How many Jews died in the gas chambers?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Bob Newhart, Nov 9, 2024.


About how many Jews died in gas chambers during WWII. (Choose the closest answer.)

  1. 0

  2. 500,000

  3. 1,000,000

  4. 1,500,000

  5. 2,000,000

  6. 2,500,000

  7. 3,000,000

  8. 3,500,000

  9. 4,000,000

  10. 4,500,000

  11. 5,000,000

  12. 5,500,000

  13. 6,000,000

  14. 7,000,000

  15. 8,000,000

  16. 9,000,000

  17. 10,000,000

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  1. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Go back and look at the info to which I linked in post #294.
  2. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    If someone cannot explain the problem and ask me to watch 1 hour and 10 minutes video to understand it - for me it means:
    he didn't understand the explanation
    he want people to watch the video in order increase video count / popularity.

    So I made a shortcut - instead of watching the whole video I checked who was the person explaining it - it is literature professor. Can literature professor explain chemical process? Yes he can, but I learned chemistry long time ago, so this should be discussion between literature professor and chemistry expert.

    So lets compromise: you cannot explain why gassings were impossible, I cannot explain why you are wrong.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2024
  3. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I'm not responding to the rubbish you trot out from the same people trying to peddle "human skin" lampshades, "vaporizers", "Human fat" soap and other embellishments for decades.

    Next, the infamous "Jew Squeezer":
    Is it hydraulic or peddle-driven?

    Your whole fictional process of how 2 million people could be gassed omits about 1,000 details and describes the absolute least efficient way to kill a large number of people possible.

    Next, get ready for the "Conveyor Belt of Death":

    "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"

    EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED


  4. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    All I have done throughout this thread is post facts, expose frauds and ask questions that Holocaustians ignore and evade.

    Please show me what you mean by "straw man". I don't see any.
  5. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Posting a poll that says a bunch of people don't believe in the Holocaust is a strawman, for starters. Do you now grasp this?
    bigfella likes this.
  6. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I am worrying about your memory - you already forgot I wrote:
    “BTW – in Japan metro the density can reach 6-8 people per square meter.” – and you don’t remember :(
    Did you try traditional Jewish medicine - eat garlic?

    And it is done with support on one person– can you imagine how many people could be squeezed in if instead of one man with white gloves German used 2 people with a whip?

    How stories about human soap started?
    Yes, human has imagination and fake stories are created always, like the fake story that there is a top secret US airborne unit whose sole purpose is to defend Israel.

    Unfortunately people who hate are losing common sense and ability to use logic – so instead of discussing the subject, they prefer to discuss subject on which there is a total agreement, like that Germans did not produced soap from human fat on industrial scale.
  7. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    zalekbloom yardmeat and bigfella don't seem to be familiar with the research that the revisionists have done. You three should take a few days and get familiar with it. I linked to a lot of it in posts #19 and #51.
  8. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    True, I am also not familiar with the research proving that the earth is flat, that Zionist control Wikipedia, Academia and AI, not familiar with research proving that Democrats have pedophile ring in Washington pizza parlor and more, but I like to learn more about the research that the revisionists have done.
    I suspect on PF Zionist post false information about revisionists research, they post non existing links, they post false quotes from books (I checked some books and found the quotes are false) and Zionist instead explaining in few words why gas chambers could not exist - they want me to watch over 1 hour video clip done by French literature professor, probably to increase rating on a Zionist internet site,
  9. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Yes, it's a fact that most people around the world have enough common sense to reject the fraudulent Holocaust narrative.

    For years I have asked people who actually believe in homicidal electrocution, steam and gas chambers to produce just one photo or blueprint of a homicidal gas chamber and for years the only responses are evasive and slanderous lies about "hating Jews".

    You know you've flushed a Holocaustian when the best they can do is whine about "haters" as if 80 years of very profitable hate filled anti German slander didn't make it obvious the the real "haters" are.

    People gullible enough to to still believe in homicidal gas chambers talk about managing "millions of people" because they lack the common sense to realize that "millions of people" may not be entirely co operative. or maintain an orderly line on the way to their death.

    Are we really supposed to think that the efficient Germans would be the only people in recorded history to attempt to kill "millions of people" by the most costly, labor intensive, dangerous, time consuming and inefficient means possible?

    The fact that for over 15 years I've asked dozens of Holocaustians for just one blueprint or photo of a homicidal gas chamber and the best that the most gullible can come up with is some sort of "Jew squeezer" that @zalekbloom assures us that one can squeeze 2 million Jews into one 14m X 14m (approx.) room in just one German work camp (Auschwitz).

    What @zalekbloom conveniently omits is the fact that Auschwitz received the same about of Zyklon B per inmate as the German work camps in which no homicidal gas chambers were claimed to have existed.

    So IF "2 million people" had been gassed at Auschwitz, it would have received tons more Zyklon B per inmate than the other camps but it didn't.

