'll find out". So quitting wasn't the physical challenge, but a mental one. I'd catch myself thinking I'd have a smoke now, and then remembering I don't do that anymore. Had that very thought yesterday. I quit 4 1/2 years ago. And sometimes I dream I'm smoking and wake up REALLY PISSED at myself for starting up again. Then I'm happy because it was just a dream. The thing is, I really enjpyed smoking and was kind of sad to finally quit. But then I remember the followup with the cardiac people where they said my lungs looked like the lungs of someone who never smoked, and the hard arteries and veins? All but totally reversed. Doc said I probably added 20 years to my life expectancy. Quitting has been a challenge at times and even today I get the urge. Its kind of a pain in the butt. But I'm glad I quit.