How Romney truly ran Mass.

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by MnBillyBoy, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Think of it as you read the article.
    Ever wonder why the establishment doesn't want Romney to win ?
    Or why Newt the party animal is suddenly the media darling ?
    In these days where every family has had to pull back on expenditures Washington still carries on with lavish occasions where your tax dollars are spent on booze for the crazed reporters..the social moguls and the elites.
    A small look into the world of MITT might reveal what really happens in the Mormon mansion.


    a small tidbit..

    You're wondering what, by rejecting Democrat Shannon O'Brien and her unbecoming candidacy, we've just bought into. Why a guy like Mitt Romney, endowed with movie-star looks and international celebrity as the savior of the 2002 Winter Olympics, even wants the job of salvaging our broken-down heap of a state from the junkyard of fiscal collapse. How on earth a Republican multimillionaire venture capitalist, called "the face of corporate greed" by O'Brien during the campaign, will stay in public favor as he makes painful cuts in government services in the months ahead. And you wonder: Can a Mormon from the Midwest with impeccable manners and an aversion to cursing, drinking, smoking, and excessive consumption of red meat ever truly fit into our foul-mouthed, hard-boozing, chain-smoking, carnivorous corner of paradise?

    Which leads to the most pressing question of all as you're ushered into the sprawling kitchen/family room of the Romneys' Belmont home: Can a decidedly nonteetotaling non-Mormon get a before-dinner drink around here?

  2. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Why do you keep bringing up the fact that he is a Mormon into the conversation concerning Romney at all times? No one else in the Elections/Campaigns has done so once except for you... Honestly no one cares what his Religion is because they're all focused on his stances that he flip flopped on when he was trying for the Nomination in 06-08. Romney simply isn't trustworthy at all and a lot of people see that.
  3. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    That's Bs and you know it.
    I posted a positive experience that a REPORTER found about the so called dreaded Mormon leadership style.
    It WAS a issue when he ran for governor in Mass. AND in 08 when he ran for President and
    It is mentioned every night on almost every talking head show..the underlying thread that keeps Romney from destroying this idiotic field of non his faith.
    Why do we need the anti - Romney ?
    Gee connect the dots..

    So the opposition uses flips on issues while not focusing on the positives of his brilliant career .
    They didn't focus on Obama's flip flops did they ?
    The ones made just 4 years ago..
    Or on Newts ..made just 2 months ago..or on Perry's flops and corruption..
    It was all about Perry's Image.
    Same with MB ..all woman..
    Cain..Mr. smiling face and 9.9.9.

    Let's not mention the positives will you ?
    The fact that Romney has more of them..compared to any of his so- called flips.
    Stay focused on the negatives.
    YOU MUST BE A PEPSI guy. ( try reading the link..2 minutes)
  4. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    For further thought..

    REMOVE ROMNEY FROM THIS if he never existed..
    Think for a second..

    yep..Obama gets reelected.
  5. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    I'm inclined to agree....besides.....Romney has shown no history of actualy bringing his religion into his legislations. Does he talk about God?....sure...which righty doesn't these days. In fact, if you're a Democrat, you can outrage people if you don't mention God, in say...Thanksgiving addresses, but I think Romney would work twice as hard to portray his religion as secondary to his political decisions....JMO
  6. camp_steveo

    camp_steveo Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I tried and got bored quickly, which aside from corporatism is Romney's biggest problem.

    Obama will most likely win against Romney.
  7. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    ahh another Pepsi guy..

    We have Romney portrayed as boring..yep..
    He doesn't lie ..cheat ..steal..or have corruption surrounding him.Pretty boring.
    We have someone saying he cant be in what ?
    His faith..his family life?
    Just compare that with Newt and Cain..then get back to me about trust.

    The 2 minute boring article is about FAMILY VALUES .. something most conservatives feel has been neglected for far too long.
    Romney is about family..yes that might be boring to many..but it might be the foundation everyone says Romney doesn't HAVE ?
    You know ..the attack Romney on issues people..who are are really against Mormons yet use that issue deal like the birthers used it instead of RACE against Obama.

    That worked well for the Birthers right ?
    and the guy who wanted to run for President ..some Trump clown.

    Negative attacks will not work..
    so who has More positives ?
    The family guy.. the one who puts family first.
    and for the record..I like boring..When you never hear an offensive linemans name get mentioned during a foot ball game and your team wasn't boring.
    It was winning.
    WE need A boring winning economy and government now..not later.
    The blame game has ended.
    Bush has left the building.
  8. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    You know what the potential problem is here..........the GOP primaries might be won by someone who is least likely to appeal to independent and lefty general election voters.

    Far righties decide who is the candidate, and whomever that is....will have to slide center right to have a chance of winning against Obama.