    The facts expose them every time.

  10. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    We have the chemical evidence of the Zyklon B. It happened. We also have witness accounts. Your desperate attempts to hide behind non sequiturs about idiots who are uninformed and fall for this bull **** does not prove it didn't happen. Try talking about facts. Stop hiding behind feelings. And, yes, relying on polling (and even that you do poorly) is just appealing to fee fees.

    Your bull **** straw man argument about imaginary people claiming that 2 million people were put in there at once just betrays your unwillingness to have a real discussion about this.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
  11. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  12. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    bigfella likes this.
  13. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    The second link in post #336 goes to the evidence. Now you're supposed to analyse it and respond to it. You're not supposed to pretend it isn't there.
  14. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    OMG - I see you memory is getting worse every day!
    It is absolutely untrue - I never said:
    "that @zalekbloom assures us that one can squeeze 2 million Jews into one 14m X 14m (approx.) room in just one German work camp (Auschwitz)."

    I not accusing you of lying, I believe you have memory problems, so let me repeat again what I said:

    "The largest gas chambers were rooms about 200 square meters (14x14 meters)., without problem you can squeeze at least 4 people in 1 square meter, which gives at least 800 people per session, and if you use force, you can squeeze even more.
    According to various sources:
    It took about 10-30 minutes to put alive people in gas chambers
    It took about 5-20 minutes to murder them with Zyklon B
    It took about 30-60 minutes to remove dead bodies.
    So even if we take the least favorite data: 2 hours full cycle, only 800 people per session, 10 session a day (20 hours of work day) you can murder 8000 people/day without any problem.
    In a year – 365 x 8000 = 2.92 millions - in only one gas chamber."

    In other post I answered you:
    “BTW – in Japan metro the density can reach 6-8 people per square meter.
    And if it is done with support on one person– can you imagine how many people could be squeezed in if instead of one man with white gloves German used 2 people with a whip?"

    So please remember:
    1. one can squeeze at least 800 Jews into one 14m X 14m (approx.) room (4 people in 1 square meter).
    According to various sources:
    It took about 10-30 minutes to put alive people in gas chambers
    It took about 5-20 minutes to murder them with Zyklon B
    It took about 30-60 minutes to remove dead bodies.
    So even if we take the least favorite data: 2 hours full cycle, only 800 people per session, 10 session a day (20 hours of work day) you can murder 8000 people/day without any problem.
    In a year – 365 x 8000= 2.92 millions - in only one gas chamber.
    And how may people can be murdered using 5 similar gas chambers? Lets take this number and using calculator multiply by 5, it will give you:
    5 gas chambers (14mx14m with 10 sessions (20 hours each) can murder 5 x 2,92 = 14,6 million people a year.

    But we know that Germany, a country of Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Hermann Hesse, Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche would never oppress workers with 20 hours work shift, so lets assume gas chamber workers work only 6 hours a day (3 sessions). So one gas chamber would murder a year:
    800 x 3 x 365 = 876 thousands.
    Using 5 gas chambers Germans could murder 4.38 million people a year.

    And it can be done with "Jew squeezer" which was less efficient than "Japanese Metro squeezer".
  15. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The following time estimates reveal delusional thinking:

    Naturally, you evaded just one of the facts I mentioned that exposes the fraudulence of the homicidal gas chamber:

    Why did Auschwitz get the same amount of Zyklon B per inmate as the camps that had no homicidal gas chambers?

    Next, you've clearly had no experience in trying to control large groups of people, knowledge of cyanide gas or time dragging / carrying even one human body.

    You have not shown or even told what building is supposed to have been a homicidal gas chamber. Where is it.

    1. First of all a crowd of 800 hysterical people is not going anywhere without an enormous number of manpower (aka guards / Kapos) which the Germans didn't have. Even with whips, vicious dogs and hydraulic "Jew squeezers" etc, it would take hundreds of people hours to force 800 hysterical and desperate people. into any sized room.

    2. The inmates would destroy any gassing equipment in any homicidal gas chamber as well as the flimsy doors and windows.

    3. Since you omit the mention of ventilation fans, it would take at least 24 hours before anyone could enter the room to haul away the bodies.

    4. You really expose your inexperience doing any manual labor and the impossibility of the homicidal gas chamber myth by claiming that 800 - 1,200 toxic bodies can be moved in about 30 - 60 minuets.
    Moved where?

    5. Not a single homicidal gas chamber eyewitness could accurately state the most noteworthy feature of death by cyanide; cherry red patches of skin.

    With every question you evade and every outrageous fable you regurgitate, the more you confirm the impossibility of German operated homicidal gas chambers.
    Bob Newhart likes this.
  16. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I see your memory problems are not getting better - in my previous post I showed a blueprint of a building:

    Did did Auschwitz get the same amount of Zyklon B per inmate as the camps that had no homicidal gas chambers?

