How many Jews died in the gas chambers?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Bob Newhart, Nov 9, 2024.


About how many Jews died in gas chambers during WWII. (Choose the closest answer.)

  1. 0

  2. 500,000

  3. 1,000,000

  4. 1,500,000

  5. 2,000,000

  6. 2,500,000

  7. 3,000,000

  8. 3,500,000

  9. 4,000,000

  10. 4,500,000

  11. 5,000,000

  12. 5,500,000

  13. 6,000,000

  14. 7,000,000

  15. 8,000,000

  16. 9,000,000

  17. 10,000,000

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  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    No one is denying that there were "gas chambers" for delousing old clothes, blankets etc. I even posted a photo of the machine used to convert the Zyklon B pellets to gas.

    I am simply stating a common sense fact that no one, to my knowledge, has used such an expensive, dangerous, labor intensive process to kill millions of people.

    Can you think of anyone else who has attempted to kill millions of people in such an impractical manner?

    As you've seen, I've repeatedly asked for anyone to show a photograph , blueprint, work order or maintenance request for a homicidal gas chamber but, so far, no one can show any evidence that homicidal gas chambers.

    The only "evidence" that homicidal gas chambers existed are some stories from some Holocaust survivors that contradict each other or are impossible

    I'm not denying that the Holocaust happened and that many people died horrific deaths.

    I simply don't think that the German people are so stupid and sadistic as to attempt to kill so many people in such an expensive, dangerous, labor intensive and time consuming process.
    Bob Newhart likes this.
  2. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Well, lets the fun begin:

    We have different styles of discussion - as you probably noticed, I like to verify any information and when you accusing me of things I didn’t say, instead of accusing of you of lying, I pretend you have a memory problem.
    And after you wrote that you served in secret airborne military unit whose sole purpose was to defend Israel, I repeat it adding that this unit is so secret that no media knows about it.

    I never claim that 800 - 1,200 cyanide saturated bodies can be emptied by sickly inmates from a room with one door in 30 minutes, but you are not lying, you have memory problems, so let me remind you what I said:

    (1)The largest gas chambers were rooms about 200 square meters (14x14 meters)., without problem you can squeeze at least 4 people in 1 square meter, which gives at least 800 people per session, and if you use force, you can squeeze even more.
    It took about 10-30 minutes to put alive people in gas chambers
    It took about 5-20 minutes to murder them with Zyklon B
    It took about 30-60 minutes to remove dead bodies.

    So even it took about 15 minutes to remove gas from the chambers (according to many sources), anyone who knows simple mathematics knows it is physically possible, unless Germans had strict labor rules and would not allow Jewish workers to be exposed to the smallest amount of Zyklon B and only after 24 hours Jewish prisoners were allowed to remove corpses of the murdered people.

    (2) I did not compare My Lai massacre to an entire state policy of gassing millions of people, it was an example how military communication is not working. Some people who did not serve in armed forces will not understand it – but it is OK.

    BTW – lets make 2 assumptions:
    (1)lets assume the Germans are not idiots
    (2)lets assume the Germans murdered Jews
    What kind of text you expect to find in radio communication which proves Germans gassed Jews?

    (3) Millions gassed people does not mean millions of documents. Concentration camps had orders for gas and for sure they didn’t write on an order: "1000 cans for gas used to murdering Jews".

    Just as bizarre is your speculation that about 2 million people were gassed in a 14 m. X 14 m. at Auschwitz over. a period of time when even AI and all mainstream sources claim that about 1.1 Million died of all causes.

    Again – you have memory problems – I didn’t speculate how many people Germans murdered in gas chambers, it was answer to you claim how many gas chambers were needed to gas millions. I mathematically proved that it was physically possible:

    “So even if we take the least favorite data: 2 hours full cycle, only 800 people per session, 10 session a day (20 hours of work day) you can murder 8000 thousand people/day without any problem.
    In a year – 365 x 800 = 2.92 millions - in only one gas chamber.”

    I have no idea how many Jew were murdered by Germans, how many by bullets, how many by gas and how many by other means, but I showed proofs that some Jews were murdered in the gas chambers, In Academia there are plenty discussion on numbers of gassed, numbers of killed by bullets, but I don’t take any side.

    Your programmed hate for the German people has muddled your thinking to the point that you really think that the "gas vent" (below) is the best killing machine the technically sophisticated Germans could design and make to kill "millions of people".

    I think is very pathetic when someone, supposedly ex American soldier who participates mainly in discussion which blame Jews even for crimes they didn’t commit accuses me of being ‘ programmed hate for the German people’. But as an old proverb says: “Everyone plows as they can, said an ox to a man”.