    Most righties either deny it, or can't imgaine it, based on how they've been told Obama is a communist.....but Obama has slid as far as you can to the center, without actualy creating the prospect that far lefties might vote for anyone but him.

    The fact doesn't matter which Republican is nominated...that 40% of Republicans that comprise "the base", would vote for Satan himself instead of Obama. Just like far leftes would in the reverse.

    But in the general.......Obama really won't have to flip flop.....either Newt or Romney will change have to change thier spots. Newt will try to get Hispanic votes by repeating his spiel about long term illegals, and Romney...that possibility is wide open given his past.

    It's gonna be fun watching righties defend the flip flops when that all happens.....good times ahead indeed!
  9. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Why should I mention the positives when there are so many Negatives that really drown out his potential? He is a typical Rallier of the "Anti-Jihadist" movement back in 07-08 during his Election Season which was clear Warmongering continuation, he is a Corporatist with his stances towards Corporate Welfare/Benefits while considering them to be "People", doesn't change much in the terms of actual change considering he is only cutting a small portion of the budget, his flip flops on issues/pandering to an audience proves he is willing to talk the talk just as long as it works and he has no idea as to what the President has the Authority to do nor does he have any foreign Policy knowledge at all. Thinking a Businessman stepping into the Oval Office is going to change much with a record like his is expecting Obama is going to change something if he gets reelected.
  10. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Of course that is just your conjecture at this time..
    He didn't do any of those evil things as governor..and he took that wrecked states budget..balanced it and left several million dollars in surplus when he left.
    He didn't get surrounded with evil business dealings ..payoffs as in corruption.. didn't raise taxes..
    He didn't flip on gun control..
    He vetoed the morning after pill for teens without parent notification..he did get that state to crack down on illegal immigration USING THE STATE police force.
    He did cut and reduce Mass. government to help balance that budget without raising those taxes..
    all while working with bi partisan support with open debate.
    Oh and he did get Universal health care passed in just 4 years.
    all without backroom ..closed doors.

    I put all his saving the winter Olympics and his Bain experience against any thing (negatives) you can drum up..

    of Course the polls have Romney beating Obama by 10 as well.
    No wonder the TV guys are suddenly wanting Newt.
  11. camp_steveo

    camp_steveo Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I am glad Romney has good family values, but I am talking about him v Obama.

    I just don't see it.
  12. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Can you hear the hushed mouth campaign against Newt by the Obama war machine...The Republicans destroyed a black guy ( Cain ) over extra marital affairs yet nominated a white guy who did far worse.
    Can they use that against Romney ?
    I think not..then the flipper issue..Romney V.Obama.
    Which guys policies actually worked..including his health care deal...and without raising taxes..and without class warfare.. ??

    Which guy reeks with corruption. Chicago style for play ?
    Obama of course..
    Romney has been vetted twice..he has none.

    No surprises with Romney..did we get exciting surprises with Obama ?
    I'll take boring..Thank you.

    oh... is the world a safer place than it was 4 years ago ?
    End of debate.
  13. camp_steveo

    camp_steveo Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    113 wish
  14. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Are you safer today than 4 years ago ?
    Are you better off today with your financial health than 4 years ago ?
    Is the world a better place because of non military expansion and diplomacy than 4 years ago ?
    Are you paying less for fuel and groceries than 4 years ago ?
    Is the nations national checkbook better off than 4 years ago ?
    Is our education better off than 4 years ago ?
    is the unemployment better off than 4 years ago ?

    For the true believers..
    Is union membership better off than 4 years ago ?
    Is the total # of people living on welfare and food stamps better off than 4 years ago?
    Is Gitmo closed ?
    Is Iraq and Afghanistan or MEXICO better off than 4 years ago ?
    Did your health care insurance go down ?
    Did you get full coverage ?
    Did student loans get cheaper ?
    Did your electric car arrive under the HOLIDAY TREE ?

    Romney V. Obama ?

    heck..golly jeee..most of us could defeat Obama...:)
  15. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Since he did so "well" in Massachusetts we should forget his Social and Economic Ideology? I will not but, it appears you either don't care because you like his past/present/future policies whichever they may be or don't care that he flip flops. You call the supporters of Ron Paul potheads and nutjobs yet, we're not following someone who is a consistent liar. But this discussion isn't going to go anywhere considering you're blind to his negatives and never truly try to explain them thoroughly.
  16. leftlegmoderate

    leftlegmoderate New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    What do you think of Romney's flip flops? Granted, I'd still rather have Romney than Obama... but man...

    [ame=""]Mitt Romney Flip Flops | Mitt Romney abortion | Mitt Romney global warming | Mitt Romney Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
  17. camp_steveo

    camp_steveo Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I wouldn't be so sure.

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