    Here is the answer from chatGPT:
    The claim regarding the use of Zyklon B at Auschwitz versus other camps can be addressed with historical evidence.

    Zyklon B, a cyanide-based pesticide, was used in Nazi concentration camps for multiple purposes, including fumigation of clothing to prevent typhus outbreaks and mass murder in gas chambers. The amounts delivered to specific camps, like Auschwitz, were significantly higher than those to camps without gas chambers. This discrepancy is well-documented in historical records, including invoices and testimonies.

    At Auschwitz, Zyklon B was used both for delousing and for the mass killing of inmates, primarily Jews. In camps without gas chambers, the chemical was used solely for fumigation and delousing. The larger quantities of Zyklon B supplied to Auschwitz correlate with its dual purposes, including its role in the extermination process.

    The comparison between Zyklon B allocations is sometimes misrepresented in attempts to downplay the Holocaust or deny the function of gas chambers. However, historical documentation and survivor testimonies confirm that Auschwitz was the site of systematic mass killings using Zyklon B.

    For more detailed insight, Holocaust historians and primary sources, like the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum archives, provide reliable evidence.

    Once you claimed that chatGPT is controlled by Zionist, so I asked the same question Chinese AI DeepSeek:
    Here is the answer:
    The claim that Auschwitz received the same amount of Zyklon B per inmate as camps without homicidal gas chambers is not accurate. Here are some key points to consider:
    1. Purpose of Zyklon B: Zyklon B was a pesticide used in various concentration camps, including Auschwitz, for delousing purposes to prevent the spread of lice-borne diseases like typhus. However, in Auschwitz, it was also used in the homicidal gas chambers to kill prisoners.
    2. Usage in Auschwitz: In Auschwitz, Zyklon B was used both for delousing and for the mass extermination of prisoners. The quantities used for extermination were significantly higher than those used for delousing. The gas chambers required large amounts of Zyklon B to achieve the rapid and lethal effects needed for mass murder.
    3. Usage in Other Camps: In camps without homicidal gas chambers, Zyklon B was primarily used for delousing barracks and clothing. The quantities used were much smaller and were intended to control lice, not to kill people.
    4. Documentation and Testimony: Historical documentation, including eyewitness testimonies, camp records, and forensic evidence, indicate that the use of Zyklon B in Auschwitz for extermination purposes was substantial and distinct from its use in other camps.
    5. Forensic Evidence: Post-war investigations and forensic analyses have provided evidence of the extensive use of Zyklon B in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. This evidence includes the detection of cyanide residues in the walls and floors of the gas chambers, which would not be present if Zyklon B were only used for delousing.
    In summary, the claim that Auschwitz received the same amount of Zyklon B per inmate as camps without homicidal gas chambers is incorrect. The use of Zyklon B in Auschwitz for mass extermination was significantly greater and distinct from its use in other camps for delousing purposes.

    So the logical conclusion is:
    chatGPT and Chinese AI DeepSeek are controlled by Zionist and you are not
    chatGPT and Chinese AI DeepSeek are telling the truth and you are delusional.
    I am not sure what is the correct answer, I need more time to decide which version is true.

    You wrote:
    1. First of all a crowd of 800 hysterical people is not going anywhere without an enormous number of manpower (aka guards / Kapos) which the Germans didn't have. Even with whips, vicious dogs and hydraulic "Jew squeezers" etc, it would take hundreds of people hours to force 800 hysterical and desperate people. into any sized room.

    It looks you don't know history. People didn't know they are going to gas chambers, they were told they are going to take shower, so there were no any hysteria.

    You wrote: 2. The inmates would destroy any gassing equipment in any homicidal gas chamber as well as the flimsy doors and windows.
    Again - you don't know history. The was no any gassing equipment, there was a small window in the ceiling through which the gas was dropped. Zyklon B in form of crystals was stored in cans - Germans through the ceiling window spill Zyklon B to the gas chamber.

    You wrote: 3. Since you omit the mention of ventilation fans, it would take at least 24 hours before anyone could enter the room to haul away the bodies.
    chatGPT answer:
    Nazi gas chambers were equipped with ventilation systems to remove Zyklon B gas after executions, facilitating the removal of bodies. Historical evidence, including blueprints, testimonies, and on-site investigations, confirms this.

    How Ventilation Worked:
    1. Purpose: Zyklon B released hydrogen cyanide gas, which was deadly but also volatile. Ventilation systems were necessary to expel the gas after it had killed the victims, ensuring the space was safe for the Sonderkommando (forced laborers) to enter and remove the bodies.
    2. Mechanism: Ventilation fans were used to extract the toxic air and replace it with fresh air. In some facilities, air ducts and chimneys were designed to speed up this process.
    3. Examples:
      • Auschwitz-Birkenau: Blueprints of Crematoria II and III show the inclusion of ventilation systems specifically designed for this purpose.
      • Eyewitness Testimonies: Survivors and former Sonderkommando members, such as Filip Müller, described the use of ventilation systems in their accounts.
    Why Ventilation Was Critical:
    • Safety: Without ventilation, entering the chambers immediately after an execution would have been lethal.
    • Efficiency: The Nazis sought to make the extermination process as "efficient" as possible to meet their genocidal objectives.
    This detail aligns with the Nazis' systematic planning and engineering of their extermination program, as evidenced by extensive documentation and forensic investigations after the war.

