How The Wuhan Virus (in a matter of weeks) Is Accomplishing The Green New Deal’s Goals...

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Sahba*, Mar 13, 2020.

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  1. Sahba*

    Sahba* Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2019
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    Coronavirus is a glimpse of the long-term pain a Green New Deal and environmental radicalism would inflict on America. And besides, grandma would die eventually anyway.

    The "utopianistic" / partisanly progressive tenets of Globalism & 'warmist-centric' idealism are expeditiously coming into focus here with the inherent implications of this pandemic response. For some, the culling off of the old, weak & infirm is somewhat of a necessary evil; the carbon byproducts of a thriving infrastructure & chugging economy being ground to a halt - tis but sweet music in their ears... (eat your hearts out @The Bilderberg Group, Soros et al.)

    Coronavirus is accomplishing in a matter of weeks what Democrats’ Green New Deal could only hope to do. Crushing capitalism, putting the oil and gas industry into panic, ending travel, and controlling population would all be deliberate consequences of the radical Green New Deal. So its supporters—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Bernie Sanders, billionaire and former presidential candidate Tom Steyer, and myriad eco-leftists—should be mildly, if not outwardly, pleased.

    Don’t come to their defense, with claims like, “The Green New Deal is meant to help the environment and battle climate change!” Listen, I don’t make value judgements on intentionality, Kant. So, don’t @ me with what the Green New Deal was “meant” to do. Let’s talk like grownups about what it would actually do.

    So once again coronavirus is accomplishing the same ends as the Green New Deal. And it didn’t even need a vote in Congress. It’s as powerful as Barack Obama’s pen.

    But deep down inside, in a warped sense of justice where math, economics, physics, and logic have no home, the greens will rejoice. Earth is more important than its inhabitants. And people are a disease.

    Fewer gigatons of something are being released. Fewer engines are combusting. Fewer factories are manufacturing. Fewer people are working. And that is the goal of the Green New Deal, whatever they claim as their intention.

    Coronavirus is a glimpse of the long-term pain a Green New Deal and environmental radicalism would inflict on America. And besides, grandma would die eventually anyway.

    I for one, will ardently strive toward the furtherance of US Nationalism, Economic growth through industry, Sanctity of all life; I will not be bowing down to the alter of Globalism / 'Greenism' - & I'll do all this while being a pragmatic conservationist! (the ideological precipice is upon us & the choice is stark come Nov.)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
  2. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    It takes time of course, but pandemic liberalism always eventually heavily damages whatever it infects.
    Dispondent and Sahba* like this.
  3. Sahba*

    Sahba* Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2019
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  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Cortez strikes again!

    The Democrats Want You to Be Out of Work.

    “AOC is so devoted to the commie common good that she wants some of the only people in America who are guaranteed work to voluntarily give that work up for some union talking point.”
    The Practiced Commie Fake Smile

    She's the Worst

    Many people are being called upon to deal with more than the rest of us during these plague quarantine times. Health professionals pop into mind first for most people, obviously.

    But what of those people who are making this isolation easier for us? The people who are delivering groceries, medicine, and, yes, booze to those of use hunkering down in isolation?

    These are people who are blessed with work during uncertain employment times but are faced with a most daunting task: dealing with the public while we are all supposed to be avoiding each other.

    Obviously, we should be thinking of ways to help all of us be safe. Extra thought should be given to those who are exposing themselves to potential danger on a daily basis. This is a sensible approach.

    Enter one Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

    Just when you think the ditzy bartender can’t be a bigger threat to the common good, she ups her game:

    This woman, and her commie union organizer ilk, are the last things a country in crisis needs. She’s a vile, self-serving leftist operative who seeks to unravel the fabric of the Republic to achieve her leftist goals.

    Don’t let her win.

    Probably Longer Than You Want It To

    CNN Politics


    How long will President Trump's poll surge last? | Analysis by CNN's Chris Cillizza


    10:31 PM - Mar 30, 2020
    Professor Peabody and Sahba* like this.
  5. Jkca1

    Jkca1 Active Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    US Nationalism died during the Vietnam war. It's not coming back. To be a "nationalist" you have to believe in your "leaders", and nobody is naive enough to do that, are they?
  6. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Soylent Green.

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