    And BTW – again you memory problems – I never said what is the best killing machine.

    And I already posted blueprint of homicidal gas chamber, but I know you have memory problems, so let me remind you, it is here:

    BTW – if you didn’t know it, the gas chamber was any room with strong walls and a hole in the ceiling through which Zyklon B was thrown.

    Also – according to Academia towards the end of World War II Heinrich Himmler issued an order to stop gassing Jews, the crematoria to be destroyed at Auschwitz and its 51 sub-camps3.

    But how do you explain this huge conspiracy – thousands of people, including Nazis who served in concentration camps admit that Germans murdered Jews and not only Jews in the gas chambers?

    And what about ‘Aktion T4’ it is also conspiracy or Germans murdered mentally sick people in gas chambers using monoxide gas?
    Death and bigfella like this.
  3. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The very first thing I said in my earlier comment to you was:

    "You could save a lot of dishonest, snarky and sarcastic verbiage if you would discuss the topic at hand and quit taunting me with puerile lies about what I've written about my military service, carrying dead bodies and bags of concrete etc."

    Unfortunately, your obsession with lying about what I have written about my military service is rivaled only by your compulsive reliance on slander and transparent off-topic evasions.

    Your blind regurgitations of mythical mass gassing operations is so out of touch with physical realities that it would be laughable if the topic were not so grim

    Finally, the most compelling argument against homicidal gas chambers is in what you won't and can't show:

    One, single photograph, blueprint, work order or maintenance request for just one of the hundreds of homicidal gas chambers needed to gas "millions of people".

    The delousing chamber you're trying to pass off as a homicidal gas chamber was not used to kill people. (1)

    Most people would wonder why there is no hard evidence for homicidal gas chambers in the German run work camps but it takes a special form of gullibility to believe homicidal gas chamber fables.

    Gena Turgel says she was being pushed out of the gas chamber yet you say she would have been pushed in......?

    "The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax"

    EXCRPT “A modern documentary highlighting some of the impossibilities and fabrications involved in the "Holocaust" propaganda mythology. A particular focus in this film are the infamous tales of the "Treblika Death Factory" train station located in Poland. Photographs, documents, and plentiful videotaped 'eyewitness accounts' direct from the Shoah Foundation library are used to make the case.” CONTINUED

    “Dozens & Dozens of the Most Outrageous Tales of the Holocaust”
    • Moshe Peer's astounding Holy Shoah tale - Gassed six times by the Nazis and survived!! - Claims people were murdered in gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen" CONTINUED

    (1). "Auschwitz Expert: Blueprints Found in Berlin Not of Death Camp"

    EXCERPT "Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on the planning and construction of Auschwitz,

    Van Pelt, an architectural historian, said that copies of the plans of the stages of the camp's construction were also in the archive of the Polish National Museum at Auschwitz and in an archive in Moscow.

    Van Pelt said he also doubted the authenticity of the signature of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, since such a high-ranking officer would not have signed such plans, and none of the copies he had ever seen bore such a signature.

    Van Pelt also said the words "gas chamber" on one of the drawings meant a room in which disinfection of clothing was done by means of gas, and that the sketch is not of an extermination camp established in 1942, but rather of earlier plans for a huge concentration camp in which a force of 130,000 slave laborers was intended to work.

    Van Pelt suggested the plans might be fakes, motivated by the lucrative market in Nazi memorabilia and documents."CONTINUED
    Bob Newhart likes this.
  4. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    This Thread has wondered all about except the Title

    Time to close Holocaust Deniers this portal !

    Close This Thread !
  5. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    As I said multiple times – you are not lying, you only have memory problems.
    To remind you, this is what you said about your military service:

    Before that, my last military assignment required Top Secret clearance and was with an Airborne, rapid deployment unit whose sole function was to help defend Israel in the event of hostilities.

    And this was my answer:

    If there are tens of thousands soldiers in this unit, for sure there must be information about this unit, so I asked 4 different AI this question:

    "Is there US airborne rapid deployment unit whose sole function is to help defend Israel?"

    And here are answers:

    Gemini AI:
    No, the United States doesn't have a dedicated airborne rapid deployment unit solely for Israel's defense. ..

    Mistral AI:
    No, there is no specific U.S. airborne rapid deployment unit whose sole function is to defend Israel...

    chatGPT AI:
    There isn't a specific US airborne rapid deployment unit solely dedicated to defending Israel…

    Claude AI:
    There is no dedicated U.S. airborne rapid deployment unit whose sole function is to help defend Israel…

    You are not lying telling that I didn’t show a blueprint of a gas chamber, you only forgot that I did multiple times.