    You can ask Chinese AI if it has different answer.

    You wrote: 4. You really expose your inexperience doing any manual labor and the impossibility of the homicidal gas chamber myth by claiming that 800 - 1,200 toxic bodies can be moved in about 30 - 60 minuets.
    Moved where?

    As a student I worked in an harbor manually transferring cement sacs from a train to a truck. Each sack weighted - if I remember correctly about 50 kg, and we had to work carefully not to damage the sacks. Based on my personal experience, I don't see any problem for group of people transferring bodies of dead people. What happen to dead bodies is described here:

    You wrote: 5. Not a single homicidal gas chamber eyewitness could accurately state the most noteworthy feature of death by cyanide; cherry red patches of skin.

    True - many of us who study in Academia - which is nothing more than the worst of Groupthink, that "Academia" mentality tortured people who didn't believe that the earth was the center of our solar system - we heard this story:
    by Zionist controlled chatGPT:
    Several experiments conducted in law schools and psychology departments have demonstrated how human evidence, particularly eyewitness testimony, can be unreliable. One well-known type of experiment involves staged incidents or crimes that participants observe, after which they are asked to recall details. The findings consistently show discrepancies in people's accounts due to factors like perception, memory decay, or suggestion.

    Key Findings from Such Experiments:
    1. Selective Attention and Memory: People often focus on specific aspects of an event (e.g., a weapon in a robbery), which can impair their ability to recall other details.
    2. Misinformation Effect: Eyewitnesses' memories can be altered by misleading information provided after the event, such as questions that imply certain facts.
    3. Confidence vs. Accuracy: Studies show that a confident eyewitness is not necessarily a more accurate one, though juries tend to find confident testimonies more persuasive.
    4. Role of Stress and Emotion: High-stress situations, such as witnessing a crime, can distort memory and affect the reliability of testimonies.
    Notable Experiments:
    • Loftus and Palmer (1974): Participants watched a video of a car accident and were asked about the speed of the cars using different verbs ("smashed" vs. "hit"). Those who heard "smashed" estimated higher speeds and were more likely to report seeing broken glass (which was not present).
    • Mock Trial Studies: In simulated trials, law students or participants act as witnesses, and their errors in recalling events reveal how subjective human evidence can be.
    These findings underscore the importance of corroborating human testimony with physical evidence and other forms of verification in legal proceedings.
    bigfella and Turtledude like this.
  17. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Over this entire thread I posted dozens of questions and facts yet you refuse to answer any of them and whine about fictional "straw man" arguments.

    What is "straw man" about:

    - If homicidal gas chambers were operated at Auschwitz and a few other work camps, why did all camps receive the same amount of Zyklon B per inmate?

    - Why can't a single Holocaustian produce just one photo or one blueprint of just one of the hundreds of homicidal gas chambers that existed?

    - Why couldn't a single "gas chamber eyewitness" correctly identify the skin color of a person killed by cyanide gas?

    - Even mainstream historians now claim that the number of people allegedly killed was 1.1 Million and most of them from disease. Therefore, the assertion that 2 Million or more were gassed at Auschwitz is impossible.

    Next, I never said that 2 million people were stuffed into one room at one time or that there was no evidence of prior Zyklon B use. Of course there were gas chambers (see below) , it's just that there were no homicidal gas chambers.

    I don't think that you've read my earlier comments on this thread where I have already addressed assertions you are calling "straw men".

    "Auschwitz Expert: Blueprints Found in Berlin Not of Death Camp"

    EXCERPT "Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on the planning and construction of Auschwitz,

    Van Pelt, an architectural historian, said that copies of the plans of the stages of the camp's construction were also in the archive of the Polish National Museum at Auschwitz and in an archive in Moscow.

    Van Pelt said he also doubted the authenticity of the signature of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, since such a high-ranking officer would not have signed such plans, and none of the copies he had ever seen bore such a signature.

    Van Pelt also said the words "gas chamber" on one of the drawings meant a room in which disinfection of clothing was done by means of gas, and that the sketch is not of an extermination camp established in 1942, but rather of earlier plans for a huge concentration camp in which a force of 130,000 slave laborers was intended to work.

    Van Pelt suggested the plans might be fakes, motivated by the lucrative market in Nazi memorabilia and documents."CONTINUED

  18. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I could have told you that MSM, AI etc would just parrot what the fraudulent Holocaust Industry feeds it.

