So you agree that 9/11 and the ensuing coverup were conspiracies then. Thanks, many deny it despite the definition.
I agree. And also educating me on some fine details I haven't come across before. I appreciate that. That's a major reason why I join these forums, to share information about 9/11.
No, I'm pointing the stupidy that you truthers only look at one aspect of somthing and say the gov't was behind it.
Once you start a post with "you truthers" you lose all credibility because you fail to address the facts and instead invoke the usual boogieman that trolls always inject into every post when they have nothing intelligent to offer as a response. By your diversion, are you now saying 9/11 was not a conspiracy?
The facts contradict your claim: No, I understand the facts and the history. Real investigations consist of universally accepted investigative/scientific/forensic protocols. Coverups bypass all of that and cannot be considered investigations, they can be considered frauds and in this case, since it's 9/11 we're talking about, criminal frauds.
No I said there is no official government conspiracy theory and there is NOT. The 19 hijackers are fact. They hijacked aircraft and crashed into the WTC and the pentagon is fact. Conspiracies happen all the time and can be easily proven. Conspiracy theory is something only tin foil nutjobs like you believe in and you have no evidence to support them
You exposed nothing and it is you proven to be lying. It is strictly people like you spouting about conspiracy theories. What the government did was prove a conspiracy with evidence.
LIE #1: LIE #2: LIE #3: LIE #4: LIE #5: LIE #6: PROVE IT, YOU CANT LIE #7: LIE #8: LIE #9: you are 9 for 9 keep up the good work!
I stated fact not lies. You are stating the lies. There is no official conspiracy THEORY it is fact that there was a conspiracy involving 19 hijackers. It is you presenting theory without evidence and lying about it
he was 'told' it was a real investigation by fellow zionist posers so it must be a real invvestigation after all posers would never lie!!! .
LIE#10, 11, 12, 13: You have not posted one lousy fact just the **** you keep throwing at the wall hoping to get something to stick.
Are you kidding? George Bush and his people knew before the day was done who the players were and what they did. Why investigate when he already knew the answers, even though they did not have a clue the day before. LOL The Jersey Girls are what caused Bush to finally investigate by way of the 911 Commission, and that took almost 2 years, and turned out to be a complete sham, as noted by numerous members of the commission.
LOL credibility. You're the ones who can't provide evidecne that is been refsued by people who know what they hell they're talking about. They focuss on one aspect of 9/11, , ignore the rest of it and claim it's a conspiracy by the gov't.
That is a lie from you. I have stated facts and everyone knows you are lying to call them lies. You cannot refute them and destroy your idiotic claims and that is fact
I am not "the ones", I'm Bob. Much of the evidence I post comes directly from the US government (NIST and their reports, the 9/11 Commission and their report, etc.). Who would those people be that "know what they're talking about" and refuse what evidence that can't be provided (that makes no sense as written)? You? Who are they, what one aspect of 9/11 do "they" focus on and what do they ignore and why should that be important to me?
I guess you're prone to posting irrelevant gibberish so it's no wonder you bought the whole kitchen sink you were fed. Not a problem son, this discussion wasn't going anywhere anyway. Like I said, no credibility.
One more glaring question about 911...why was Gen Myers promoted after 9/11 by Bush???? If you believe the government he was promoted because of his failures on 9/11...hmmm...or was he promoted because he went along with the government's inside job and let it happen??...I think this is it..