    You didn’t answer my question about Aktion T4 – only because you forgot.

    You didn’t answer my question ‘But how do you explain this huge conspiracy – thousands of people, including Nazis who served in concentration camps admit that Germans murdered Jews and not only Jews in the gas chambers?’ – only because you forgot.

    You didn’t answer my question ‘What kind of text you expect to find in radio communication which proves Germans gassed Jews?” - ’ – only because you forgot.

    So for me it is obvious you don’t want any sincere discussion, you just want to spread negative information about Jews and Israel, by posting non existing links or fake quotes from books which I showed you few times, but you are doing this not because you hate Jews – you are doing this only because you have memory problems.

    It is OK – you are not the first who is doing it, we Jews got used to people like you, our response is humor, and I found it extremely funny that my true information about what you wrote ‘Top Secret clearance and being with an Airborne, rapid deployment unit whose sole function was to help defend Israel” you consider “dishonest, snarky and sarcastic verbiage”.

    BTW – here is good line about Jews you can spread:

    And even you have a memory problems – I love to remind you what you forget.

    De nada!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
    Death likes this.
  6. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Dude, using Zyklon for killing lice was literally more dangerous than using it to kill humans. You have no idea what the **** you are talking about. It takes HIGHER concentrations of Zyklon B to kill lice than it does to kill humans. You've been educated about this before. But one day you will explain why a delousing chamber needs a door that locks from the outside, can't be opened from the inside, and has a peep hole . . . with caging . . . one day you will be explain that. I'm still clicking my ruby slippers and waiting. But, hey, we get it. Jews bad.
    Death likes this.
  7. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    The Soviets might have modified things for propaganda purposes.

    I'm sure the Nazis were responsible for many massacres. But the Soviets wanted to make it obvious that they were and needed visual aides to communicate that message to the people.

    This was also a prison camp, we have to remember, and these prisoners were not treated with the most respect or decency. So it's also possible they simply felt no need to install a lock on the inside.
    The door might not have been locked while people were inside. But even if it was, that still does not prove it was designed to kill people.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  8. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Nothing the Soviets did has anything to do with anything I've stated. There is no need to keep protecting the Nazis.
  9. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Why don't you be clear about what you are saying?
  10. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Close This Thread

    to further inane tit/tat comments
    not in within the PF Rules

    Yes The NAZI nation did!

    Where is there any confusion or debate?
    in this thread?

    While you think as if where,
    did this
    NAZI nation acquirer the funds (money, funds, etc.
    Go Figure I Have
    Deeded Land
    Personal wealth
    All Absorbed By Hitler et al

    And thus financing German War machines

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Anyone who has done even casual research knows that the Soviets made significant "alterations" for propaganda purposes that appear to have worked wonderfully for gullible rubes who believe anything and everything poured into their head by MSM.

    The Soviets even got German POWs to build a fake homicidal gas chamber AFTER the war to help perpetuate the homicidal gas chamber myth:

    "NKVD Forced German POWs to Build Fake Gas Chambers AFTER the War !"

    EXCERPT "As a young officer, Gerhart Schirmer was captured in 1945 by the Russians and held in Sachsenhausen which the Russians continued to use as a prison. Although the War and Nazism were over, Schirmer and a few fellow-prisoners were forced to construct a gas chamber and execution room, to show the world what the Nazis had done. He described his experiences in a booklet entitled 'Sachsenhausen - Workuta, Zehn Jahre in den Fängen der Sowjets' (Grabert Verlag, Tübingen, 1992).

    When 'certain groups' drew the attention of the authorities to the booklet's contents, it was seized and banned in Germany. This is described by Schirmer below (my translation). I understand Schirmer was given the choice of a fine or prison and he chose the fine because, being over ninety, he did not relish spending his last few years behind bars, especially as he had already spent eleven years of his life in prison." CONTINUED
    Bob Newhart likes this.
  12. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Nobody is "protecting the Nazis" for the simple reason that there are no more Nazis to protect.

    The only things that need "protection" from open and honest debate are lies and people who tell them.

    That's why the Holocaust exaggerations can't withstand honest debate and objective examination.

    The only people paying for Holocaust Industry fraudulence (1), (2) are people who were not even alive during WW 2.


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
    Bob Newhart likes this.
  13. Jakob

    Jakob Newly Registered

    Jan 2, 2024
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    I don't know what you whining? The Nazis had been proud (!!) of what they did and their brown descencents are chanting of the "barbecue in Auschwitz" (I'm almost vomiting wrinting this), when they are amoung themselves..
  14. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    No one is claiming that the Holocaust didn't happen.