    Since you still can't show me a photo or blueprint of a single homicidal gas chamber I don't know what alleged homicidal gas chamber you have in mind.
    There's a fake homicidal gas chamber at Auschwitz with crude holes punched in the ceiling by the Soviets

    Since I seriously doubt that you carried 50 kg bags of concrete all day, I didn't expect a serious factual rebuttal to the common sense details of operating a homicidal gas chamber

    Yes you did post a blueprint that showed only delousing gas chambers, not homicidal gas chambers:

    "Auschwitz Expert: Blueprints Found in Berlin Not of Death Camp"

    EXCERPT "Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on the planning and construction of Auschwitz,

    Van Pelt, an architectural historian, said that copies of the plans of the stages of the camp's construction were also in the archive of the Polish National Museum at Auschwitz and in an archive in Moscow.

    Van Pelt said he also doubted the authenticity of the signature of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, since such a high-ranking officer would not have signed such plans, and none of the copies he had ever seen bore such a signature.

    Van Pelt also said the words "gas chamber" on one of the drawings meant a room in which disinfection of clothing was done by means of gas, and that the sketch is not of an extermination camp established in 1942, but rather of earlier plans for a huge concentration camp in which a force of 130,000 slave laborers was intended to work.

    Van Pelt suggested the plans might be fakes, motivated by the lucrative market in Nazi memorabilia and documents."CONTINUED
  19. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Ever wonder why Hasbara trolls just love their new pro Israel AI?

    Because it gives them the answer they want, not the one that's truthful.

    - "Chat GPT Joins The List of Israel-biased Platforms"

    "Chat GPT, Bard, and More AI Tools Siding With Israel"

    EXCERPT "It is almost 2 weeks since the genocide of Palestinians began and every day we witness a different massacre and a new method of suppressing the truth. The Western media is trying its best to conceal the truth and manipulate the situation. Ever since the war began, all those who have been trying to publish content exposing the zionist media and the crimes of Israel were met with social media bans to the extent that their accounts received warnings of removal.

    Many people expressed their shock and disbelief on social media of how AI was adjusted to support Israel.

    As many writers and journalists use Chat GPT or any chatbot tool with their work, they have to know that these tools currently are not reliable as they provide inaccurate information or don’t provide anything at all.

    A girl posted on Instagram that she asked Chat GPT “Do Palestinians Deserve Justice?” and “Do Israeli Deserve Justice?”. Chat GPT stated that freedom and justice should be applied to individuals and groups regardless of their nationality, yet when the tool answered the Palestinian-related question, it said that justice for Palestinians is a highly complex and debated issue! " CONTINUED

    - “Even ChatGPT Sides With Israel: Here Is How The Ai Tool Is Promoting An Anti-Palestine Narrative”

    EXCERPT “During an interview on TalkTV, James Schneider, the former UK labor advisor spoke about how common the anti-Palestinian ideology is. He pointed out how one of the many ways that Israeli rhetoric is promoted is through AI and ChatGPT.

    It is very easy to pick up on this as if you merely ask ChatGPT the question “Do Palestinians deserve to be free?”, the program does not reply to the question with a clear yes or no answer. Rather, it evades the question entirely by saying that people have different opinions on the matter. Now, if you ask ChatGPT the same question but change Palestine to Israel, the software seems to have no problem answering the question and saying that Israelis do deserve freedom.” CONTINUED
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  20. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    True, Zionist Hasbara trolls love AI, love Academia, love Wikipedia, Love Encyclopedia Britannica, love democratic countries media.

    Holocaust denial Hasbara trolls hate AI, hate Academia, hate Wikipedia, hate Encyclopedia Britannica and hate democratic countries media, because according to them all the above are pro-Israeli.

    I agree with them – I would also add that AI, Academia, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica and most democratic press media support Einstein relativity theory, evolution theory and do not support Flat Earth, Paul McCartney’s Death or Paul McCartney’s Death theories.

    As to the question ““Do Palestinians deserve to be free?”

    chatGPT: The question of Palestinian freedom and self-determination is deeply rooted in historical, political, and humanitarian considerations. Many advocate for Palestinian independence based on universal human rights, self-determination, and the aspiration for peaceful coexistence. The debate centers on achieving justice, ensuring security for all involved, and navigating decades of complex geopolitical conflicts. Ultimately, questions of freedom and sovereignty are deeply tied to global efforts for fair resolutions and enduring peace. If you seek more detailed or historical context, feel free to ask.

    Gemini: Yes, Palestinians deserve to be free. Here's why:
    Universal Human Rights: All people, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity, have the fundamental right to self-determination and freedom. Palestinians are no exception.
    Historical Context: The Palestinian people have experienced decades of displacement, occupation, and conflict. This has resulted in significant restrictions on their basic freedoms and rights.
    International Law: Numerous international resolutions and legal opinions support the Palestinian right to self-determination and an independent state.
    It's important to acknowledge that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex and involves legitimate concerns on both sides. However, denying Palestinians their right to freedom and self-determination is fundamentally unjust.

