People live in a world of meaning, not a world of facts. So the framing of the facts is what matters.
Contrast the emotions produced by the way two events were expressed. The US attack on Baghdad called 'Shock and Awe' impressed the world with American might and generated a new respect for our country. In contrast, the military move made by Russia on Feb 24th to protect Donbas was regarded as timid, indecisive and badly organized. Yet somehow in the Feb 24th speech Pres. Biden described the advance of Russian forces into Donbas, to protect Donbas against shelling, as 'brutal'. So the Russians were described as both 'timid' and 'brutal'.
The terminology used often determines the meaning a phrase carries. If we used the more accurate term: weapons makers, it would be evident the weapons industry profited from war. But calling the same industry the 'defense industry' obscures that meaning completely.
first we protect donbas, then we protect lithuania ........ the boundaries settled peacefully with the fragmentation of the ussr may need a little adjustment, but would not negotiation be a more appropriate 21st century approach? "in order to liberate the village we must destroy it."
Yes, language is important to propagandists. Orwell noted that a century ago: "First, corrupt the language, and what follows naturally is the corruption of thought processes." It's no wonder so many Americans are incapable of critical thought. They've been conditioned to believe that a toxic experimental shot is medicine, and that perpetual wars and military aggression is peace.
The West refused to hear the need for Russia to enter Donbas to protect the population. The population will tell you, but instead the west talks of a 'brutal attack' for which there is zero evidence.
Just as Russia/Ussr has had to send troops into other nations "to protect " the populations of Hungary, Chechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Chechnia, Moldovia, Georgia, and Crimea.
Excellent points by the OP. Some people make their living by words. I'm reminded of the media and government who referred to the American Indian as "Savages" when they wanted people to hate the Indians. I saw a quote that gave me a chuckle. The quote is by Sharyl Attkisson, a good conservative investigative reporter . . . '''It bugs me a little when the news says, "Police have no motive..." Of course the police don't have a motive; they didn't commit the crime. I think what the reporters mean is, "Police don't know the motive." Who's with me on this?"
Hungary 1956 Czchechoslovakia 1968 Chechnya 1979 Alfghanistan 1980's Georgia Republic 2008 Crimea 2014 Ukraine 2022 No, I think there is apattern here.
This is just the beginning of the discussion of the details. No question that the USSR violated Hungary and Czchechoslovakia and Afghanistan, but there is evidence of US and Israeli meddling in Georgia. Crimea has been Russian since before the US was born, ditto Ukraine.
According to a treaties signed by Russia Georgia, Crimea and the Ukraine were all free entities outside the territory of Russia. Did Russia change it's mind about those treaties they signed? Did the countries they entered give them permission to do so? Did those countries threaten or attack Russia? Are they fighting on Russian soil? Does international law recognize any of those areas as part of Russia?
I would like to ask you if you read anything besides mainstream media, but I suspect you do, based on your posts here. Did the US change its mind about promises made by James Baker and others all those years ago, or were the Russians just as dumb as the Native American tribes were in believing the government in Washington? Being a well informed individual, I presume you are aware of the language spoken in the Donbass. I also presume you are aware of the history of those regions going back to 1750 or so. I also presume you understand that the world is full of shades of gray. Happy Thanksgiving.
Oh the Russians are not dumb. Promises by a politician are not nearly as binding as treaties. Do you care to answer any of the questions I posed? thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes.
But the US did not annex them unless you count the South Korean request for US support against hostile neighbors.
Korea - couldn't win, forced a truce by threatening with nuclear weapons Vietnam - lost Afghanistan - lost Iraq - made a big mess and killed a lot of people Libya - made it a worse country Syria - killing lots of people Ukraine - shipped millions of dollars of weapons, got nowhere that's a pattern
Any of those descriptors that don't fit the Russian list? Any of those descriptiors that don't fit the current Russian military operations. Is what Russia is currently doing, remember they were the ones that went into the Ukraine, making things better in the Ukraine. You know it is considered a weak argument when you say something to the effect Group A is bad, therefore group B should be allowed to be bad.
Yes, perfect example of "How Propaganda Works". Invasion of Ukraine described as "the military move made by Russia on Feb 24th to protect Donbas". It convinced me, Russia did not invade Ukraine, Russia did not bomb hospitals, civilian apartments, schools, kindergartens, Russia made the military move protect Donbas!
Exactly! Zelensky is dumb and Putin is smart, for the last 10 month Russia is winning, winning and winning and Ukraine is losing, losing and losing. This is how propaganda works!