How to win the culture war

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Moolk, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    So today I saw an MSNBC personality turn into a right winger without realizing it. He went on a tangent about how Elon Musk buying twitter can affect election turnout, banning of politicians and the possibility of creating a bubble. Astounding the lack of self awareness this leftie had imo but it served to reinforce a phenomena that’s been occurring quite often over the years.

    The left often times doesn’t really disagree with the right…they are often times just to emotional to realize it and just WANT to disagree.

    Culture has been moving away from the left for a few years now and this is the first time in most of our lifetime that this has occurred. With the reality that free speech is coming to the virtual town hall the left realizes it’s days are numbered as the radical party they have become as the reality is the more free speech, the more right wing a platform becomes as the lefts ideologies and narratives don’t hold up to a free and open debate. Ironically it used to be quite the opposite but this is the case today.

    I mention the msnbc personality above, because overnight he has now gone from denying the issue in the first place, to sounding like Ben Shapiro years ago speaking about the issues twitter has lol. And more lefties are following that lead. Just like that, the left has already become more moderate on this issue of the virtual town hall. Hell they’re talking about anti trust laws and whatnot targeting social media that the right has been considering for years lol. Just like that.

    I believe this is how the culture war is won, remove their tyrannical capability utilizing the free market and capitalism(even if it is slow to correct course), encourage free speech, and sit back and watch as the left keeps their name…but completely changed in ideology.

    I predict an abundance of issues to follow in similar to the above example. From defunding the police, to “only white people can be racist”, to the false notion of whites privilege, capitalism vs socialism, etc…watch as the left switches positions over the next few years all while pretending they never changed at all.

    We will never have our righteous celebratory moment of victory in this culture war…instead it will be a slow and gradual, free speech driven, change of the Overton window and culture across the board.

    Way to go America. Free speech is the ally to the righteous.
  2. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    The problem is that you are trying to put everyone into little boxes. It's lazy. Very few people live in just one simple defined box of political thought.
    There were also people to the left of you who supported some ideals you would consider "right". And there have been numerous swings - hell, Richard
    Nixon brought the EPA into existence. So what you seeing isn't some kind of sea change - it's just different people giving voice to their concerns.
  3. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I’m not being lazy at all, I’d assert your argument is as the whole “both sides” argument is lazy. There are varying degrees of participation in any ideology on either side but it’s very clear it’s not even close to equal on each side. In my example for instance there was a complete 180, and he isn’t alone.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2022

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