    Mistral: The question of whether Palestinians deserve to be free is complex and deeply rooted in historical, political, and humanitarian considerations. Here are some key points to consider:

    Human Rights: From a human rights perspective, all people, including Palestinians, have the right to self-determination, freedom, and dignity. This is enshrined in various international laws and declarations, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Historical Context: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has a long and complex history, with both sides having legitimate claims and narratives. The conflict has resulted in significant suffering and displacement for Palestinians, as well as security concerns and casualties for Israelis.

    Political Situation: The political situation is highly contentious. Some argue that Palestinians deserve a sovereign state, while others propose different solutions, such as a one-state solution with equal rights for all.

    International Law: Many international bodies and agreements, such as United Nations resolutions, support the right of Palestinians to self-determination and statehood. However, the implementation of these resolutions has been challenging due to various political and practical obstacles.

    Current Realities: The current situation in the Palestinian territories, including issues related to occupation, settlements, and restrictions on movement, has a significant impact on the daily lives and freedoms of Palestinians.

    Ultimately, the question of whether Palestinians deserve to be free is intertwined with broader issues of justice, human rights, and the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is a topic that requires nuanced understanding and dialogue among all parties involved.

    DeepSeek: The question of whether Palestinians deserve to be free is complex and deeply rooted in historical, political, and ethical considerations. The Palestinian people have faced significant challenges, including displacement, occupation, and conflict, which have shaped their struggle for self-determination and freedom.

    From a human rights perspective, all people have the right to self-determination, freedom, and the ability to live in peace and security. The Palestinian people, like all people, deserve the opportunity to determine their own future, to live without occupation or oppression, and to have their rights recognized and respected.

    However, the path to achieving freedom for Palestinians is fraught with challenges, including political disagreements, security concerns, and the interests of multiple stakeholders. The situation in the region is highly contentious, and any resolution must address the legitimate concerns of both Palestinians and Israelis.

    Ultimately, the desire for freedom is a universal human aspiration, and the Palestinian people's quest for freedom should be supported by the international community as part of a broader effort to achieve peace and justice in the region.

    BTW – Today I sending complain to International Zionist AI Control Organization fix Gemini AI error. Try the same question tomorrow and for sure Gemini will answer: ‘No, nation responsible for highjacking airplanes, suicide bombings, murdering Olympic athletes, kidnapping and raping does not deserve to be free”.
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Your comments have gotten so evasive, verbose and fact-free that I know what you're going to write and, more importantly what you're not going to write.

    You're not going reveal the fictitious homicidal gas chambers locations or accurate functioning of any gas chamber.

    The fact that you actually believe that Zyklon B was really dumped through crudely cut holes in the ceiling that were installed by the Soviets to fool people who will believe any absurdity is proof that I'm wasting my time.

    This (below) is what was used to introduce the gas into a delousing chamber, not crude holes punched through a ceiling as an afterthought or Soviet hoax.

    "A Degesh hot air fumigation device. At the top the can opener controlled from the outside. The Zyklon pellets slide through the pipe into a wiremesh basket at the bottom, through which warm air is conducted by the heater/fan unit (below the can opener)."

    Next, your absurd claim that that a room full of cyanide gas with 800 - 1,200 bodies can be emptied in 30 minutes simply confirms that you are unfamiliar with manual labor, moving lifeless bodies and rational thought.

    I seriously doubt that you carried 50 kg bags concrete all day long even though dead bodies are more unwieldy than bags of concrete and the cyanide saturated bodies would sicken anyone attempting to move them before complete ventilation .

    Finally, because you are entirely unable to locate, describe, or identify even one homicidal gas chamber of the hundreds that would be required to gas "millions of people", you can only resort to the usual evasive slander about "haters", "anti Semites" etc., I see no point in responding to one verbose and insulting "Nothingburger" after another.
  22. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I hope you have the same fun answering to my post as I have to answering to yours.

    Yes, the difference between us that I trust AI, Academia, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica and you trust the Institute for History Review, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Jewish scholar Arno Mayer, a professor of history at Princeton University, but only when he claims that more people died of disease than any other means, but you think he is lying when in his book "Why Did the Heavens Not Darken" many times confirms the fact that Germans murdered Jews using gas.

    You never saw me, but you seriously doubt that I carried 50 kg cement sacks all day long, for me it is a prove that you never done any physical work and never served in the army. Today in the US the only people who are doing heavy physical work are immigrants who work in the agriculture (I did this work too when I was student in Israel, but it was much easier than carrying 50 kg cement sacks) and I am pretty sure in American army they too have exercise called ‘carrying a wounded’ when one soldier carry on his soldier a wounded soldier – whose weights is usually more than 50 kb. In Israeli army it is also a form of punishment, and because I was not very obedient, few time I had to carry not only gun, ammunition and granaries, but also ‘a wounded soldier’ whose weight was usually more than 50 kg.