    The only people engaging in slander, off-topic slurs and outright falsehoods are the same people who are peddling profitable lies about homicidal "vaporizers", human skin lampshades", "human fat soap" and homicidal steam, electrocution and gas chambers"

    The most compelling proof that the standard Holocaust narrative is fictitious is the fact that it needs totalitarian censorship laws to protect it from honest debate and open examination.

    What other topics of discussion do you want censored?
    Scott likes this.
  15. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Like most people with no military service you seem obsessed and confused about mine.

    Start a thread if you must but this thread is about fictional homicidal gas chambers so get on topic or go away.
  16. Jakob

    Jakob Newly Registered

    Jan 2, 2024
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    Are you that stupid or do you wanna look that stupid. I'm German, some of my ancestors had been Nazis, some of them were still living when I was young. If you have any questions, don't hesitate.

    Perhaps we start best with Aktion T4, the mass killing of disabled children, as the blueprint of what later got industrialized. That's okay for you?
  17. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    You convinced me – now I believe that you “served with an Airborne, rapid deployment unit whose sole function was to help defend Israel in the event of hostilities” and AI is controlled by Zionist, and this is the reason they lied to me:

    Gemini AI:
    No, the United States doesn't have a dedicated airborne rapid deployment unit solely for Israel's defense. ..

    Mistral AI:
    No, there is no specific U.S. airborne rapid deployment unit whose sole function is to defend Israel...

    chatGPT AI:
    There isn't a specific US airborne rapid deployment unit solely dedicated to defending Israel…

    Claude AI:
    There is no dedicated U.S. airborne rapid deployment unit whose sole function is to help defend Israel…

    And the best evidence that I never served in any military is the fact that I don’t understand that if German gassed Jews, for sure they would use radio communication to send message like: “Today in special gas chambers we gassed 8000 Jews”.

    Please write more, it is a pleasure to learn from you. My guess is that you teach not in Academia, which is nothing more than the worst of Groupthink, that "Academia" mentality tortured people who didn't believe that the earth was the center of our solar system, but probably in respected institute like The Institute for History Review.

    And I understand why you constantly ask for gas chamber blueprint, even after multiple times I showed to you - I have memory problems too. For example yesterday I forgot to take shampoo to the swimming pool.
    Death likes this.
  18. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I'm not too stupid to know that this thread is about homicidal gas chambers and not "Aktion T4".

    Try again without the snarky bravado.
  19. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  20. Jakob

    Jakob Newly Registered

    Jan 2, 2024
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  21. Jakob

    Jakob Newly Registered

    Jan 2, 2024
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    Well, I offered you to learn. You don't know German, but you need it to read what the Nazis undertook to murder helpless people in an industrial scale. And if you want to discuss the history of gas chambers you have to start with Aktion T4. Your beloved Nazis took disabled persons to test different technical "solutions". And just as Prussian bureaucracy demanded, your heroes documented it, and they documented it well. So sit down, and learn.
  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I'm always eager to learn but I'm not likely to learn anything new from arrogant and snarky Holocaustians.

    My family came from just North of Dresden and I lived, studied and worked in Germany (then West Germany) over fifty years ago where we had to be fluent to attend the university (Albert - Ludwig University).

    During that time, I got to know, work and live with Holocaust survivors, former Waffen SS officers, war widows, Russian POWs, Allied Veterans and others who were willing to be more candid with another combat Veteran.

    I've already read many of the salient speeches and documents in the original German and noticed how many English translations are fakes or deliberately misleading and distorted to further deceive gullible younger readers.

    If the Germans really " documented it well", where are all the blueprints, photographs, work orders and maintenance requests for the hundreds of homicidal gas chambers needed to kill "millions of people"?
  23. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Ever tried complete sentences?

    Unlike other threads which have gone off the rails, this thread has stayed on topic primarily thanks to the @Grau who has done an incredible job of being civil in this discussion.

    You disagree with the official narrative of the holocaust!

    Your estimate of the number gassed is actually further from the official number than mine.

    So why do you deny the official account of the Holocaust?

    This is why people need to seriously discuss and study this - if for no other reason than to allow those who supposedly support the Holocaust narrative to get their "facts" straight.
    Grau likes this.
  24. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    At the top of the thread, you have already admitted you know nothing about the Holocaust.

    So, why are you claiming "to learn" (sic.) us stuff?

    Yes, I'd like to learn what you know. Start with answering the simple question above.
    Grau likes this.
  25. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    This is an incredibly stupid thing to do.

    Grau likes this.

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