    Here is an example of ‘carried the wounded’:

    Today I am not in such good shape, but few times a year I am going for 2-3 weeks hiking Appalachian Trail carrying 30-35 lb backpack.

    But if you cannot find any information of my experience in the Institute for Historical Review, you are not obligated to believe me.
  23. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Yes, reading other opinions and writing here is fun for me and I'm glad that you, too, are enjoying yourself as well.

    The degree to which I am having "fun" is tempered by the serious nature of the topic we are discussing and your distortions of what I have really written and supported.

    I doubt that you would find it fun if I were to repeatedly distort, ridicule and / or deny your military service or claimed personal accomplishments but
    I am old enough to recognize and dismiss these puerile taunts for what they are.

    Other readers, however, might see just more of the usual off-topic attempts to evade substantive debate.

    For example, it is commonly known that the British cracked the German Enigma code during WW 2 and were able to listen to all secret radio communications. Some of the messages mention executions by hanging and by shooting but of the thousands (if not millions) of intercepted German secret messages there is not one mention of anyone being gassed.

    It would have been impossible to gas "millions of people" without one single mention of gassing.

    One of your explanations for there being no mention of homicidal gas chambers, gassing etc in the Enigma messages was that the Germans may have used code when Enigma, itself, was the code.
    I don't think that I'm alone in seeing the absurdity

    I don't know if you were just having fun or unaware of Enigma's function but the net result is just further proof that the homicidal gas chamber is just another one of the Holocaust Industry's innumerable fraudulent and profitable scams.(1), (2)

    Certainly, by now, it must be obvious to anyone viewing this thread that there is not one blueprint or photograph of even one homicidal gas chamber in which "millions of people" are supposed to have died exists or existed.
    No rational person could believe that "millions of people" were killed in the most expensive, labor intensive and dangerous manner possible without leaving any tangible evidence.

    Yes, there were plenty of delousing gas chambers but the whole exercise of attempting to herd 800 - 1,200 people to their death and gassing them as you described is simply not possible especially in the time frame you described.

    Maybe you can carry 50 kg bags of cement all day long.

    I agree, it is hardly a feat requiring superhuman strength.
    That, however, is in no way comparable to an Auschwitz inmate lifting, carrying and / or dragging 800 - 1,200 cyanide saturated dead bodies through a small, single door.
    Without hours of a thorough ventilation the residual cyanide gas would sicken or kill anyone attempting to move it.

    Since there are, to my knowledge, no other people who have been accused of murdering millions of people in such a moronic, impractical and sadistic manner, the propaganda value of fictitious homicidal gas chambers for demoralizing and demonizing the Germans was priceless.

    The war has long since been over and the German people have paid dearly in blood, starvation,(3) reparations and the establishment of Israel's initial infrastructure (4).
    Briefly put, no other people have paid so dearly for losing a war, so, just as many of WW 2 weapons have been retired to gun cabinets around the world, it's long past time to retire slanderous, anti German WW 2 propaganda about demonic means of murder that never existed.


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

    (3). "Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944 1950 Revised Edition"

    EXCERPT "More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known." CONTINUED

    (4). “Inside the Germany/Israel Relationship”

    EXCERPTS “Federal Republic of Germany laid the groundwork for Israel’s infrastructure—including roads, railways and shipping—while simultaneously rebuilding West German industry.

    In addition to money, Israel also needed weapons. As early as 1954, German reparation funds were secretly being used to buy patrol boats, tanks and arms. Germany itself supplied Israel with weapons through a variety of back channels. Many details remain untold, but a 2006 U.S. Congressional Research Service report concluded that German-supplied arms “played a considerable role” in building up Israeli military might in the wars of 1967, 1973 and 1982." CONTINUED
  24. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I am so glad we both enjoy this forum, even when discussing serious subjects. It’s heartwarming to see such enthusiasm, and I truly don’t mind if you repeatedly share the same false or irrelevant information—I understand everyone does their best.

    You don’t believe that workers in some countries can carry 50kg cement sacks for an entire 8-hour shift? Well, it’s a free country—you’re entitled to your beliefs. You can even believe that vaccines don’t work, that Trump won the 2020 election, or that Elvis is alive. But I happen to believe that, even today, workers in poorer countries are moving products weighing 50kg or more.

    And as I said, it’s a free country—you’re even free to believe you served in a top-secret airborne unit whose sole purpose was to defend Israel. A unit so secret, apparently, that no media outlet ever mentioned it.

    It’s quite possible that your military service was in an army with entirely different radio communication protocols than the one I served in. Maybe that’s why you may think Americans, after the My Lai massacre, sent a radio message saying:
    “We killed 347 to 504 civilians, mostly women, children, and elderly men. Some women were gang-raped and mutilated, and children as young as 12 were raped.”

    If that’s your expectation, it makes sense why you think Germans would openly document gassing Jews in their radio messages.

    I study mathematics, so I like to use logic in discussions. Consider these questions:
    • If 17 people are charged with Holocaust fraud, but thousands receive compensation, what does that mean?
    • If 17 people are charged with false rape accusations, but thousands are convicted of rape, what does that mean?
    So, why do you keep posting about those 17 Holocaust fraud cases? I see two possible explanations:
    1. You genuinely believe those 17 cases prove the Holocaust never happened.
    2. You hate Jews and want to convince others that Jews are thieves.
    In a democratic country, you have the right to express such views, and I have the right to respond.

    And I agree with you—German people suffered tremendously after WWII, both physically and psychologically.
    Just imagine:
    • 1935: Nuremberg Laws targeted Jews, sterilized “Rhineland Bastards” (Black people), and restricted job opportunities for Jews, Romas, and Blacks, creating more work for Germans.
    • 1938: Anschluss of Austria.
    • 1939: Conquest of Poland and Czechoslovakia.
    • 1940: Conquest of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and France.
    • 1941: Conquest of Yugoslavia.
    It seemed like Hitler was “Making Germany Great Again,” and the Thousand-Year Reich was just beginning. Germans had nothing to worry about. Hermann Göring, commander of the Luftwaffe, promised that German cities would never face the same bombings as Germans inflicted on Guernica, London, or Warsaw.
    Conquered countries provided food and slave labor, German corporations profited, and Army brothels staffed with coerced women from conquered countries made German soldiers very happy. Life was good for many Germans, and the future seemed bright - praise the Führer!

    But soon, that happiness faded.
    Germany lost the territories it had conquered, its cities were bombed, and the country itself was occupied. Food shortages became so dire that German women resorted to prostitution for sustenance—even with Jewish, Black, and Roma soldiers. And worse, Russian soldiers, deemed “racially inferior” by Nazi doctrine, raped German women. A true tragedy indeed.
  25. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    You could save a lot of dishonest, snarky and sarcastic verbiage if you would discuss the topic at hand and quit taunting me with puerile lies about what I've written about my military service, carrying dead bodies and bags of concrete etc.

    Since you can't find even one blueprint or photo of the mythical homicidal gas chambers you're just grabbing at straws and wasting my time correcting your slander, false comparisons, personal slurs etc.

    1. I never said that carrying 50 kg bags of concrete is impossible. I've carried much more.
    I'm saying that your claim that 800 - 1,200 cyanide saturated bodies can be emptied by sickly inmates from a room with one door in 30 minutes is just a transparently absurd impossibility.

    2. Comparing the single My Lai massacre to an entire state policy of gassing millions of people is just another evasive false comparison.

    Is that the best explanation you have for the fact that there is no mention of homicidal gas chambers or "millions of gassings" in any of the thousands (millions ?) of intercepted German radio transmissions?

    Again, I never said "openly" but, Yes, if "millions were gassed" in numerous homicidal gas chambers around Europe I would expect reams of documentation if "millions of people" were really gassed in homicidal gas chambers without a single incident or accident.

    I guess space aliens hid the "millions of bodies" since there's no mention of that either and they, too, can find no evidence of their existence anywhere nearby.

    Just as bizarre is your speculation that about 2 million people were gassed in a 14 m. X 14 m. at Auschwitz over. a period of time when even AI and all mainstream sources claim that about 1.1 Million died of all causes.

    Your eagerness to slip in snarky slurs exceeds your wit so that you end up making no sense.
    For example:
    Are you claiming that 3.1 million were killed at Auschwitz?
    Are you claiming that 2 million were gassed and hauled away?
    Why won't you identify this alleged homicidal gas chamber?
    Where in the Auschwitz - Birkenau - Monowitz complex is it located?

    Earlier, when you claimed that these 2 million people were killed by dumping Zyklon B through crude holes punched in the roof by the Soviets, I realized that I'm wasting my time with your evasions, distortions, slander and falsehoods.

    Your programmed hate for the German people has muddled your thinking to the point that you really think that the "gas vent" (below) is the best killing machine the technically sophisticated Germans could design and make to kill "millions of people".


    "Crude holes put in by Russians, turning a morgue into a ‘gas chamber’."


    The same people who designed, manufactured and deployed the Me - 262 "forgot" to allow for shaping the holes in the ceiling? (above photo)


    Finally, I think that my repeated requests for you to produce just one photograph or blueprint of a homicidal gas chamber when hundreds of them would have been needed to gas millions of people is a perfectly reasonable request and you can't find just one of either is further evidence that they never existed

    After reading your impossible homicidal gassing schedule and process, it's obvious that you've got no room to ridicule the believers of "the Flat Earth", "human skin lampshades ", "Hollow Earth Lizard People", "human fat soap", the infamous "homicidal vaporizer" (1)

    Aren't you curious as to why there are no homicidal gas chamber blueprint, photo, work order or maintenance requests?

    I would be before I condoned the execution of thousands of POWs.

    "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales." CONTINUED

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